Archived Feeling really confused

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Oct 8, 2018
Has anyone else here ever been given, for lack of better words, the runaround, when it comes to promoting? I guess I don’t kiss the right ass. I’m told constantly that I’m the best in my department and I’ve been taking on tons of TL and Sr TL responsibilites. Yet every time I interview, I’m told not yet. I don’t get it.
I’ve been past on due to favoritism. I’ve been told same thing as you everyday of my life since I’ve started at target.
I’ve been past on due to favoritism. I’ve been told same thing as you everyday of my life since I’ve started at target.
I got passed on due to politics. Idk which is worse.
Have you asked why not yet
Every time I ask/say anything, i’m told “changes are coming soon” every. Single. Time.
I am about to graduate in the Spring. I wonder if they are making wait until then. But idk.
I got passed on due to politics. Idk which is worse.

Every time I ask/say anything, i’m told “changes are coming soon” every. Single. Time.
I am about to graduate in the Spring. I wonder if they are making wait until then. But idk.
Maybe the changes they are talking about have to do with store modernization and the fact that many stores are adding more TL positions? Could perfectly well be that they’re stringing you along tho
Maybe the changes they are talking about have to do with store modernization and the fact that many stores are adding more TL positions? Could perfectly well be that they’re stringing you along tho
It’s like they want me to quit. If that makes sense. I don’t understand it. It’s like they’re loading me up with tasks and workload and I keep exceeding expectations so they hand me even more instead of giving me what I feel like I’ve earned. All I want is a chance.
Has anyone else here ever been given, for lack of better words, the runaround, when it comes to promoting? I guess I don’t kiss the right ass. I’m told constantly that I’m the best in my department and I’ve been taking on tons of TL and Sr TL responsibilites. Yet every time I interview, I’m told not yet. I don’t get it.
I think you answered your own question.

ASANTS but YUP...for internal promotions its all about who you are friends with and who you kiss up to. Its been going on like this for at least the last 13 years.

Target up to 2005 focused on promoting from within and rewarding TMs. After that....Screwed-ville.
You might have to transfer to another store.
You may well be TL material but need to be assigned to a different store (there are a lot of rules about that). Your present store may want to keep you especially if you are doing tl work for tm pay. You may be a victim of your own work ethic and your management can’t or won’t advance you. Possible reasons.
You may well be TL material but need to be assigned to a different store (there are a lot of rules about that). Your present store may want to keep you especially if you are doing tl work for tm pay. You may be a victim of your own work ethic and your management can’t or won’t advance you. Possible reasons.
Seriously. It’s like they’re punishing me for being me too good. Because I put a whole department/team on my back. They would be screwed without me.
Lets get some background here. How long have you been with spot (approximately) and have you actually had interviews for open positions? If so how many TL positions have you applied for?
ASANTS, I went from a TM to TL without a transfer, even though I have heard that promotions/demotions usually require a move. It may depend on the needs of the store or decision of the STL. Over the years I have seen most moves/changes happen in the early spring around review time. Modernization rumors include many leadership Changes/restructuring of rolls happening in Feb 2019. I agree with other posters that have basically said don’t fix what ain’t broke - unfortunately for you, if you’re doing great as is, it behooves everyone to leave it that way. If things don’t change by February for you, they probably never will. I’m wondering if you have been passed over for open positions or have there just been no openings for you ? There is a TL head count, which tends to change each Feb/March.
Has anyone else here ever been given, for lack of better words, the runaround, when it comes to promoting? I guess I don’t kiss the right ass. I’m told constantly that I’m the best in my department and I’ve been taking on tons of TL and Sr TL responsibilites. Yet every time I interview, I’m told not yet. I don’t get it.
I got passed on due to politics. Idk which is worse.

Every time I ask/say anything, i’m told “changes are coming soon” every. Single. Time.
I am about to graduate in the Spring. I wonder if they are making wait until then. But idk.

Re-read your post and still thinking. ‘Loading you up’ may be testing to see what your capable of. AND keep in mind: most changes take time. Very few changes are made quickly unless there is an emergency. I wonder how long you have been waiting. I’d say; Be patient.
Lets get some background here. How long have you been with spot (approximately) and have you actually had interviews for open positions? If so how many TL positions have you applied for?
ASANTS, I went from a TM to TL without a transfer, even though I have heard that promotions/demotions usually require a move. It may depend on the needs of the store or decision of the STL. Over the years I have seen most moves/changes happen in the early spring around review time. Modernization rumors include many leadership Changes/restructuring of rolls happening in Feb 2019. I agree with other posters that have basically said don’t fix what ain’t broke - unfortunately for you, if you’re doing great as is, it behooves everyone to leave it that way. If things don’t change by February for you, they probably never will. I’m wondering if you have been passed over for open positions or have there just been no openings for you ? There is a TL head count, which tends to change each Feb/March.
Re-read your post and still thinking. ‘Loading you up’ may be testing to see what your capable of. AND keep in mind: most changes take time. Very few changes are made quickly unless there is an emergency. I wonder how long you have been waiting. I’d say; Be patient.
4 years. Been asking since late 2016 for development. Kept getting told to wait. Finally begged this past Spring when a TM who started with company in fall 2016 got put into development. I was signed off after 3 months. Then was told by my Sr tl that he wanted me to replace him. Sure enough that time came and I got no interview let alone the job. They said I wasn’t ready, but then let me interview for another Sr position to only tell me that I would be a better fit for the my srtl’s position that was just filled, and that i’m an automatic lock for the next one. Just seems like games are being played with me.
4 years. Been asking since late 2016 for development. Kept getting told to wait. Finally begged this past Spring when a TM who started with company in fall 2016 got put into development. I was signed off after 3 months. Then was told by my Sr tl that he wanted me to replace him. Sure enough that time came and I got no interview let alone the job. They said I wasn’t ready, but then let me interview for another Sr position to only tell me that I would be a better fit for the my srtl’s position that was just filled, and that i’m an automatic lock for the next one. Just seems like games are being played with me.
Sounds like the classic runaround to me. To be honest, being a TL at Spot is no bed of roses, pay is never equal to workload and no matter how long you are in position it never gets any better. If you want a career in management you would be better off going to another company that values its staff enough to at least be straight with you instead of giving you the runaround. Either way, good luck.
Sounds like the classic runaround to me. To be honest, being a TL at Spot is no bed of roses, pay is never equal to workload and no matter how long you are in position it never gets any better. If you want a career in management you would be better off going to another company that values its staff enough to at least be straight with you instead of giving you the runaround. Either way, good luck.
I make up for it by delegating most tasks to my team members (eg. collecting reshop, pushing checklane candies, filling endcaps,) and I am still respected and out perform most TLs in my store.

Just because I delegate a lot though doesn’t mean I would ever ask my team members to do something I wouldn’t do!

I am very very skilled at performance management and I think a lot of leaders fail to to do this part of their jobs and task way too much.

I do this so I can actually “manage” my team, be there for the guests 100%, and be able to hop on at guest service and always be available for back up there to get those lines down and assist with charge backs/defectives + keep the sales floor team in check by regularly calling out go backs.

I see GSTLs who are way too focused on tasking and whilst they are doing all the work their cashiers are all bunched up in the corner doing NOTHING.

And these are the GSTLs who were performanced out/termed at my store 🙂
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Tasking for TL pay is the best tasking, tho. Like when I see our STL cashiering on a lane. Why yes, I would cashier all day for 100,000 bucks a year, sign me tf up. TLs make what, 16+ bucks an hour? Roll up those sleeves and plow those fields with the commoners.
Tasking for TL pay is the best tasking, tho. Like when I see our STL cashiering on a lane. Why yes, I would cashier all day for 100,000 bucks a year, sign me tf up. TLs make what, 16+ bucks an hour? Roll up those sleeves and plow those fields with the commoners.
And tasking is totally fine and all, (not saying it’s not), but when it gets to the point where you’re tasking more than LEADING you start to pretty much just be an overpaid “Team Member”and not a “Team Leader” as you should be.

Which leads to you technically not doing your job🤷🏼‍♂️
You may well be TL material but need to be assigned to a different store (there are a lot of rules about that). Your present store may want to keep you especially if you are doing tl work for tm pay. You may be a victim of your own work ethic and your management can’t or won’t advance you. Possible reasons.
Therein lies the tale. You are too valuable to them where you are for them to promote you. Unfair and short-sighted, but true.
I can’t over this. I’m being held back because I’m too good. What amazing logic. Yet the minute I show a drop in production I’d be lectured and coached, etc.
And tasking is totally fine and all, (not saying it’s not), but when it gets to the point where you’re tasking more than LEADING you start to pretty much just be an overpaid “Team Member”and not a “Team Leader” as you should be.

Which leads to you technically not doing your job🤷🏼‍♂️
4 years. Been asking since late 2016 for development. Kept getting told to wait. Finally begged this past Spring when a TM who started with company in fall 2016 got put into development. I was signed off after 3 months. Then was told by my Sr tl that he wanted me to replace him. Sure enough that time came and I got no interview let alone the job. They said I wasn’t ready, but then let me interview for another Sr position to only tell me that I would be a better fit for the my srtl’s position that was just filled, and that i’m an automatic lock for the next one. Just seems like games are being played with me.
Have you had any actual interviews? From what I understand, if you want to be considered for a position, they have to atleast give you an interview. Have you had an interviews for positions you’ve shown interest in?
When I transferred to my last store, I was qualified for all of the Front End +FA + GSTL support. I put in numerous times for available positions. Pretty much externals or friends of leadership were pushed. When I requested to get more Floor experience, it took over a year. My leadership's statement. "With all the turnover for FA+Front End, you are too valuable to be taken away from the Front."
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When I transferred to my last store, I was qualified for all of the Front End +FA + GSTL support. I put numerous times for available positions. Pretty much externals or friends of leadership were pushed. When I requested to get more Floor experience, it took over a year. My leadership's statement. "With all the turnover for FA+Front End, you are too valuable to be taken away from the Front."
So basically i’m right. They’re holding me back simply because they don’t wanna deal with my section once I’m not there. Insulting.
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