Picking on anything other than a pda will be terrible
I don’t think you’ve experienced true picking/packing with a PDA. No images are shown unless you tap to show the image. There is no way to use the RFID scanner on the PDA so you’ll have to carry an extra device with you. Batches weren’t complete until after you type/scan PACK01 which minutes before the pick deadline make every second count. And don’t forget how long it took to pack with a PDA. I did it for giggles a few days ago and it was dang slow to pack.

I did like on the PDA that their was an end page of items you couldn’t find and you could scan any of the items instead of the specific DPCI it wants. Also the physical keypad, that’s a nice feature.
What makes it “terrible”? Hard to improve something or understand what needs work when you aren’t more specific. Personally I find the navigation much clearer. The tabs at the top separating the different tasks IMHO is a nice change. Is it the UI, stability, missing features? What makes it worse for you?

Fair enough, here are some issues I've seen at my store with the new app. Remember, this app isn't even a month old.

- Pathing is way off. One example is the other day I was sent to A which for our store is up front near the checklanes. Then it sent me to F to our seasonal section with is on the complete opposite side in the back corner of the store. Then it sent me BACK to A an aisle away from the first location. Then it sends me to Infants and then BACK to A in the same aisle I was in previously. This is consistent and has gotten worst. The sad thing is the point of the pathing is to cut down on wasted movement, but thus far it's just adding to the time and increasing workload and decreasing productivity...

- So you figure out the pathing is way off, so instead you skip items to get to a location closer and more productive, however, once you find said DPCI, it kicks you back to the beginning and forces you to skip all those items again. Once you repeat this and find the next DPCI, you have to continue doing this, skipping through DPCI's constantly. This is unnecessary and should just continue along to the next DPCI instead of trying to force you to take it's path. Also, often times things DPCI's drop out of order, so even though you've skipped enough times to know which DPCI to expect next on the list, it'll show up later in the pathing. It's just off and very strange.

- Maybe it's just our system, but now pulling assortments doesn't indicate what assortment box you need to be pulling, instead it just lists the DPCI of the item needed for the order, thus not actually pulling the DPCI nor the assortment since you can't individually unlocate a DPCI from a location that's directly tied to an assortment box. First issue this creates is the fact you have to pull down every box of assortments to find the right one, so if you have a shelf with 10 big boxes of assortments, now you're looking through them to try and match the DPCI needed...and this isn't productive. The second issue is the fact that since it's just telling you what DPCI is needed, it's not actually pulling it...you're literally just reaching into the box and pulling out what you need and leaving the assortment located and then next time when a team member goes back there to pull that specific item for a guest wanting it, it won't be there because it was pulled previously (which is why it's so important to pull the entire assortment box). So...you probably recognize this (hopefully, I am sure a lot of team members don't or just don't care)...so then you toggle over to manually pull the entire assortment box...this just increases the workload and lessens productivity. If this isn't happening, it'll just potentially create errors (because a team member might assume it pulled the assortment and pull it down when it fact it doesn't do it). Move had the opposite issue where it never showed the DPCI until you pulled the assortment it asked for and thus committing to the order suggesting you pulled and have the actual item...problem with that was that if someone previously pulled that item from the box and left the assortment, you were left with nothing and had to go and find the item elsewhere...this created issues. Fact is...they really need to implement a system where it tells you what assortment box you need to pull while also SHOWING you the DPCI you'll be looking for after pulling the box. Regardless, the move app had a more sensible approach...it indicates what assortment box you needed to pull and then you took it from there...the new system forces you to go on a scavenger hunt.

- Something else I've noticed is that it'll send me to an upper case pack location (tied as such) and as an example, ask for 4 eaches, but the casepack is full with 6 eaches. Then after pulling it, it only wants 2. It's simply not asking for case packs or just confused on the quantity of most case packs. So now you have to toggle over and pull the remaining amount that it did not ask for and pull the full casepack. Unfortunately, not all team members will do this and simple pull the asked amount. Now this isn't new because sometimes Move would have had this issue, but not near as much as I've seen with ePick. It's constant and just adding to the workload. It honestly had very little sense of the actual quantity of most casepacks. You'll get some team members that'll know better and pull the items to prevent the error or you'll get some who don't know or are just lazy and leave partial casepacks. The fact you can't type in a higher number to pull to indicate to the system there is actually more there to register an error is silly. Pulling more isn't going to impede on the order in any way...it'll just create more stock to deal with afterwards. I also don't like the fact that if you don't scan all items in location, it deletes those items because the fact is if I go to location with 20 items in that location and it asks me for Q-Tips and the remaining items are all shampoo and hair related product, I can tell the different between Q-Tips and a bottle of shampoo. It shouldn't even really mess with overal location accuracy, only location accuracy specific to that item...that way I'm not needessly wasting time scanning 20 items that are obviously not the product because the product isn't in the location it should be...

- This issue might be under debate as I am sure some will like it. It was indicated as design feature when the new app rolled out that ship alone items pulled for OPU would be in it's own category and not cropped in with smaller items, but this just creates more work because if you used move long enough, you knew how to navigate around this issue to begin with (since you could just type in DPCI's and locations when putting the items in location). So this change in my mind wasn't completely necessary, but now we are also finding that the system is very pick and choose on how it crops regular items. An example is the other day we had 10 DPCI's for OPU, but instead of giving you all 10 items to pull, it gave me 6 for one batch, forcing me to use a second cart location (this is another issue I'll touch upon later) so I could prevent walking back and forth between the backroom and guest services by doubling my footsteps and increasing time. Sometimes the system will give you all the OPU's to pick at once and sometimes it'll only give you some of them...so what happens if you have 20 DPCI's over a string of orders...are you going to pull 4-5 at a time and repeatedly walk up to guest services over and over? This is fine for slow team members, but personally I am pretty fast and often times I kill multiple birds with one stone by pulling several batches at once. The system just needs to be consistent...or better yet just give team members the ability to choose how many DPCI's they feel comfortable with pulling.

- This is a big issue I personally have being that now once you start a batch, regardless of the number of items in said batch, you are now tied to the cart location you scanned to begin the batch...even if you didn't pull anything. Before, you could begin a batch and it wouldn't tie to a cart until you scanned at least one DPCI, so you could simply jump in to see how big the batch was or to see what items are being asked for. I often times could enter a batch coming back from lunch just to see if I could pull an item or two on my way back to increase productivity...but now you can't do this...you're stuck to a cart once you simply enter. Like I was talking about with OPU picks and cropping. Before I get start working on OPU's and if a pick dropped in before I pulled anything, I could just back out and restart and add that dropped over to my task list of previous OPU's I was about to pick...but now I can't do that...once I start...I'm stuck with that cart location until it's completed and so the only way to get around this is to just use another cart location...and if another OPU drops while doing those and I want to cut down on time...I have to type in yet another cart location, unncessary using many carts and just creating more of a possibility for the system to incur an error and getting the batch/cart locations stuck for days. It needs to go back to way the Move worked where it doesn't tie you to a a cart location until you pulled your first item...

- Last week half of our carts were in use due to the system running into errors and not letting people back into paused batches or batches being stuck in our system and repeatedly completing and then popping back up on the paused list, thus not allowing anyone to use that cart location to do other pulls. Maybe we just had bad luck and other stores hasn't really ran into this issue, but last week we had a lot of cart locations unncessary in use and CSC is of little help because they just tell you to wait and they'll escalate. After 4 days, it got resolved...however...to add to headache, all those orders that were 4-5 days old flooded back in instead of getting bounced to another store to fullfill while the issue was being worked...just making the guests wait longer and putting more pressure on the store. Move had it's issues, but not near this amount...even when it rolled out.

- There are also a lot of issues when it comes to "inactivity" while in a cart. If you haven't scanned a DPCI for 5 minutes (maybe a little more), it'll kick you out of your cart once you find that DPCI and scan it, forcing you to have to rescan your cart and then scan the item again. Not a big deal really, but silly and just increases pull time. It's just unnecessary. Also, maybe it's just our store, but there's been a rash of issues with the new app talking with the alert system and often times we'll get goal time approaching alerts for orders that dropped in only 15 minutes prior, or we'll get ghost alerts and no OPU's drop in. Or even worst, sometimes we'll get alerts for new orders, but they won't be dropping in and then 15 minutes later they'll flood in, giving us 15 less minutes to complete these orders. We've also gotten missed goal alerts for orders that were completed 30-45 minutes after the order dropped. Just a lot of issues that add headaches and suggests out unreliable the system is.

That's just to name a few. Personally I didn't have a lot of issues with the Move app, namely on how OPU's were scanned in because if you used the app long enough, you figured out easy workarounds by typing in DPCI's locations, however doing things one by one cut down on potential messups where the new system gives little indication besides a small green dot (it should just grey out an already scanned item) and if you have a big order of 20-25 items (I've had several orders like this already), then you have to scroll through this big list of items just to double check your work where previously you couldn't move on until that item got scanned into location...but I understand...the big reason this new app got rolled out was to address this concern that most team members took issue with how the Move app worked.

All in all...maybe my store had just been unlucky and ran into a lot of issues where other stores has had it easy and not encountered them...but I've had more headaches with this new system than I did with the year of using Move and a new issue seems to pop up every day. The app needs to allow team members to dictate the workload a little more, give more details when it comes to what you're pulling (specifically assortments) and less interacting with accuracy counts.
What makes it “terrible”? Hard to improve something or understand what needs work when you aren’t more specific. Personally I find the navigation much clearer. The tabs at the top separating the different tasks IMHO is a nice change. Is it the UI, stability, missing features? What makes it worse for you?

I tagged Mobilelady in a couple of the bugs I found using with repro steps. And or why how its set up doesn't work in the store.. It's the mapping and not recognizing assortments that are my biggest headaches.
Fair enough, here are some issues I've seen at my store with the new app. Remember, this app isn't even a month old.

- Pathing is way off. One example is the other day I was sent to A which for our store is up front near the checklanes. Then it sent me to F to our seasonal section with is on the complete opposite side in the back corner of the store. Then it sent me BACK to A an aisle away from the first location. Then it sends me to Infants and then BACK to A in the same aisle I was in previously. This is consistent and has gotten worst. The sad thing is the point of the pathing is to cut down on wasted movement, but thus far it's just adding to the time and increasing workload and decreasing productivity...

- So you figure out the pathing is way off, so instead you skip items to get to a location closer and more productive, however, once you find said DPCI, it kicks you back to the beginning and forces you to skip all those items again. Once you repeat this and find the next DPCI, you have to continue doing this, skipping through DPCI's constantly. This is unnecessary and should just continue along to the next DPCI instead of trying to force you to take it's path. Also, often times things DPCI's drop out of order, so even though you've skipped enough times to know which DPCI to expect next on the list, it'll show up later in the pathing. It's just off and very strange.

- Maybe it's just our system, but now pulling assortments doesn't indicate what assortment box you need to be pulling, instead it just lists the DPCI of the item needed for the order, thus not actually pulling the DPCI nor the assortment since you can't individually unlocate a DPCI from a location that's directly tied to an assortment box. First issue this creates is the fact you have to pull down every box of assortments to find the right one, so if you have a shelf with 10 big boxes of assortments, now you're looking through them to try and match the DPCI needed...and this isn't productive. The second issue is the fact that since it's just telling you what DPCI is needed, it's not actually pulling it...you're literally just reaching into the box and pulling out what you need and leaving the assortment located and then next time when a team member goes back there to pull that specific item for a guest wanting it, it won't be there because it was pulled previously (which is why it's so important to pull the entire assortment box). So...you probably recognize this (hopefully, I am sure a lot of team members don't or just don't care)...so then you toggle over to manually pull the entire assortment box...this just increases the workload and lessens productivity. If this isn't happening, it'll just potentially create errors (because a team member might assume it pulled the assortment and pull it down when it fact it doesn't do it). Move had the opposite issue where it never showed the DPCI until you pulled the assortment it asked for and thus committing to the order suggesting you pulled and have the actual item...problem with that was that if someone previously pulled that item from the box and left the assortment, you were left with nothing and had to go and find the item elsewhere...this created issues. Fact is...they really need to implement a system where it tells you what assortment box you need to pull while also SHOWING you the DPCI you'll be looking for after pulling the box. Regardless, the move app had a more sensible approach...it indicates what assortment box you needed to pull and then you took it from there...the new system forces you to go on a scavenger hunt.

- Something else I've noticed is that it'll send me to an upper case pack location (tied as such) and as an example, ask for 4 eaches, but the casepack is full with 6 eaches. Then after pulling it, it only wants 2. It's simply not asking for case packs or just confused on the quantity of most case packs. So now you have to toggle over and pull the remaining amount that it did not ask for and pull the full casepack. Unfortunately, not all team members will do this and simple pull the asked amount. Now this isn't new because sometimes Move would have had this issue, but not near as much as I've seen with ePick. It's constant and just adding to the workload. It honestly had very little sense of the actual quantity of most casepacks. You'll get some team members that'll know better and pull the items to prevent the error or you'll get some who don't know or are just lazy and leave partial casepacks. The fact you can't type in a higher number to pull to indicate to the system there is actually more there to register an error is silly. Pulling more isn't going to impede on the order in any way...it'll just create more stock to deal with afterwards. I also don't like the fact that if you don't scan all items in location, it deletes those items because the fact is if I go to location with 20 items in that location and it asks me for Q-Tips and the remaining items are all shampoo and hair related product, I can tell the different between Q-Tips and a bottle of shampoo. It shouldn't even really mess with overal location accuracy, only location accuracy specific to that item...that way I'm not needessly wasting time scanning 20 items that are obviously not the product because the product isn't in the location it should be...

- This issue might be under debate as I am sure some will like it. It was indicated as design feature when the new app rolled out that ship alone items pulled for OPU would be in it's own category and not cropped in with smaller items, but this just creates more work because if you used move long enough, you knew how to navigate around this issue to begin with (since you could just type in DPCI's and locations when putting the items in location). So this change in my mind wasn't completely necessary, but now we are also finding that the system is very pick and choose on how it crops regular items. An example is the other day we had 10 DPCI's for OPU, but instead of giving you all 10 items to pull, it gave me 6 for one batch, forcing me to use a second cart location (this is another issue I'll touch upon later) so I could prevent walking back and forth between the backroom and guest services by doubling my footsteps and increasing time. Sometimes the system will give you all the OPU's to pick at once and sometimes it'll only give you some of them...so what happens if you have 20 DPCI's over a string of orders...are you going to pull 4-5 at a time and repeatedly walk up to guest services over and over? This is fine for slow team members, but personally I am pretty fast and often times I kill multiple birds with one stone by pulling several batches at once. The system just needs to be consistent...or better yet just give team members the ability to choose how many DPCI's they feel comfortable with pulling.

- This is a big issue I personally have being that now once you start a batch, regardless of the number of items in said batch, you are now tied to the cart location you scanned to begin the batch...even if you didn't pull anything. Before, you could begin a batch and it wouldn't tie to a cart until you scanned at least one DPCI, so you could simply jump in to see how big the batch was or to see what items are being asked for. I often times could enter a batch coming back from lunch just to see if I could pull an item or two on my way back to increase productivity...but now you can't do this...you're stuck to a cart once you simply enter. Like I was talking about with OPU picks and cropping. Before I get start working on OPU's and if a pick dropped in before I pulled anything, I could just back out and restart and add that dropped over to my task list of previous OPU's I was about to pick...but now I can't do that...once I start...I'm stuck with that cart location until it's completed and so the only way to get around this is to just use another cart location...and if another OPU drops while doing those and I want to cut down on time...I have to type in yet another cart location, unncessary using many carts and just creating more of a possibility for the system to incur an error and getting the batch/cart locations stuck for days. It needs to go back to way the Move worked where it doesn't tie you to a a cart location until you pulled your first item...

- Last week half of our carts were in use due to the system running into errors and not letting people back into paused batches or batches being stuck in our system and repeatedly completing and then popping back up on the paused list, thus not allowing anyone to use that cart location to do other pulls. Maybe we just had bad luck and other stores hasn't really ran into this issue, but last week we had a lot of cart locations unncessary in use and CSC is of little help because they just tell you to wait and they'll escalate. After 4 days, it got resolved...however...to add to headache, all those orders that were 4-5 days old flooded back in instead of getting bounced to another store to fullfill while the issue was being worked...just making the guests wait longer and putting more pressure on the store. Move had it's issues, but not near this amount...even when it rolled out.

- There are also a lot of issues when it comes to "inactivity" while in a cart. If you haven't scanned a DPCI for 5 minutes (maybe a little more), it'll kick you out of your cart once you find that DPCI and scan it, forcing you to have to rescan your cart and then scan the item again. Not a big deal really, but silly and just increases pull time. It's just unnecessary. Also, maybe it's just our store, but there's been a rash of issues with the new app talking with the alert system and often times we'll get goal time approaching alerts for orders that dropped in only 15 minutes prior, or we'll get ghost alerts and no OPU's drop in. Or even worst, sometimes we'll get alerts for new orders, but they won't be dropping in and then 15 minutes later they'll flood in, giving us 15 less minutes to complete these orders. We've also gotten missed goal alerts for orders that were completed 30-45 minutes after the order dropped. Just a lot of issues that add headaches and suggests out unreliable the system is.

That's just to name a few. Personally I didn't have a lot of issues with the Move app, namely on how OPU's were scanned in because if you used the app long enough, you figured out easy workarounds by typing in DPCI's locations, however doing things one by one cut down on potential messups where the new system gives little indication besides a small green dot (it should just grey out an already scanned item) and if you have a big order of 20-25 items (I've had several orders like this already), then you have to scroll through this big list of items just to double check your work where previously you couldn't move on until that item got scanned into location...but I understand...the big reason this new app got rolled out was to address this concern that most team members took issue with how the Move app worked.

All in all...maybe my store had just been unlucky and ran into a lot of issues where other stores has had it easy and not encountered them...but I've had more headaches with this new system than I did with the year of using Move and a new issue seems to pop up every day. The app needs to allow team members to dictate the workload a little more, give more details when it comes to what you're pulling (specifically assortments) and less interacting with accuracy counts.

Tagging @mobilelady cause this is some good feedback..
Anyone mind sharing pics of thier expanded sfs setup? We finally got ours installed just waiting until we are back live but could use some ideas. Also what the hell is the roller with the brush on the top left corner of the pack stations used for?
Anyone mind sharing pics of thier expanded sfs setup? We finally got ours installed just waiting until we are back live but could use some ideas. Also what the hell is the roller with the brush on the top left corner of the pack stations used for?
It’s used for the air bubbles (SFS.PILLOWS) to feed through the front. You pull it through the side between the two poles then feed it through the front.
Hi everyone.
So in my store SFS owns Return to Stock and Ship to Store. I've read here that some stores are set up differently and those two processes are owned by guest service or backroom.
Anyways, for our store the opening SFS tm picks any OPU and Drive Up orders and clears RTS in the morning before 9am.

One of our problems lately seems to be that we are having a lot of RTS items we can't find. So our scores are red. So I wanted to know if any stores are having problems with this too and what they are doing about it. Besides getting with AP.

Our other problem is with STS. We still process STS through the PDA. Our store gets A LOT of STS packages in addition to our regular/heavy SFS workload. So sometimes we dont get a chance to go through STS until the end of the week. Our hold location bins end up crammed. The problem starts when these orders dont get picked up and more than 4 days pass by because they dont drop into Return to Stock. I would usually go over with a PDA and use order inquiry. That would end up showing that the order was still active even though it was put in hold over a month ago. What are we doing wrong? This happens way too much to just be a glitch. Can anybody offer some insight?
Your GSTL needs to partner with their GSTMs and see how they can help them actually charge the guests for their orders.
Hi everyone.
So in my store SFS owns Return to Stock and Ship to Store. I've read here that some stores are set up differently and those two processes are owned by guest service or backroom.
Anyways, for our store the opening SFS tm picks any OPU and Drive Up orders and clears RTS in the morning before 9am.

One of our problems lately seems to be that we are having a lot of RTS items we can't find. So our scores are red. So I wanted to know if any stores are having problems with this too and what they are doing about it. Besides getting with AP.

Our other problem is with STS. We still process STS through the PDA. Our store gets A LOT of STS packages in addition to our regular/heavy SFS workload. So sometimes we dont get a chance to go through STS until the end of the week. Our hold location bins end up crammed. The problem starts when these orders dont get picked up and more than 4 days pass by because they dont drop into Return to Stock. I would usually go over with a PDA and use order inquiry. That would end up showing that the order was still active even though it was put in hold over a month ago. What are we doing wrong? This happens way too much to just be a glitch. Can anybody offer some insight?

So back when I was still with Target one of the problems we had was RTS... honestly it depends on your store and how they fix problems. You can do the easy way and just key the dpci in...instead of hitting cant find/not here.... the reason why your score are red is because of hitting not here.... usually 2 or more a week makes you red. Now if your store likes to do things the right way you could partner with the GSTL and make a binder for OPU.... keep a log of the time the order was picked up and who at GS processed the order....

Now the STS, last I checked there really isnt anything you can do to fix Target glitch on them not dropping into RTS.... usually what happens is a guest order two items.... the first location had one item and it gets shipped to your store.... but now the second item is delayed. So the guest ends up cancelling there order before it gets to your store. But the system still let's you receive the order.
So what I use to do is clean out our OPU room every two weeks.... any old orders I saw that were STS orders I would write down the order number. Then call CSC and give them the order numbers. They would then escalate the problem up and the next day all the items would drop into RTS. Idk if anything has changed left Target in March.
Orders that show up as active in the PDA BUT are not available in myGo, can be manually RTSed
Okay i will let the team know so we can try this.


So back when I was still with Target one of the problems we had was RTS... honestly it depends on your store and how they fix problems. You can do the easy way and just key the dpci in...instead of hitting cant find/not here.... the reason why your score are red is because of hitting not here.... usually 2 or more a week makes you red. Now if your store likes to do things the right way you could partner with the GSTL and make a binder for OPU.... keep a log of the time the order was picked up and who at GS processed the order....

Now the STS, last I checked there really isnt anything you can do to fix Target glitch on them not dropping into RTS.... usually what happens is a guest order two items.... the first location had one item and it gets shipped to your store.... but now the second item is delayed. So the guest ends up cancelling there order before it gets to your store. But the system still let's you receive the order.
So what I use to do is clean out our OPU room every two weeks.... any old orders I saw that were STS orders I would write down the order number. Then call CSC and give them the order numbers. They would then escalate the problem up and the next day all the items would drop into RTS. Idk if anything has changed left Target in March.
Our previous STL and ETL Log used to have us type in the dpci but since we've got new ones they like to do the right thing. But I'll start logging the order numbers and calling CSC. Thank you.

Your GSTL needs to partner with their GSTMs and see how they can help them actually charge the guests for their orders.
Our GSTL is always "too busy" to let the team know of any updates. But I'll see what i can do.
I guess Order Inquiry in my help got turned on but you can't look up which orders a DPCI was in, which is the main thing we used myFA order inquiry for.
It did get turned on but it only gives you information on OPU and Drive Up orders not STS. And you need to input the order number. Putting in the DPCI wont do anything.
If a TM leaves in a batch, how long till they are kicked out? And is there anything we can do to force it?
I guess Order Inquiry in my help got turned on but you can't look up which orders a DPCI was in, which is the main thing we used myFA order inquiry for.
It looks like it’s turn on for some stores. My store has the option in MyHelp but any order number (typed as “1019...”) say Order # isn’t part of my store. PDA is soon to be extinct, most likely before 4th quarter.
If a TM leaves in a batch, how long till they are kicked out? And is there anything we can do to force it?

30 minutes. Its best to set a timer and make sure no one attempts to get in. IIRC, it'll reset the time and require you to wait another half hour.

This is what I remember from the last Q4, as its been quite awhile since we had this issue.

If nothing happens, then you need to call CSC and explain the situation. Theres nothing we can do on our end, other than waiting.
We got our new carts today, and that container we got a couple weeks ago was actually for us not to shove freight into.. We got another packing station on pallets. We have no information other than what has shown up and we found on line.. Jeeze we are so screwed.. Freight everywhere, and that container is full of freight we can't even get close to catching up and now we figure out our remodel is closer than we thought..

Our steel has not been pulled to make way for our line, we have no room to move stuff to pull it.. And the best part? Our STL has told us NOTHING.
Check with leadership.
Me: LeAdErShIp WiLl KnOw
My store leadership won’t know anything until it hits them in the face. It’s an experience the issue or call CSC.

If you're at one of the 1500 stores that use the new ePick, LearningTree is correct. The timeout would've changed already.
Does ePick rollout with the 30 min OPU or later on before Black Friday? Knowing my store, they’ll be panicking when ePick in Move doesn’t work or the 30 minute OPU goal time (which they haven’t told any of us FFTM yet, even though it seems every TLs and above know).
Has anyone heard anything about the possible future update that would allow us to pick from the floor instead of the back? The longer E2E goes on the worse it is trying to get to any BR locations.

You can fake it. Print a backroom location label, pull from floor restow to backroom location. It works for a while until your floor is empty then you are just fucked.
Is anybody here from a store that sends their orders through USPS? The SFS SCF starts soon for us and I have some questions.

How do you send Ship Alone items?
And does a second carrier come for Rush orders?

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