I’m sure someone has already answered this but does anyone know how to get back into an OPU batch if it kicks you out? I tried “no cart” or w/e and then tried scanning the cart but it just says “cart already in use.” Tried 3 different zebras and restarting the move app but to no avail lol

Sometimes it is just time.. We don't run into it that often..
I’m sure someone has already answered this but does anyone know how to get back into an OPU batch if it kicks you out? I tried “no cart” or w/e and then tried scanning the cart but it just says “cart already in use.” Tried 3 different zebras and restarting the move app but to no avail lol
Wait 30min and try again. If it'll make you miss the goal and your ETL blames you for it, you can call CSC and get an incident number if that makes them feel better.
I’m sure someone has already answered this but does anyone know how to get back into an OPU batch if it kicks you out? I tried “no cart” or w/e and then tried scanning the cart but it just says “cart already in use.” Tried 3 different zebras and restarting the move app but to no avail lol
Make sure it’s the original zebra/logged in TM when you scan or type the cart. If a TM forced closes the app or logs out during the batch, it has to be the zebra to be available to everybody. Otherwise you have to wait 30 minutes.
This isn’t the right thread but has anyone had a zebra that hasn’t alerted them for myAlerts. I didn’t get any alerts but one of the other TM got alerts when they logged into the same servers. Any fixed experience this yet?
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Let's be honest people. What are some of the ways you've 'cheated' the system?? Typed in huge quantites of stuff and tossed the collates? Made terrible substitutions? Sent items that are broken or missing pieces? And how often does it happen?

My store walks away from most days pretty clean, but we all get those moments of '60 needed' from the sales floor and you can literally only find 5 after an hour of looking... So maybe that package gets lost in the mail...
Let's be honest people. What are some of the ways you've 'cheated' the system?? Typed in huge quantites of stuff and tossed the collates? Made terrible substitutions? Sent items that are broken or missing pieces? And how often does it happen?

My store walks away from most days pretty clean, but we all get those moments of '60 needed' from the sales floor and you can literally only find 5 after an hour of looking... So maybe that package gets lost in the mail...

I play it pretty straight, there have been times we have cancelled an order after picking it, when we realize the product is actually broken that is the most common one we do. You do a pick of say two tubes of those opalhouse wallpaper and you get them down off the peg and see the tops of them are actually crushed, cause I keyed it before I pulled the second one.

If I need 20 but find 3 of that something that is what they get, the system doesn't half the time give me the option of more locations and it is always a product that isn't located. I do look for clothing but for say beach towels, they are getting three cause those are much harder to track down.

I try not to play games cause that isn't fair to the customer. The biggest thing we do is scan out orders so they are packed on time but they don't actually get packed/shipped until the next day. We get screwed by C&S delivery(moving pallets through our area) and we don't have the strongest people to close so that happens more than I would like it to.
Interesting to know. We play it straight most days as well, shipping out some orders the next day sometimes happens if OPU is really heavy or if there's no dedicated packer.

The reason I ask is I see so many weird things that come in as Ship To Store orders, that I can't imagine the percentage of wrong orders that are shipped straight to the guest. I see a bunch of substituted sizes, colors, flavors, etc. And there's just so many ways you can fake it
AAA store. Currently experiencing 350-500 (units) SFS orders daily (up from 300 avg) this past week. We don't have enough people to pick and pack efficiently. Usually one person is scheduled for 6 am to 1 pm, and another 10 am to 2 pm. Have to reallocate OPU or Logistics TM to assist. Still not making it. STL can't give us the resources needed to complete 100 percent. Softlines merch is located in 3 backroom and salesfloor areas. The SFS team is slammed and losing motivation. Still got to pull as much as possible. I can only reimagine how BTS2018 is gonna be.
On behalf of every GSTM ever please don’t ship items that are broken/you know will break based on how they’re packed

You deal with the cards you're given with when it comes down to picking, if the item has some box damage to it, we'll still send it, we don't want to mess with our metrics, because we don't want to mess with the ETLs when it comes down to that. Packing is a whole different story. Metrics and speed come into play, so they would rather ship a poorly packed item then miss the packing goal time. It's all about speed, so yeah try not to tell us what to do
Let's be honest people. What are some of the ways you've 'cheated' the system?? Typed in huge quantites of stuff and tossed the collates? Made terrible substitutions? Sent items that are broken or missing pieces? And how often does it happen?

My store walks away from most days pretty clean, but we all get those moments of '60 needed' from the sales floor and you can literally only find 5 after an hour of looking... So maybe that package gets lost in the mail...

Just ship what you have. If you send the guest 5 items when they requested 60, they will be charged for all 60, even though they didn’t receive all of them. That’s a pretty dishonest thing to do, in my opinion. And all it does is piss off the guest and creates more problems for other Target TMs who have to deal with the complaints. And the order could very well end up being traced back to your store (and to you.)

My advice: only ship what you find and is in good condition. I’m positive Spot would rather have you cancel an item rather than ship one that’ll break.
You deal with the cards you're given with when it comes down to picking, if the item has some box damage to it, we'll still send it, we don't want to mess with our metrics, because we don't want to mess with the ETLs when it comes down to that. Packing is a whole different story. Metrics and speed come into play, so they would rather ship a poorly packed item then miss the packing goal time. It's all about speed, so yeah try not to tell us what to do
Anyone else get murdered with softlines orders today?

Also, we are not UPS. We do not control that UPS destroys the packages. You can do a great job packing something and UPS still destroys it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oh I know UPS destroys boxes sometimes. But it’s clear to us when it’s UPS and when someone packed a glass lamp with no bubble wrap or anything. I understand you’re under metrics. We’re also under metrics of guest satisfaction. And when guests come in with an order that’s either missing or has destroyed items, they usually blame us, because they can.
On behalf of every GSTM ever please don’t ship items that are broken/you know will break based on how they’re packed

Why we had to ship one person back to food ave, the little prick refused to understand how to pack boxes or actually pick with any sort of speed. Two hours one 30 item batch anyone? No joke. I am not fast at picking but damn two hours? I don't know how you take that long.

And I got so tried of cleaning up his messes with ship alone items.. Meaning UPS would refuse to pick up the item cause it was not boxed, wrapped or secured in any way to prevent damage and I would come in the next day and have to build a box or wrap the item so it could go out. Glass items not padded but bagged and tossed in the box. This one more than one of us watched and reported, on more than one occasion I actually saw how bad it was and when he would toss the box the on outbound pallet I would have to grab it and repack it.

That was the final straw was his telling people that he was going to be the SFSTL when the backroomTL was not there. This person who would refuse to speak to the BRTL without the STL and ETLHR present for any reason since he had been coached on his work so many times.
Oh I know UPS destroys boxes sometimes. But it’s clear to us when it’s UPS and when someone packed a glass lamp with no bubble wrap or anything. I understand you’re under metrics. We’re also under metrics of guest satisfaction. And when guests come in with an order that’s either missing or has destroyed items, they usually blame us, because they can.
As a metric, I think order nps is separate from guest experience and order pickup. If you want to look, go to myGuest on workbench. Not sure if TMs have access though.
Anyone else get murdered with softlines orders today?

The past few days been practically nothing but furniture and softlines. Especially shoes over the weekend for the cartwheel offer. Most batches will have like 2 backroom locations, one or two hardlines, then off to softlines for the rest
The softlines orders the last few days have been brutal. We have flats and pallets of repacks throughout the backroom. So many z racks shoved into a backroom cut through that most of the clothes are on the floor tangled in the wheels. And about seven more pallets of repacks stashed in a trailer. So we have to RFID the entire store to get through the batches.
Spot HQ wants us to ship items in good conditions but ETLs just care about metrics. One unit that we can’t find raises our INF score slightly which will make the ETLs furious for not finding a non-damaged item. Spot HQ can also blame the damaged item due to the shipping process.

This. ETL's and metrics. They want good metrics because that shows good operations, but that's not the reality, at least in my store. Truck always behind, sales floor littered with damaged items ( and of course it's the only one in the store and you need it for picks), go backs everywhere, terrible zones. But, oh no.. we gotta be all-knowing and find every item so they can be better than all the other stores.
This. ETL's and metrics. They want good metrics because that shows good operations, but that's not the reality, at least in my store. Truck always behind, sales floor littered with damaged items ( and of course it's the only one in the store and you need it for picks), go backs everywhere, terrible zones. But, oh no.. we gotta be all-knowing and find every item so they can be better than all the other stores.

Target wants this expertise from TM's?

Give us Commission.
This. ETL's and metrics. They want good metrics because that shows good operations, but that's not the reality, at least in my store. Truck always behind, sales floor littered with damaged items ( and of course it's the only one in the store and you need it for picks), go backs everywhere, terrible zones. But, oh no.. we gotta be all-knowing and find every item so they can be better than all the other stores.

We basically said fuck it last week, it was such a shit show in the back with about every roll rack full of clothes some were shoved so far back in the isles and then blocked with pallets of other rolled truck push you could not get to them and we won't talk about the 10+ carts of just unsorted clothing reshop. If we checked other spots and we got to that mess = INF that shit.. If leadership gives no fucks, we are done beating ourselves up over it. They don't seem to see how our INF is related to that shit show of softlines not being able to keep up with their reshop or push. RFID isn't a magic bullet, well it could be if after they did the RFID scans they actually put the guns back to charge rather than leaving them on the table next to the charger - stone dead. Spare batteries? they have destroyed one and lost the other so no spares.

I bought coffee for the girl working shoes, she turned a disaster into something I could work with, cause shoe orders were nuts with the Cartwheel deals happening.
Spot really needs to realize that the average TM is unable to get a batch done in 20min like they think we can, and staff accordingly. It's like they don't realize that picking in a working store is not like picking in a warehouse. Unlocated items, dealing with guests, having to slow down because some slow-ass guest is standing in front of the item you need while they're on the phone with someone...

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