You use the pda. You go to defective app, return item to inventory. Scan item white label aka salvage label. Then will ask if you want to return to inventory . Basically like a return to stock, but done in the defective app on the pda
@ChipFromStore The easiest way to check is pull up the forecast for your store on workbench and divide out the hours from the unit forecast. The two districts near me are both 7.4 hours per hundred for Enhanced Ship From Store I've run through the list and it varies by store so pull up your specific store. OPU is similar when it rolled out there were no hours allocated for it and the store was supposed to handle it through "efficiency." In all the stores I worked at they have since started giving a fixed number of hours and setting the forecast based on that. The thing is we're rarely under forecast. Target gives enough hours to handle OPU if you're near forecast and you watch your time. Stop spending 30 minutes looking for one article of softlines! There will always be a rush of orders around lunchtime and usually again whenever people get off work. You can look at Google and look at the popular times for your store and those peaks will be your peak OPU times.

@glo yes the Store Reports Unit forecast spreadsheet. The sales this week are men's clothing (more time spent searching for softlines) and gift cards on both $75 dollars of baby things and 2 household essentials (multiple item chemical sale). Basically it adds about 10-15 minutes per cart for the softlines on what would be an average pick time and almost doubles your pack times from the added step of either chemicals or large boxes/splitting collates for diapers. I have no clue how pack times are impacted on Pack2.0 but I'll find out soon enough.
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Add about 30-45sec per container for 2.0 to whatever your store does now, at least at first. If you don't stage orders it'll be more efficient.
Shit, really? We have three or four people packing and we stage unpacked, scanned orders on three tables.
Not looking forward to the switch.
Here's what we found. If you still stage, your stager is waiting for the collate every time, and depending on how slow your printer is, that can be like 30sec per container that is spent bent down waiting on the collate to print. If you pack the way they intend (scan out the items, pack them, scan the collate), you're packing while the collate is printing, so that 30sec isn't being wasted. When we switched to 2.0, we suddenly had a lot more issues with not being packed on time. We gave our FFTMs the option between either packing orders one at a time or staging but being productive while the collate is printing (grabbing a box, prep bagging softlines, ESIM bagging liquids, etc) and most of them seemed to prefer packing one at a time. At least IMO, staging is okay with two people (we only have one functional packing station so one TM packs and the other TM scans out orders), but it seems faster to me if I'm alone if I just pack out the way that Spot intended.
@tmap98 you really shouldn't be rolling that many orders from the day before. Spot non enhanced numbers that's 12 hours of work rolled even if you have it down with the efficiency values I've picked up on from this thread you'll probably want to add an extra person tomorrow. If your not on track by Tuesday evening RIP your Wednesday. If you're all small items like it seems most non enhanced are that's doable so long as you're not on Pack2.0

I'm envious of your low OPU volume numbers.
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Is there a guide/thread floating around on USPS prep process. The guide in workbench is access denied for me. I'd like to be ahead of the curve before we transition. Regional director said we're not getting 2.0 until after we switch to USPS in Sept.
Typically we're green. Both our RFID scanners work and I've got two more on the way. Basically give one to all our pickers and it helps immensely

Yeah I can find some stuff with the RFID scanner but when you physically can't get to the z-racks cause they are jammed at the far end of a dead end aisle in the back then packed in with unsorted carts then block them with the unsorted repacks from the last couple of trucks, then a stack of boards, add a pallet of repacks waiting for sweep and you are truly fucked.. Cause you could move them out but you have to move them back or my personal favorite while I am back there they start to shove the shit back in there trapping me back there.. No lie, no joke.. So fuck that - INF..

Do your fucking reshop!
We had a solid stretch of 2 months of green before they rolled out this new way of softlines. Then my orders shifted from 80% web 20% sales floor to like 50% web 50% softlines. We've gone from 6% avg a day to like 12%. I spent months unscrewing our INF so we're not the laughing stock of the district and now we're getting screwed again lol... Trying to balance unlocated web, unlocated softlines, orders for items that are clearance and salvage and others is just getting to be so much of a pain in the ass.
They really need to lower the expectations for SFS during a remodel. No way am I going to be able to find 30 untied hardlines items in any reasonable amount of time (and, yes, that actually happened today, my entire batch was NOP).
They really need to lower the expectations for SFS during a remodel. No way am I going to be able to find 30 untied hardlines items in any reasonable amount of time (and, yes, that actually happened today, my entire batch was NOP).

♪♫You down with NOP? Yeah you know me!♫♪

♪♫You down with NOP? Yeah you know me!♫♪
Is there a guide/thread floating around on USPS prep process. The guide in workbench is access denied for me. I'd like to be ahead of the curve before we transition. Regional director said we're not getting 2.0 until after we switch to USPS in Sept.

It's basically all the same except after you pack you sort onto 2 pallets. One for 454 and below. One for 280,278 and 277. You then wrap the pallets and stick 2 collates next to each other on different sides.
For the past 3 days , i pick the same item , and when i scan to pack , it tells me “container cancelled “ !
What do I do now ? Except hanging on to that item , so I can again scan it and wait for it be cancelled ...
For the past 3 days , i pick the same item , and when i scan to pack , it tells me “container cancelled “ !
What do I do now ? Except hanging on to that item , so I can again scan it and wait for it be cancelled ...
We’ve had issues like that at my store. We would call CSC but they would just give us a ticket #, tell us give it a day to wave through and would send it to the 2nd level team. After a few days of it happening, we stopped calling CSC and just held on to it til the next morning. If it isn’t ready to pack on the next day, we would return it back to the floor or backstock it. Our ETL and TL know about it but they don’t know what to do.

Surprisingly, the PDA under Order Inquiry said the DPCI was picked but Manhattan didn’t know about the DPCI.
For the past 3 days , i pick the same item , and when i scan to pack , it tells me “container cancelled “ !
What do I do now ? Except hanging on to that item , so I can again scan it and wait for it be cancelled ...

We have the same thing happening to a single dpci, which happens to weigh 125 lbs. Needless to say, it just sits at our station so we scan it and assume it will be cancelled. Out of maybe 15 picks for it, 3 have actually gone out. We've called csc about it, and nothing has come from that. Big shocker.
A new array of reports have filled under Flexible Fulfillment for Store Reports but you can’t access them. All of them are now under greenfield (excluding SFS INF by TM report and the hourly desktop report so far) so only TLs and above have permission to view the reports.
The SFS weekly report is still searchable but I’m not sure if it’s accurate since it’s saying we’re green acrosss the board when we haven’t in reality.
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I can view the reports, but the SFS one appears to not be completely working. Our INF is always good, but not 0% good. Number of orders / units posted is correct though.
I can view the reports, but the SFS one appears to not be completely working. Our INF is always good, but not 0% good. Number of orders / units posted is correct though.
Are you at TL or higher? None of the other TMs can access the reports excluding the ones I mentioned.
Which SFS report are you talking about?

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