Archived feels good to be back

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Senior Team Leader - Human Resources
Jun 22, 2011
and we're back!!!! Finally!

For those of you who remember me. I am formally know as "Dominicanboy27".

Welcome back to all those who were on the previous site.!
Welcome back to you also. Many have chosen to use other names for various reasons. There's a place on your profile to share your other name. I only joined shortly before it went down and didn't get much of a chance to get to know anyone. Happy posting!
I completely checked out of this site! Ahhhh! How has everyone been?!
Spot took us down again!? For what??

Softlines has finally come together! The relief, stress and feeling of accomplishment is overwhelming.
Its all about teach, train and develop and having the right person in the right place. Exactly what the Company says is exactly what it is, just takes time to instill into the team.

Phillip Lim was a success at my store! Got to purchase a pair of his mens leather sneakers.

I actually got a position brought to my attention...SrTL - GSTL at another store... I'd be going back to the front end but learning so much more. Just applied, so lets see how it goes. I actually have one more year to get my bachelors so great timing I think.

How is all with you?
We are hanging out here, as usual. To inform others on the latest changes with spot. I am glad you are back. I have missed you. Your posts were great ones, they had help others more than once..
Thanks! I'm glad to be back. I got a lot of my information and ideas from here that I was able to implement into my store and time to share what I've learned this past year with those who need help.

I love that the signature "Seasonal call button 2nd request, who is responding?" is still there. I cracked up every time I saw it!

Hopefully next stop Moderator! 😛
No mod for me. Other folks are much better than me. Do you have any great softlines ideas for fixtures? I need some help there.
LOL. Wait are you a SoftlinesMaster now? haha

What do you need help with? Storing them?
Welcome back to The Break Room! It's good to have you back.

Spot demanded that Formina Sage hand over the database, but our IPs and e-mail addresses were safe. In the meantime, they redirected our home page to Other than that, we've had a few trolls here and there and the spam filter banned me by mistake, but everything else has gone well around here.
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