Archived Fired for Stealing?

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Covered electronics during breaks and lunches and would buy a single item and use a large red bag. then during lunch covering he would hide items that were locked up and cme by later to pick them up
My store boat is clean to avoid that from happening. You need to have receipt for everything. If I am working & try that stuff, you will be talking to the lod. If I don't be beat the crap out of you, first. (Dreaming that)
WE had a clean boat at the time. It was the holidays and so we had the giant red bags there for big purchases. He was being watched as we had other items going missing during this time, such as other ipads. Funny thing was that night he tried stealing the ipads, and the LOD was our AP ETL. found the ipads out of the case on a shelf behind items, reported it, and was told what was up, and he didnt steal that night, but the next day he was arrested when he tried walking out with it all and I rang up the items to get the total for the case.
We had a elec tm "let go" for assisting with giftcard fraud. They helped a guest a guest launder 45k. Her look was priceless when the feds got her.
Damn, hit as part of a RICO investigation? Hope she likes orange and musty air, cause that's all she's going to see for a long while.
Damn, hit as part of a RICO investigation? Hope she likes orange and musty air, cause that's all she's going to see for a long while.
This was 2 years ago when cracked cards we're a huge problem. So no probably not a rico investigation. Probably , just got past what the ic could handle. She did this over like a 6 month period. The "guest" would come and "buy" 15-20 visa gift cards at a time with stolen card numbers.
I apprehended someone last year for stealing electronics and clothing items.

Turns out they were a TM at a nearby store. Found out when we asked for ID in the booking room and my ETL AP saw a discount card in their wallet.
I'm surprised my store doesn't have more theft in it than it does. They let the backroom team members carry their jackets and backpacks to the back. All it takes is for one of them to figure out where the blind spots are.

At the store I worked at almost 10 years ago, we got an employee who was bringing in a disc-man to listen to music on. One night it ran out of battery, so he grabbed a pack right off the shelf, pocketed half the contents, and put what he needed in his player. He did this right in front of me, and yet they kept him for almost a month.

Not the typical theft situation, but that same store also had a problem with people purposefully slicing open bags of candy while stocking, so they could have a snack. The STL had to announce at a huddle that if anyone was caught eating candy from a bulk bag of candy out on the floor, it would be grounds for write ups.
One night it ran out of battery, so he grabbed a pack right off the shelf, pocketed half the contents, and put what he needed in his player. He did this right in front of me, and yet they kept him for almost a month.
When I still worked for spot, there was a guy helping himself to free sodas (filling his own cup).
Reports to leadership & AP went nowhere until he started pocketing flashdrives, earbuds & other small-but-pricey items.
Not team member, but someone once stole the iPhone 6s displays. I don't even think they work if you try to activate them.
one Xmas season 5 or 6 seasonal cashiers stole promotional gift cards from guests. They would scan the card and when the guest asked for it they gave them an empty one.
I had a cashier who would give *lots* of change to his customers/friends. They'd pay with a $10 and he'd give them change for $100. It took longer than one would think to catch him.
I haven't started at Target yet (orientation in 12 hours) but I have some great ones from previous employment.
  • One manager was fired for not counting the safe. He was stealing, too, but we couldn't prove that. We could prove he didn't actually count the safe because I had a very specific way of counting the safe, and his numbers shouldn't have EVER matched mine, and I made sure evidence of that was on camera. We are pretty sure he took at least 20k worth of product, probably more, but none of that was on camera. (I enjoyed that one. He tried to get me fired for not keeping accurate counts of shit, when you're stealing half of it!)
  • Another associate a few years later stealing out of lock up, but he was easy to catch.
  • One for popping open bagged candy and leaving it on the shelf, then grabbing some as he walked by.
  • Stealing $10 worth of bottle slips.
  • Cigarette coupon fraud - using the carton coupons on the packs, making them more than half off. She did it while LP was in the store investigating and was watching her on the camera.
  • Starbucks associates for making themselves free drinks.
  • Starbucks associates for reusing coupons that customers provided. I think I watched a dozen Starbucks associates get fired for stealing in six months. Best part was that the company provided "sample credit" so they could've sampled it out any time they wanted a drink, just would've had to make some for the customers too.
  • Not a store I was working in at the time, but a cashier at a former store was fired for stealing every piece of cash in her drawer. Yep--they went to close her drawer and there was no cash in it at all. Dunno how she thought that was gonna go down, but I hear she was a heroin addict and she was just 18 as well.
  • Bagger put beer outside the back door while doing trash (door was not lockable; complicated situation but the door could not be physically locked at the time) and didn't know he was on camera.
  • I took over a bad situation for a store and found that the previous inventory associate had contact info for the local pawn shops in his rolodex...
  • Had a manager get fired for taking $20 out of the safe. On camera. When it would've been incredibly easy for her to make it look like someone else's fault.
My old manager at a clothing store got fired for stealing. Workers were allowed a certain amount of merchandise but this person way over exceeded the limit. If it were not for other issues maybe this person could have kept the job. Not sure. The big thing was that the manager did not document the clothing that they brought home..
A couple years ago we had a cart attendant who was in his early 20s. One day he told me that he would make an excellent undercover AP person because since he looked tough and scruffy that shoplifters would think that he was one of them and be more comfortable stealing in his presence. I didn't think much of it although I did think it was an odd thing to remark on.
A week later he was fired for taking $1000 from a register.
I think someone at the Subway I use to work at stole from our till. Other than that, I've heard no stories from my store, personally. Everyone seems to be cool here.
Worked at this one job where the dude came into work drunk, went to lunch and had a beer then was so drunk he couldn't talk to customers. Told them he was faded and needed to sit down. Fired on the spot...
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