I use to work for FedEx (I know we use UPS). the rush orders are really pointless. It don't matter when they are picked up they won't be processed at the hub till the evening when they process all the others. They will not send them out any sooner than the others. they don't have a plane or anything strictly for rush orders. More than once we have had a "rush" order come in after UPS pick up on a friday and sit at the store all weekend.

on a different note....we got some sort of "shelf" for the compliance labels but have no idea how to use them. Shouldn't there be a rod or something for the rolls to be held into place with?
Is anybody here from a store that sends their orders through USPS? The SFS SCF starts soon for us and I have some questions.

How do you send Ship Alone items?
And does a second carrier come for Rush orders?
Ship alone goes on non machinable pallet.
No second carrier for rush
Our order cutoff time for the day is @11am, but we're seeing stuff drop in for tomorrow before then. Anybody else having this happen to their store?

My only problem with this is: How are we supposed to know what orders are due today/tomorrow? Isn't that the whole point of ePick's categorization?

So back when I was still with Target one of the problems we had was RTS... honestly it depends on your store and how they fix problems. You can do the easy way and just key the dpci in...instead of hitting cant find/not here.... the reason why your score are red is because of hitting not here.... usually 2 or more a week makes you red. Now if your store likes to do things the right way you could partner with the GSTL and make a binder for OPU.... keep a log of the time the order was picked up and who at GS processed the order....

Now the STS, last I checked there really isnt anything you can do to fix Target glitch on them not dropping into RTS.... usually what happens is a guest order two items.... the first location had one item and it gets shipped to your store.... but now the second item is delayed. So the guest ends up cancelling there order before it gets to your store. But the system still let's you receive the order.
So what I use to do is clean out our OPU room every two weeks.... any old orders I saw that were STS orders I would write down the order number. Then call CSC and give them the order numbers. They would then escalate the problem up and the next day all the items would drop into RTS. Idk if anything has changed left Target in March.
The RTS issue with SFS was fixed once RTS moved to the my device.
This is what I do when I need to but I don't trust the majority of the team to do so correctly. so I keep hoping for the update to skip the back.
That’ll never happen. That would go against all of targets logistical process and create more work. You skip the location and pull from the floor now you have to pull the item anyway with the pulls for that fill group. Either way that item would have to come out of the backroom.
That’ll never happen. That would go against all of targets logistical process and create more work. You skip the location and pull from the floor now you have to pull the item anyway with the pulls for that fill group. Either way that item would have to come out of the backroom.
There are a lot of legit reasons to do it, like when it wants you to pull from bulk paper when there's 1,000 on the floor anyway, or when there's 20 vehicles shoved down the aisle you need because the new truck unload is such a disaster and you have a goal approaching. Might as well give a correct way to do it when there's nothing keeping people from cheating anyway.
That’ll never happen. That would go against all of targets logistical process and create more work. You skip the location and pull from the floor now you have to pull the item anyway with the pulls for that fill group. Either way that item would have to come out of the backroom.

Also, on the comments for BR casepack picking vs. SF, etc... With the new backend ePick services, we changed how this works. It will allow for you to see SF locations for items previously you were only able to see BR locations for. So for example, with how the logic currently is, if you're picking an item that can be fulfilled by 1 BR location, and you skipped it trying to see the SF location, you won't see the SF location because the app forces you to pick from the BR location. Future, you will be able to see both the BR location and the SF location so if you want to skip the BR location, you can pick from the SF directly.
That’ll never happen. That would go against all of targets logistical process and create more work. You skip the location and pull from the floor now you have to pull the item anyway with the pulls for that fill group. Either way that item would have to come out of the backroom.
But with our lovely unload process is now it doesn't even go to the backroom. 😵
That might be because of how the location is grouped. If it’s grouped as an open stock location in the system (even there its a shelf of casepack), it’ll make you pull a partial casepack. I haven’t had the issue of a 12/12 casepack, pull 10, need 1 for the order. I’ve had 12/3 casepack, pull 3, need 1 for order.
It wasn't how it was grouped. It's incomplete partials. Imagine if it was open stock and asked to pull 3 but only needed 2 for an order. I packed the cart myself because it was so weird.

Hi everyone.
So in my store SFS owns Return to Stock and Ship to Store. I've read here that some stores are set up differently and those two processes are owned by guest service or backroom.
Anyways, for our store the opening SFS tm picks any OPU and Drive Up orders and clears RTS in the morning before 9am.

One of our problems lately seems to be that we are having a lot of RTS items we can't find. So our scores are red. So I wanted to know if any stores are having problems with this too and what they are doing about it. Besides getting with AP.

Our other problem is with STS. We still process STS through the PDA. Our store gets A LOT of STS packages in addition to our regular/heavy SFS workload. So sometimes we dont get a chance to go through STS until the end of the week. Our hold location bins end up crammed. The problem starts when these orders dont get picked up and more than 4 days pass by because they dont drop into Return to Stock. I would usually go over with a PDA and use order inquiry. That would end up showing that the order was still active even though it was put in hold over a month ago. What are we doing wrong? This happens way too much to just be a glitch. Can anybody offer some insight?

These issues are the reason I pushed for GS to do RTS. I crosstrained 5 guest services team members in SFS. Then gradually started having them process the STS when it was slow and clearing out RTS. All SFS people who are trained on OPU know how to do it, but within 3 months I was able to get Guest Services to take over the task and more often then not that metric is green and there is less crammed into the hold locations.
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At my store I am a GSTM and we take care of all the RTS batches and complete all Ship to Store. For us it isn’t much added work and we can easily get through it quickly. After opening registers we begin the RTS batch to be completed by 9am. Usually there are very few guests at Guest Service in that time frame. Receiving will usually bring up a flat of STS for us around 10:30-11am and we have it complete by 1pm. At least that’s how my store does it but ASANTS.
Our backroom TM takes care of receiving in the afternoon after FedEx, UPS and USPS. Guest Service takes care of RTS in the morning and call us on the walkie for any backroom locations.
if only there was some sort of (working) button guest service could hit to let the backroom automatically know there was an item they had to get for a guest.....
@tmap98 @mobilelady
I mean they call us on the walkie for RTS backroom location. Guest service walkies after they tap Get For Guest as they always should cause we’re super busy over here
It’s a hit and miss for Get For Guest. Sometimes it alerts, sometimes it doesn’t.

If I do Get for Guest, it alerts us while sometimes Guest Services Get for Guest doesn’t go through.
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FF has to do the RTS at our store and it’s so dumb... they’ll be all the way in the back packing and have to come up to the desk to do it.. whenever I’m Omni I do them myself.. because they’re literally the easiest thing ever lol
Does anybody have any tips on training new TMs with picking and packing. My store is hiring 100+ seasonal TMs for SFS and I'd just like some input because I'll be one of the trainers. Anything would be helpful.
100+ TM's for SFS? What? Is that a typo? Did you mean 10+? My store only even had 4 people trained to do SFS that I can recall. Myself, another GSA, an electronics TM, and a plano TM.
100+ TM's for SFS? What? Is that a typo? Did you mean 10+? My store only even had 4 people trained to do SFS that I can recall. Myself, another GSA, an electronics TM, and a plano TM.

Nope. Not a typo. Last year they hired around 90. Turned out to be 80ish because some people showed up to their first shift and quit right after.
Once orders begin picking up our process goes on 24hours everyday until it slows down in late December or early January.
Weird, maybe it's picked up a ton in the last few years at my old store as well, but it was only done till 4-5 PM or so every day, and it was 1 TM per day, 2 during the really busy times of the year.
Weird, maybe it's picked up a ton in the last few years at my old store as well, but it was only done till 4-5 PM or so every day, and it was 1 TM per day, 2 during the really busy times of the year.

It's picked up... Last year I had about 30... This year I will have 70-90 a day.

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