Archived Five Walmart stores nationwide closing for "Chronic Plumbing Issues."

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I used to be interested in that stuff simply bc of the complexity. Today, it makes me shake my head.



Or local super center has a new stall break every day in the restroom at the back of the store. Csm came in while three of us were waiting to use the one remaining stall...
"Is there a line"
"What do you think?" Eye roll
"The vendor comes every day and says it's fixed" maybe they drink too much kill aid too?
"Handicapped has been broken for a month" -from inside stall where lady who uses a cane had issues getting in tiny stall.
"Better hope you don't get closed for plumbing issues..." evil giggle
Walmart actually had to issue a statement saying it wasn't involved in an effort to take over Texas.
Of course having people think that might be better than thinking that they shut them down to kill unions.
So, Wal-Mart made up an outlandish story to debunk, all in the name of distracting from the real issue? LAME! Really, tunnels?

I guess they were hoping we all forgot about the union issues they were facing. Wow!
One of my TLs told me a story about how a Flow team member would show up, clock in and then go to the backroom, crawl into a Sterilite bin and take naps.

He was caught when someone tried pulling the bin.
Ha, can you imagine the reaction?! Haha!
Sometimes I think their bread ain't baked.....
I hope you don't mean texans, just because people here the few percent of "bad stories" they generalize, and thats what starts this whole racism crap up. But these "invasion theorists " definitely are a cup of flour short of a pound...or a few cups.
I hope you don't mean texans, just because people here the few percent of "bad stories" they generalize, and thats what starts this whole racism crap up. But these "invasion theorists " definitely are a cup of flour short of a pound...or a few cups.

I don't think Texans in general.
I've got family and friends, even some of my heroes come from Texas (that would be Molly Ivans and Ann Richards, in case anyone was wondering) but the current crop of Texas politicians on the other hand are either complete nutbars or doing their level best to cater to the nutbars which is every bit as bad.
LMAO! I lived in TX during Ann Richards era-" Because George was birn with a silver foot in his mouth!"
Commie , you never fail to delight!
Testify, Commie.
Native born & raised so I can attest to why Texas is known as "the state of confusion".
Lege is in session right now & it's about as nutters as a praline factory.
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