Fired for red cards?

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I like the idea about a Redcard TV Spot, I think that would definitely sway people a bit more, especially if it was pitched as a way to save money for hard working families... Really though if Target followed JCP, their conversion would be through the roof. My Mom had worked at JCP temporarily a year or so back, and if you signed someone up for a JCP Credit Card, you got a $5 bonus into your paycheck for each one.

Sure it'd cost Target money, but it would also greatly increase incentive, and conversion would be through the roof! Also spot would make a return on the new interest/loyalties and would probably still greatly profit from it. Of course I know why they dont, Spot wants to just pocket ALL of the money, and make the cashiers do it for nothing. Also, since they've downsized 549 account (surprise surprise... more cuts), its not as easy to give recognition rewards any more. Although, with an incentive program that would effectively make 549 unnecessary.
Man don't even get me started on that. I've been threatened with "talking to's" more than once just during cashier shifts I've picked up, and I'm not even a cashier. Increasing the conversion rate standards at a time when a lot of consumers just took a pay cut was a good idea in theory, as it should be more appealing to them as a cost saving option, but in practice, they're so worried about being bamboozled after already taking a pay hit that the minute you bring it up, the answer is a resounding "NOPE!", and I've tried talking it up in multiple ways. I feel like this was just a really lame attempt to muster up brand loyalty, but they didn't fully commit, and now it's backfiring and they're blaming the lowest level employees. All of the red card signing doesn't effectively convey the message. Even the nifty red card shirts don't, and I was one of the people that thought they actually would, but 99% of guest don't even read those. What they ought to have done is run some PSA's on T.V., have the CEO explain he's committed to helping families save money in these hard times, and then briefly explain the red card concept. People seem to be increasingly resistant to the low level employees pushing for cards because they're going to assume we'll tell them whatever we think they want to hear just so we can get them to sign up. If they see it on T.V. though, from a higher level exec, they may be more open minded about it.

Lol you think greg actually gives a **** about the customers? Great joke.

******* line aside, that is a very good idea and an excellent point you make. Such would definently drive more money wise guests to apply for them.

I don't literally expect the CEO to do it, but some kind of Television advertising would really help us out. They probably blew their advertising budget on Pink's new CD though. :|
I'm a cashier at a very new store. I'm really consistent with red cards. I stick to one per shift and I always meet my goal. no I don't come in daily, my hours are modest at the moment. However there are days I get none and it sucks because you feel like you can't enjoy your job. The GSTL/GSA writes down the names of the cashiers who get them so I just find that being consistent helps them stay off your back and they have positive impressions about you. I've gotten compliments by the STL, ETL-GE, and last week the GSTL told me she requested that I not be placed in other work centers (didn't know that was possible). I suggest switching up your pitch or making it personal. Make it a conversation or something unexpected. I always straight up ask if they even know what it is and most people don't. Sometimes that alone leads to my goal of 1 redcard in a shift. Also try asking if they're getting 5% off. That usually peaks their interest and they'll say something like do I need to sign up for a credit card. You can say no and go into a pitch about the debit. I've had that work a few times.
I'm a cashier at a very new store. I'm really consistent with red cards. I stick to one per shift and I always meet my goal. no I don't come in daily, my hours are modest at the moment. However there are days I get none and it sucks because you feel like you can't enjoy your job. The GSTL/GSA writes down the names of the cashiers who get them so I just find that being consistent helps them stay off your back and they have positive impressions about you. I've gotten compliments by the STL, ETL-GE, and last week the GSTL told me she requested that I not be placed in other work centers (didn't know that was possible). I suggest switching up your pitch or making it personal. Make it a conversation or something unexpected. I always straight up ask if they even know what it is and most people don't. Sometimes that alone leads to my goal of 1 redcard in a shift. Also try asking if they're getting 5% off. That usually peaks their interest and they'll say something like do I need to sign up for a credit card. You can say no and go into a pitch about the debit. I've had that work a few times.

The fact that you're a new store helps though. Over 20% of our guests have them already, which is a lot even if management is trying to pretend it isn't. Presuming the good old 80/20 rule applies to target, that means we've got enough penetration to have covered every heavy user, as well as some less heavy users. Convincing someone who shops mainly at target already to get a redcard is a lot easier than the "casual" target shopper.
Maybe if they did what best buy does...... I get this 9 times out of ten ( not kidding) I say would you like to sign up explain the whole drill and they say hey is it like the best buy reward card??? No..... I would totally sign up if it was! Every single time! I mention check ( usually people do not have checking accounts) and when I mention that credit card they say oh is it........ Now granted I am lucky and sometimes people do have checking accounts or they do want a credit card but like I said I always get that is it like best buy reward card?? If spot did something like that people would sign up every day it would be a great big deal for spot but no it has to be those redcards...... People do not want redcards people want reward cards like best buy not redcards!
I am a GSA at an ultra low value store in Texas and our DSTL decided that the company goal of 2.5% was not good enough So we shoot for 3.0% which makes it tough. It was starting to drive me crazy when the ETL's come down on us for not meeting the goal.

I did find some tactics that really helped.

1. Dont ask every guest... I know this sounds weird but when you ask a guest, it is almost inevitable that the next one in line will hear all about the card. Even if they don't pay that much attention to the info, hearing the guest in front of them deny it is usually all they need to decide no. 99% of guests will be back so you will ask them sometime.

2. Dont go to the other extreme and only ask when prompted.
If you see a check book... ask
If you see a large purchase..... ask
If the guest is buying an expensive item, tell them they can get an extra 30 day return policy on it

3. Finess is the key on this step. Try not to mention it immediately. If you have a guest paying with a red card, MENTION IT!
"Glad to see your helping us donate 1% to schools".... Miraculously the guest will usually fire back with something like
"And saving my 5%" or sometimes i have heard "and its a debit card"
This is when you nab the next guest that doesn't have one.

4. Be creative with delivery and know when you can push again
Read the guests. If you feel the guest is really agitated about being ask back off. The last thing you want is to be yelled at.
If the guest looks truly in a hurry, don't to to get them one. Instead tell them your going to share the info about it with them.

I once heard a guest say she is in a hurry. The cashier shot back "your never in too much of a hurry to save money" and that got it. so be creative."(Mad props to that cashier he always get like 5 per shift, and i am always learning from him)

Just take it and make it your own...
I seriously can't get a red card to save my life lately. I think we're a bit to good at pushing them for now almost everyone I ask has one? And the rest just don't want one.

I know they're telling us every guest we help on the floor we need to mention the red card. I just don't see how to bring that conversation up. I could see in electronic or with bigger priced items around the store, but when I'm helping someone with a few items I'm not going to bring up the red card for them to save the sales tax. Plus you can only hound someone so much, it feels like the opposite of the vibe.

I understand that the redcard has become popular and that we see it alot at the front end but ask you STL what the metric is for percintage of redcard sales. I thought the same thing and turns out the percentage of redcard sales at our store is only 10%

Ours last week was at 22%. If yours is that low, then cashiers aren't asking enough. The more they ask, the more it reminds people to use it/the more redcards they get.
on one of your red boards in the TSC area there should be a page that tells what % of sales was RC sales for the week.
It also should tell you how many RCs your store got the last week....and how many you are expected to get in the coming week.
Your rank by group or region should be listed, too.
I asked my GSTL about RCs yesterday. She says as long as you're asking if they have one or want one and then put a pamphlet in their bag then its all good. She told me to remind the guest that they can also enroll for the card at home. She said the last thing you want to do is pressure them.
Our store is still trying to push RC sign-ups.......for a smaller purchase we offer a free Starbucks beverage (if you sign-up now) or if a bill is over $100.00 we'll tell the guests that we'll give them an additional $10.00 or $20.00 to sign-up for the

The problem with this is that we aren't all offering the same things everyday.....or to every guest.....and some cashiers are more likely to push the $20.00 extra off. I'm just waiting for people to start saying things about our being so inconsistent. Oh well, if that happens that's what the GSTL or LOD is for!
We are expressly forbidden to offer guest incentives.
I suggested giving ea guest a reusable bag for sign-up but was told no.
We are expressly forbidden to offer guest incentives.
I suggested giving ea guest a reusable bag for sign-up but was told no.

When I was a Cashier, we were allowed to offer 10% that days purchase & a free $10 gift card. $20 gift card if they were purchasing more then $500 of stuff.

There was even a special bar code, we could scan and it'd Prompt for the Free gift card.

Now, I think there not allowed to give 10 percent, but just the normal 5% and the Gift Card. It's been a long while since I've shopped at that store...
I asked my GSTL about RCs yesterday. She says as long as you're asking if they have one or want one and then put a pamphlet in their bag then its all good. She told me to remind the guest that they can also enroll for the card at home. She said the last thing you want to do is pressure them.

I was in Target a few days ago, and got to hear a interesting script.

I see you've purchased $xx.xx today, and I was wondering if you knew about our fantasic savings program for our RedCard Holders?

It's 5% off today & everyday, and there's no limit to amount of savings you can get. The Card also offers free Shipping on our Website & gives money back to local schools.

If you ask me, I think the script is way too long, however, it's deffenitly better then "Would you like to open a RedCard today?"
i average 6-11 a shift. im the only cashier and they keep saying o lane u have to get twenty. im just like.... seriously. im the only cashier who even tries. im the leading redcard man in my store. 15 in one day. im seriously getting sick of it. when im not getting redcards they treat me like crap.
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