Fired for stealing merch.

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Jul 2, 2020
I'm very scared. I'm 23 years old. In my infinite wisdom, I had been stealing Funko pops from target. 4 to be exact. Moments of weakness don't excuse what I did, and I'm fine with being fired for it. You get what you deserve, so to speak. My question is, what's next? They said they wouldn't get the cops involved but is that definite?
They're not involving the cops over four funko pops, which is like 36 bucks worth of merch.

If you returned the funkos or reimbursed, I imagine they'll have you sign (or did) stating you won't be rehired (ever) and banning you from the premise for a specific period of time.

All in all not a huge amount of money to pay for the lesson, look at it as a learning experience and don't steal in the future. Thieves always get caught, you'll never ever get away with it, so don't even try.
They gave me a chance to return what I could and pay for the model kit. I returned them and AP seemed pretty genuine. He reassured me that no other employer will ever know and he wished me the best. So I guess it won't follow me. Definitely learned my lesson
They gave me a chance to return what I could and pay for the model kit. I returned them and AP seemed pretty genuine. He reassured me that no other employer will ever know and he wished me the best. So I guess it won't follow me. Definitely learned my lesson

AP either lied or more likely didn’t know. You will have extreme difficulty getting a job at any other big box store. Your name will be entered into a database that is used in employee screening.
I only have one funko, and it's bullseye the target dog. It's all I need. Why don't u buy the funkos one by one every paycheck.
Yeah, that would've been ideal. I never actively sought them out. And when I'd see them, id check my ACC and couldn't afford it. And I'd get anxious about not being able to get it and jump at the opportunity. I mean yeah, in hindsight I'm sure it wouldn't have been gone. But I was being stupid and making the wrong decisions. And got punished accordingly
AP either lied or more likely didn’t know. You will have extreme difficulty getting a job at any other big box store. Your name will be entered into a database that is used in employee screening.
Interesting. My old room mate got fired and arrested from stealing a gift card at Target. Now he is the AP Manager at Walmart. No, I’m not making this up.
Interesting. My old room mate got fired and arrested from stealing a gift card at Target. Now he is the AP Manager at Walmart. No, I’m not making this up.

That is so bizarre. The reason I mention this -- is when we file a Internal Theft Report, the Team Members information gets automatically added into something called TRE (The Retail Equation) which maintains a database. They also hold onto information of shoplifters we've apprehended and the Personal Information from those theft reports. The companies that are apart of this database are numerous, including Wal-Mart, and basically every retail chian you could think of.

I know this was still happening around 2018 -- but things may have changed? I can't imagine Target though ending the partnership. I do know, we had a employment application back in 2011 -- where the woman had been fired for stealing from Jcpenney. It came back from the screening, and needless to say -- she wasn't hired.

I'm honestly shocked though. When did your roommate get hired?
I'm very scared. I'm 23 years old. In my infinite wisdom, I had been stealing Funko pops from target. 4 to be exact. Moments of weakness don't excuse what I did, and I'm fine with being fired for it. You get what you deserve, so to speak. My question is, what's next? They said they wouldn't get the cops involved but is that definite?
I guess it depends who you are which is not fair at all. We had people cut themselves discounts and had to pay back $360 it was over a period of 2 months and the TM’s BFF turnEd her in. Another guy was stealing stuff like tape measures and returning them for gift cards.his payback was $300 and they took him out in cuffs. They called him to the office. Cops walked him out the front door instead of the employee door. Both fired. Someone snitched on you. How much are they?
I'm very scared. I'm 23 years old. In my infinite wisdom, I had been stealing Funko pops from target. 4 to be exact. Moments of weakness don't excuse what I did, and I'm fine with being fired for it. You get what you deserve, so to speak. My question is, what's next? They said they wouldn't get the cops involved but is that definite?

To getting the cops involved isn’t definite. They could find out about other stuff you’ve been stealing and suddenly you go from an idiot that made bad choices to a proper thief.
That is so bizarre. The reason I mention this -- is when we file a Internal Theft Report, the Team Members information gets automatically added into something called TRE (The Retail Equation) which maintains a database. They also hold onto information of shoplifters we've apprehended and the Personal Information from those theft reports. The companies that are apart of this database are numerous, including Wal-Mart, and basically every retail chian you could think of.

I know this was still happening around 2018 -- but things may have changed? I can't imagine Target though ending the partnership. I do know, we had a employment application back in 2011 -- where the woman had been fired for stealing from Jcpenney. It came back from the screening, and needless to say -- she wasn't hired.

I'm honestly shocked though. When did your roommate get hired?
Oh geeze.. I think he's been at Walmart now for 8 years. Started as a department manager and moved up from there to other management positions until he landed at AP. Between Spot and Walmart he was a vendor at Walmart doing various things in electronics, mostly video game related things.

The arrest incident happened in 2009 or 2010.
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