The POG location issue is really bothering me, because it means we're going to have to train all of our seasonals on the "wrong" way to read the POG location.

Anyone else have massive INF rate because of things auto-INFed during the night? We had a bunch of INFs showing in MPM for salvage/clearance and items that we had 0 on hand, and it like quadrupled our INF rate.

I didn't but then we got turned off again cause our INF is insane, but it softlines killing us. They are so far behind in their work we are just fucked. We get punished so they can catch up with their push.

I will look though..
Yeah, go to the INF report in MPM and flip the zebra sideways, it gives you each item and the time it was INFed.

Oh wow since when has there been a INF report in mpm? We've been down the past month due to our new esfs and inventory and recently went live. This will be useful for checking up on all the new tms I have
In MPM2.0 they now have hourly pack rate by team member. Just turn the main screen sideways. They are also going to have the pick rate so you can see how fast people are picking and packing. It will be super useful in Q4 until the TMs from other stores try to log in and can't.
We cant use MPM at our store because it wont show anything for SFS. It has been like this for the past month maybe even 2 months and we've called CSC to see if they can help but all we get is a TIN#
It shows that we have no workload for SFS even though we have a lot to pick. Im going to call CSC one more time tomorrow and then im just giving up.

We keep missing packed on time because when we began local injection last week they gave us an incorrect timeline. We were told to be done packing and sorting by 4:30pm and that the pickup would be at 5pm
However when we did that we'd get kicked out of the sort pallets at around 3pm. We noticed that the first day but though nothing of it. I guess somebody at HQ screwed us over so we have been red with pack on time for the past week. It's so frustrating because pack on time was one of the easiest ways for us to be green and now we dont even know by when to get things packed because nobody has any answers.

Also we finished picking everything for today 10/16 and all the orders for tomorrow 10/17 both 5pm and 8pm.
So now orders are dropping in for 10/18 5pm and 8pm.
We are not taking any chances and just picking everything. I just don't understand why it keeps doing that.
Is this happening at other stores? How are you guys dealing with it?
I'm impressed you're that far ahead we've been 140%+ to forecast with 2 or more carts falling in after the 1pm deadline. Add in the pathing and backroom issues and nobody wanting to extend because they are getting crappy hours as we staff up for November and we've been lucky to even get close to pack. @Maeby
Oh wow since when has there been a INF report in mpm? We've been down the past month due to our new esfs and inventory and recently went live. This will be useful for checking up on all the new tms I have

For my store we've been able to see the INF report in MPM for about a week now. It's great because I can get a better idea of what is negatively impacting my INF percentage.
@mobilelady Is there any talk about bringing back the order inquiry function from the PDAs where we could search by DPCI? I realize myhelp has something similar but it's not as useful if I have to input the full order number. Order Inquiry was helpful when we were rushing to meet goal time so we'd just put items into hold without writing the label. Then using order inquiry to print out a label instead.
@mobilelady Is there any talk about bringing back the order inquiry function from the PDAs where we could search by DPCI? I realize myhelp has something similar but it's not as useful if I have to input the full order number. Order Inquiry was helpful when we were rushing to meet goal time so we'd just put items into hold without writing the label. Then using order inquiry to print out a label instead.

printed labels are back in epick but idk if it's company wide yet
Hi everyone.
So in my store SFS owns Return to Stock and Ship to Store. I've read here that some stores are set up differently and those two processes are owned by guest service or backroom.
Anyways, for our store the opening SFS tm picks any OPU and Drive Up orders and clears RTS in the morning before 9am.

One of our problems lately seems to be that we are having a lot of RTS items we can't find. So our scores are red. So I wanted to know if any stores are having problems with this too and what they are doing about it. Besides getting with AP.

Our other problem is with STS. We still process STS through the PDA. Our store gets A LOT of STS packages in addition to our regular/heavy SFS workload. So sometimes we dont get a chance to go through STS until the end of the week. Our hold location bins end up crammed. The problem starts when these orders dont get picked up and more than 4 days pass by because they dont drop into Return to Stock. I would usually go over with a PDA and use order inquiry. That would end up showing that the order was still active even though it was put in hold over a month ago. What are we doing wrong? This happens way too much to just be a glitch. Can anybody offer some insight?
Opu,sfs , drive up and ship to store are owned by me and my team ( backroom) . For the second one with rtsk get with your Ap, and instead of hitting not find just scan the location and type the dpci . That will get you back to green. Ship to store should be put in location within 2 hours of arrival at your store. Your problem is the fact that you rely on the pda when the order says active even a month later which is very wrong. To efficiently get rid of your old ship to store or any other orders is to go in mygo ( for guest orders pick up) advanced search and you can type either the name or the order no( which you can get from pda with the order inquiry) . If the bar on the left is red the order got canceled , if it’s grey the guest picked up the order and forgot part of the order so you can return that to stock. Or you get order not found which dropped out of the system without dropping in the rstk batch:
I wish I'd read through this a couple of months ago. We found out about the ePick app about halfway into the day when it rolled out, because no one told us. We went a few hours with no new orders dropping in, and getting alerts but OPUs not showing up. ETL told me to ask TL, who said, "Oh yeah ... I think I saw something about that." Hey, thanks.
Same with the goal time change for OPUs. I noticed it Monday and asked if it was a new thing or a glitch, and no one had any idea. Last I heard (yesterday) our ETL was going to check into it.

I've only been at this job for a year, so now that it's clear our store leaders don't tell us anything, is there a way for me to find out about these things on my own? I mean, other than reading about it here?
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I wish I'd read through this a couple of months ago. We found about the ePick app about halfway into the day when it rolled out, because no one told us. We went a few hours with no new orders dropping in, and getting alerts but OPUs not showing up. ETL told me to ask TL, who said, "Oh yeah ... I think I saw something about that." Hey, thanks.
Same with the goal time change for OPUs. I noticed it Monday and asked if it was a new thing or a glitch, and no one had any idea. Last I heard (yesterday) our ETL was going to check into it.

Join the club 😉 We found out about it midway through the day. A SrTL, who was LOD at the time, didn't know about it either. Its odd that my management loves to send emails to each other, and none of them knew about ePick.

I've only been at this job for a year, so now that it's clear our store leaders don't tell us anything, is there a way for me to find out about these things on my own? I mean, other than reading about it here?

I'd love to know myself. I'll be more baffled if there is...
Got 3 new zebra printers( for SFS) , but no one knows how to print the barcode to scan the printer to connect to zebra ..
and how do I set them up ?
high turnover in my store and the knowledge is pretty much lost !

The only way I see this being anything other than a colossal waste of time is if during Q4 some minimally-trained TMs are tasked with just prepping carts before someone else packs them, though in my store's limited SFS space they'll probably just be in the way. Otherwise this is just an unnecessary extra bunch of steps.
Is prep a thing rolled out after the new app? I don't see it available at my store and we've been using the new app for threeish weeks.

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