Is anyone having an issue where you check out mywork2.0 to find out the last time an item came in and it is blank even for items that arrived that same day?
Most of R300/R400 is still receiving their DC trucks via PDA and the two systems don't talk to each other. We were supposed to roll out receive in the mydevice about 2 months ago but it got delayed.
So we are still on pack and ship 1.0 as we are a fedex/restock store, we are now hiring seasonal FF TM's and they literally don't have permission to pack. Anytime that they load up the pack and ship app it's giving them a syscontrol-5005 error, have tried going through CSC and MySupport channels with both of them coming up empty. Just wondering if any other stores are having this issue. I know that there are very few stores <100 that are still on pack and ship 1.0, so my guess is they forgot about the app permission wise and didn't key the seasonal FF TM's to have access to the app.
Last year, weren't seasonals supposed to only pack? Not that any store follows those guidelines, but come on, HQ needs to make up their mind.
We had them doing both, but the few who couldn’t make it picking were only allowed to pack. It would be nice if HQ would make up their mind and ETLs would follow through, instead of saying “the DTL says we’re not supposed to do it this way, but do it anyway”. Then watch the shitshow cover-up hit the fan when the DTL comes for a sudden visit...😂😂😂
We're trying to train seasonal as both pickers and packers. STL and DTL are at odds for what they actually want. We're training all cashiers to pack just to cover our bases and I told my key players to set a timer and have the Packers pick up what would be a paused cart so it doesn't show up as paused. Hopefully everything gets sorted by Thanksgiving but I'm not counting on it and training people how to work the system that actually know what they are doing. That way the LOD doesn't freak when they see a paused cart no matter if we've communicated why. They can't keep track of breaks, they haven't been able to keep track of a cart being "in progress" for an extra hour yet. And when pick speed comes out in MPM2.0 we'll have to figure out something else to do as we don't really have people who only pack and I don't want the STL to say we have to coach for speed when part of the time we're doing something to increase speed even if they don't understand it.
Ughhhh , seeasonal TMs ..
I had 3 to train , only one that could actually do the job , will not be SFS but rather in bound ... so why did I waste my time training him???
Oh yeah , dimwit HR put him on the schedule on a day with no truck ..
the other 2 were simply useless ... one quit after 2 ,5 hrs , because it was too much walking and he was not in shape ...
the 3rd one , only packed 19 units an hour ... and it took him 2hrto pick 23 units ... I gave up on that one ( after I walked with him and showed him how to pick , scan , showed him the layout , explaining pogs ) I admit it , I just told him to take a cart and go ...thus 2 hrs ... I checked on him a few times while I was picking ...
I am desperate ...
Ughhhh , seeasonal TMs ..
I had 3 to train , only one that could actually do the job , will not be SFS but rather in bound ... so why did I waste my time training him???
Oh yeah , dimwit HR put him on the schedule on a day with no truck ..
the other 2 were simply useless ... one quit after 2 ,5 hrs , because it was too much walking and he was not in shape ...
the 3rd one , only packed 19 units an hour ... and it took him 2hrto pick 23 units ... I gave up on that one ( after I walked with him and showed him how to pick , scan , showed him the layout , explaining pogs ) I admit it , I just told him to take a cart and go ...thus 2 hrs ... I checked on him a few times while I was picking ...
I am desperate ...

The slow one, if they have never worked in the store before, I give a couple days to actually learn the store. That alone can slow someone way down. Give that one a couple more days if the speed picking/packing does not pick up, then panic. I find the ones who are slow but try usually do ok, or at least you can limp along with them but not keepers..

Our store isn't seeing anything different..
I haven't seen any seasonal people yet, and it makes me wonder if they're going to stick me with SFS shifts from now on instead of backroom and that gives me a sad.
The slow one, if they have never worked in the store before, I give a couple days to actually learn the store. That alone can slow someone way down. Give that one a couple more days if the speed picking/packing does not pick up, then panic. I find the ones who are slow but try usually do ok, or at least you can limp along with them but not keepers..

Our store isn't seeing anything different..
There is slow learning , because it’s new and all but this one was slow walking ... it was like a sloth ...
Nobody at my store likes to work flexfill hope I also won’t be the one training these new tms I considered myself pretty good but others are also good especially the captain & TL haha... I’m not pay enough!
I make sure to walk at my normal pick speed which is very quickly while with newbies. If they can keep pace with me, they have promise. If not, disappointing. I go through the basics first, how to read aisles, how sections/pog sets work, pushing, then teach them backstock/pulls and finally opu's then batches followed by packing at the end.

I've had 6 or 7 trainees this week and all seem decent, with 1 being a keeper. Fast, efficient and doesn't screw around. Oh one quit after 4 days. We have the most incredible HR TM in Target at our store who watches over my sanity and sfs and lets leadership know of any concerns or feedback I have about hires, informs me of sfs news, updates, etc.

The others I am keeping a eye on but so far our hires will be prepared by the holiday rush. Atleast I hope so...maybe
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One seasonal I trained is doing pretty well. They ask questions, works pretty quickly, and seems capable of grasping how to do the job. They've also been trained in other areas, and seems to be doing a good job overall.

Another one is suuuuper slow, can only find half a batch, and then when I go to look for the rest of it, some of it isn't even stuff that's unlocated in the backroom, it's stuff that was on the floor exactly where it was supposed to be. There's also a bit of an attitude and a general lack of wanting to actually do any work. They're definitely not going to last.

Admittedly when I first joined here I was a little put-off by the "ugh seasonals" attitude, because I started as a seasonal last year. But now I get it. I so get it.
So far, I got 1 transfer thats very good. I just need to retrain them, as they have a few bad habits here and there.

2 seasonals are pretty darn good, they are straightforward and they ask questions. As a bonus, I taught them how to use the Wave and they learned pretty quickly. The only thing they have left to do is to learn how our backroom is setup. I also have a map of the backroom as a training/assist tool, which helps very well when they are on their own. They ask others nearby when they are lost, and are just fine on their own. I need to train one of them on the Crown, as well...

I have 1, though, that I truly believe will not manage well in Q4. They will truly take too long in a batch, but I will give them a few days to see if they improve. If nothing sticks, then they won't make it. They are very gung-ho, and put little thought process whilst picking. It may look simple when you see someone do it, but there is more to it than meets the eye. Very nice person, good work ethic, but their lack of understanding will cost them if they don't learn. Repetition will be key with this one...

I always tell them that I don't expect them to know where things are, and I always ask if they ever worked in retail before. Its very important for me to know, whether or not, that they have retail experience (Sales floor location labels, backroom inventory management and why its important, etc).

I finally understand how my SFS TL felt about me last year 😱
E pick was down ..
So much fun ... we missed a opu deadline , could not open the app without crashing it
gsa kept calling us to ask us if so and so’s order was ready ... and we kept saying the same thing : E pick is down ...did they receive their email ???

We just announced it after the third call that it was down and that we would announce when it was back until then no orders. And ignored the radio after that.. Goal times? Yeah they went in the toilet.
9% or higher is red. So anything less than 9 is good.

For Ship from Store, the goal is 9% or less. Getting 9-11% will put you in yellow. Above that is red.

For OPU, it's 5% or less. Getting 5-7% will put you in yellow. Above that is red.

(Those should be the right ranges for yellow, anyone please feel free to correct me.)
View attachment 6238View attachment 6239
New shirts for the Fulfillment Team we’re passed around today. If it’s for us to be somewhat incognito, that ain’t happening with a SFS cart attached to us.
Do you have a part number or what the side of the box looks like? Ours still have not been delivered.

I had to dig through my emails for some reason I thought it was November 1st, nope we were supposed to get them September 23rd.

SAP part numbers are
SF0400 small
SF0401 medium
SF0402 large
SF0403 x-large
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so I'm on my first week after training with Flex Fulfillment and I just have a few questions...

1. How long should you take for a pick batch? say you have 28 tasks in your pick batch? I know sometimes a pick batch can take longer because in our store every fulfillment team member has to do OPU's so having to exit out of a batch constantly for OPU's really slows a pick batch down but I'm just curious on what people think is a reasonable time limit.

2. Does anyone else pick two carts and then pack? or should we just be picking one cart at a time then packing right after?

3. Final question... how many carts do y'all typically do a day?

I'm just curious on what you guys think!!! when they hired me the only "time limit" they stressed about was OPU's and finishing our picking and packing before 4:30 pm but with holidays coming up I want to make sure I'm up to par.
so I'm on my first week after training with Flex Fulfillment and I just have a few questions...

1. How long should you take for a pick batch? say you have 28 tasks in your pick batch? I know sometimes a pick batch can take longer because in our store every fulfillment team member has to do OPU's so having to exit out of a batch constantly for OPU's really slows a pick batch down but I'm just curious on what people think is a reasonable time limit.

2. Does anyone else pick two carts and then pack? or should we just be picking one cart at a time then packing right after?

3. Final question... how many carts do y'all typically do a day?

I'm just curious on what you guys think!!! when they hired me the only "time limit" they stressed about was OPU's and finishing our picking and packing before 4:30 pm but with holidays coming up I want to make sure I'm up to par. depends on the store. I tell my team my expectations. I also I had starts end batch Sheet they fill out to gauge there performance vs the rest of team. Preremodel it was 30-40 mins but now it's an hour
2. We have pickers and Packers.

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