It's easy: they have to pay for Manhattan (a separate instance for each store, it seems like), but their knockoff of Manhattan is free. 😵

In the Pack and Ship 2.0 "to pack" dashboard, what's the difference between the container numbers/cart locations that are in green, the ones that are in black, and the ones that are in red? (Not sure how many stores are using 2.0 now, might be a question for @mobilelady if it's still not many...)
Anyone know why items being picked and shipped through SFS don't qualify as updating the 'last sold' date on MyWork? We have a ship alone item that we send out at least five a week, and I noticed the last sold date was over 250 days ago.
Anyone know why items being picked and shipped through SFS don't qualify as updating the 'last sold' date on MyWork? We have a ship alone item that we send out at least five a week, and I noticed the last sold date was over 250 days ago.

Guessing cause they didn't go through the stores POS? But yeah it should update when picked or packed. It would help our horrible on hands.
It's easy: they have to pay for Manhattan (a separate instance for each store, it seems like), but their knockoff of Manhattan is free. 😵

In the Pack and Ship 2.0 "to pack" dashboard, what's the difference between the container numbers/cart locations that are in green, the ones that are in black, and the ones that are in red? (Not sure how many stores are using 2.0 now, might be a question for @mobilelady if it's still not many...)
IIRC Green is pack today, ship today; black is pack today, ship tomorrow; red is just late.
Had this question for a while now, I know that all restock orders for stores start with a '25', but does anybody know what type of order starts with a '20'? We tend to get multiple of these orders every day for mostly either diapers or paper, but the biggest reason I am wondering is because all of these orders are typically right around 10 days old as dated on the collate, i.e. we receive the order in store on 6/4 but the order is dated 5/25. We were thinking that they are subscription orders that are pre-generated when the guest places the order but then not actually filled until when they need it. CSC had no clue and even asked one of the "Level 2 engineers" and they also were not sure, so if anybody knows that would be amazing.
I believe they are subscriptions.

Anyone know the difference between the OPU orders that start with 1 and the ones that start with 9?
The weird thing though is if you try and create a subscription order right now on and go to the checkout screen, my cart number starts with a 9119 so i'm totally stumped.
I believe they are subscriptions.

Anyone know the difference between the OPU orders that start with 1 and the ones that start with 9?
I think 9 is guest that has a Target account while 1 is if ordered via desktop and don’t have a Target account before the order. All of my orders say 9 when I did it on my phone browser but once I tap “request desktop site” in private mode, it gave me an order #1...
I am genuinely shot and it's only (my actual) Monday. We're already drowning. Our restocks are neverending since they changed the prices.
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That's the problem with patio, they are all actually sellable displays. We ended up defecting out all built grills and patio displays last week to stop the INF steak

I tell all my flex fill TMs to just pick the sellable displays and then leave a note for the SDTM to offer the guest a discount since it's not new, in-box. At my store the Salesfloor ETL is also in charge of Flex and he's aware of the issue. I figured if he had a real issue with selling the display too early then he'd have defected it out in the first place so it wouldn't show on counts. My TMs and myself are the ones that get yelled at when an order is wrong/incomplete. My metrics are negatively impacted because he couldn't take 2 seconds to defect it out. Better to sell the display, make more money, get good surveys and let him deal with the empty space on the floor.
Sorry to bring up something I remember discussing, but wanted to confirm: is pack and ship 2.0 not compatible with Manhattan!?
Today was the first day 2.0 was available to my store, and it was mostly smooth sailings, except that one TM said when he went to pack two separate orders, it said "container cancelled" or something like that. Does this mean the guest cancelled the order on their end? I haven't seen something like that happen since January, and Manhattan showed no information for any of today's picks.
Sorry to bring up something I remember discussing, but wanted to confirm: is pack and ship 2.0 not compatible with Manhattan!?
Today was the first day 2.0 was available to my store, and it was mostly smooth sailings, except that one TM said when he went to pack two separate orders, it said "container cancelled" or something like that. Does this mean the guest cancelled the order on their end? I haven't seen something like that happen since January, and Manhattan showed no information for any of today's picks.
Yes, Manhattan is gone.

The "container cancelled" message means to set the items aside for reshop because the guest cancelled the order after the items were picked.
Yes, Manhattan is gone.

The "container cancelled" message means to set the items aside for reshop because the guest cancelled the order after the items were picked.
Gotcha, the end of an era. My STL didn't believe me, he thinks Manhattan is the end all be all for SFS.

I also couldn't tell if my TM accidentally cancelled those items himself, or if it was the guest. Anyways, what's done is done, but I'll keep an eye on it.
Gotcha, the end of an era. My STL didn't believe me, he thinks Manhattan is the end all be all for SFS.

I also couldn't tell if my TM accidentally cancelled those items himself, or if it was the guest. Anyways, what's done is done, but I'll keep an eye on it.
Yeah, it'd be the guest. The message is pretty clear, it says something about the order being cancelled and to return the items to stock. The TM cancelling a container just gives a normal gray bar message at the bottom.
Hey I know this is kinda random but does anyone know the Length, Width, and height of a 439 and 278? I would find out myself but I don't work at Target anymore.
SD and Lead have shared our store is seeing an expansion soon to SFS. 3-4 new pack stations, 12 new dedicated Zebras, 12 new special designed carts, and one aisle dedicated to online items. As the STL put it we're not ESFS as we too lost our O/N but likened it to being a rank below it. There's suppose to be a conference call about it tomorrow. My Lead mentioned it was expressed I could listen in but not 100% if that's accurate.
SD and Lead have shared our store is seeing an expansion soon to SFS. 3-4 new pack stations, 12 new dedicated Zebras, 12 new special designed carts, and one aisle dedicated to online items. As the STL put it we're not ESFS as we too lost our O/N but likened it to being a rank below it. There's suppose to be a conference call about it tomorrow. My Lead mentioned it was expressed I could listen in but not 100% if that's accurate.
Our store is getting the redesign in a few months. We're getting fully torn down and replaced with 6 pack stations and 6 prep stations. Our 40 3 tiers are being replaced with 42 of the special carts. I dunno if we're getting new zebras because technically we're not getting more pack stations than we already had. I forgot the exact number of zebras per new pack station. Should be interesting lol.
Anyone have any issues with Move where you scan the item but errors out when you try to enter the quantity? I mean for every single item over multiple Zebra devices, and when a TL gave me his log in it stopped. This was after giving up waiting on CSC since I was on hold over an hour.
Our store is getting the redesign in a few months. We're getting fully torn down and replaced with 6 pack stations and 6 prep stations. Our 40 3 tiers are being replaced with 42 of the special carts. I dunno if we're getting new zebras because technically we're not getting more pack stations than we already had. I forgot the exact number of zebras per new pack station. Should be interesting lol.

4 per station
Our store is getting it as well. There tearing down the backroom and getting a bunch of stations, new carts and zebras plus rfid scanners
We had a bunch of Move 500 errors today and then rolled pick time to a mystery batch that nobody could get into and CSC couldn't figure out. Anytime we tried to get into it, it told us the items/work didn't exist for our store. It would then disappear for about five minutes and start all over again 🙄

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