@carafe the information you both need is under the modernization tab on Workbench then go to Flexible

You can find the plans and all key dates. What the POG looks like and if you want I can DM the changes I made to ours based on being able to have usable storage. I also changed the order of the boxes we use and the space and why. For the big box cart I moved 277 and 454 to the ends as you can then double stack those box sizes. They got rid of a lot of steel for us so storage on the stations is key.

CSC won't have anything useful everything has to go through mysupport and there will be a specific hashtag to get faster turn around, based on of you're a remodel or a refresh for modernization.

Either way there is supposed to be an ETL Captain to keep track of construction dates and timelines and then follow up with the items that are missing.

Oh I know, I had the guide printed and all of us on the team have read it, we can quote it back to you. Sadly we are pretty short on ETL's so its just another tell that these people have no fucking clue what the fuck they are doing. We were supposed to get a Market ETL, he quit from the store he was training at. They don't plan, they don't deal with anything until it smacks them in the face. And getting this going is above my paygrade, I can run it but I want the paycheck to go with it. Which they won't give me.
And getting this going is above my paygrade, I can run it but I want the paycheck to go with it. Which they won't give me.
That's on them then. Modernization is a huge focus and SFS modernization is an even bigger focus. Technically they could give you a temporary remodel pay increase, but why do that when they think they can get the work done for your current rate.
Found it. But it's being weird.

Using Cart. Create> SHPPL > 18 child locations. This is the results.View attachment 6511
Are you trying to create locations for a vehicle or hold location for OPU and drive up? What you created is a parent and child for a cart like the SFS carts or a three tier. You want hold locations instead of selecting cart.
yea we had the same problem. We just typed it in twice. the first time it would print evens and then the second it would print odds. Couldn't figure out the method to the madness but it worked.

Sadly, that only created 3 more odd numbered locations (13, 15, 17).
Are you trying to create locations for a vehicle or hold location for OPU and drive up? What you created is a parent and child for a cart like the SFS carts or a three tier. You want hold locations instead of selecting cart.
Nope, I'm creating locations for a SFS cart.
So who's experimenting with the speed algorithm in the system.
It’s really off at my store at least. OPU productivity included people who didn’t do OPU at all. The funny thing is the person that didn’t do OPU had 130 pick productivity when they were packing the entire time.

Nope, I'm creating locations for a SFS cart.
Are you using Flexible Fulfillment label rolls? Whenever I try to print OPU labels or Cart labels, it’s slightly off. The OPU labels cut off some of the printed info and with cart locations in MyWork 2.0, the parent prints out fine but child locations barcode gets cut off to which we can’t scan. There’s still room to print more on the label but it doesn’t. Only remedy is pull the roll to get all the info.
Sometimes the printer fixes itself but hasn’t for a bit. It’s the same configuration for MyWork 2.0 (ZPL*, X/Y Axis 0, Top of form 36) for ePick?
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So quick question because literally no one in my store can give the right answer -
What's the time orders have to be packed by now and does sort count in that time?
I've been in sfs since last year and was always told 4 until a few months ago when we were told 4:30 (when pack and ship 2 came out).

Our new sfs TL says pack has to be done by 4:30 (but preferably by 4 or else we're "in the yellow"). Backroom ETL (who was head of sfs before we got a TL) said 4:30 today when we were worried about making time. But then GSTL said 4 whenever I updated them as to when everything was done for the day and I was clocking out. Zebras say 4:30 on the epick app. Which one freaking is it???

No one has any clue on sort and if it has a timer, and no one in my store thinks assigning someone to sort as we pack is a good idea either.
So quick question because literally no one in my store can give the right answer -
What's the time orders have to be packed by now and does sort count in that time?
I've been in sfs since last year and was always told 4 until a few months ago when we were told 4:30 (when pack and ship 2 came out).

Our new sfs TL says pack has to be done by 4:30 (but preferably by 4 or else we're "in the yellow"). Backroom ETL (who was head of sfs before we got a TL) said 4:30 today when we were worried about making time. But then GSTL said 4 whenever I updated them as to when everything was done for the day and I was clocking out. Zebras say 4:30 on the epick app. Which one freaking is it???

No one has any clue on sort and if it has a timer, and no one in my store thinks assigning someone to sort as we pack is a good idea either.
ASANTS, but good luck on getting a straight answer about anything OPU/SFS, particularly deadlines. They seemed to vary daily at my store depending how far behind we were. One day it was 4:30, the next day we were still packing at 4:15 and caught Hell because we missed the 4:00 deadline. All from the same ETL.🙄
So quick question because literally no one in my store can give the right answer -
What's the time orders have to be packed by now and does sort count in that time?
I've been in sfs since last year and was always told 4 until a few months ago when we were told 4:30 (when pack and ship 2 came out).

Our new sfs TL says pack has to be done by 4:30 (but preferably by 4 or else we're "in the yellow"). Backroom ETL (who was head of sfs before we got a TL) said 4:30 today when we were worried about making time. But then GSTL said 4 whenever I updated them as to when everything was done for the day and I was clocking out. Zebras say 4:30 on the epick app. Which one freaking is it???

No one has any clue on sort and if it has a timer, and no one in my store thinks assigning someone to sort as we pack is a good idea either.

4 is goal, which allows a 30 minute window for errors, issues and any incidental rush that might drop up to 4:30.
ASANTS, but good luck on getting a straight answer about anything OPU/SFS, particularly deadlines. They seemed to vary daily at my store depending how far behind we were. One day it was 4:30, the next day we were still packing at 4:15 and caught Hell because we missed the 4:00 deadline. All from the same ETL.🙄
Yeah I'm seriously thinking it's something like this because no one knows anymore lol.

4 is goal, which allows a 30 minute window for errors, issues and any incidental rush that might drop up to 4:30.
Clearest answer I've gotten. Thanks for this! As I said i swear it's changed 5 times in the past month with no one knowing what the real goal is.
We had everything done before 4:30, but not everything scanned through before 4, mainly because 2 printers went down due to jams I had to fix, and us being understaffed - I was Drive Up but since SFS is my main department I just voluntarily went back there when there were no DUs.
We only had 5 people and 2 were trainees who had gotten 0 packing experience until today, so they weren't exactly fast.
So quick question because literally no one in my store can give the right answer -
What's the time orders have to be packed by now and does sort count in that time?
I've been in sfs since last year and was always told 4 until a few months ago when we were told 4:30 (when pack and ship 2 came out).

Our new sfs TL says pack has to be done by 4:30 (but preferably by 4 or else we're "in the yellow"). Backroom ETL (who was head of sfs before we got a TL) said 4:30 today when we were worried about making time. But then GSTL said 4 whenever I updated them as to when everything was done for the day and I was clocking out. Zebras say 4:30 on the epick app. Which one freaking is it???

No one has any clue on sort and if it has a timer, and no one in my store thinks assigning someone to sort as we pack is a good idea either.

It's a moving Target right now. It's still 4:30, but that's the hard deadline, but I don't know if that includes sort. The soft deadline is 4PM so you can solve errors you come across. The way the documentation reads it appears to include the sort process. The sort process doubles the length of time it takes to unload the line so your loosing probably close to 5 min per 100 boxes having to sort. I know it's possible for a Carrier Pickup to show up as red.
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HQ logic: lets have them scan the same thing multiple times, that’ll improve pack speed.

Lol so now we gotta scan the cart (parent), scan the items, go back, scan the cart again (child), scan the items again, wait for the printer, scan the label, then actually pack. Oh but you think you’re done now? No you have to go back, scan the label again to “sort” it. Jesus i cant wait to that 1k+ times on black friday
Coders gotta justify their jobs to keep em!

It's not coder, its Dev, and they only write what they are told to write. It's the morons who thought up this process. Sorry had to defend the software devs since I live with one and I see what they go through.

That is just another tell of how years of immature management have now filtered through the entire company causing it to just rot from the inside out. Any thought of getting anything done quickly and cleanly is long gone.

My store still does not know if or when we will come back up for SFS three weeks now and two of those are supposed to be remodel but nothing has even been started at this rate we will miss all the black Friday sales and our STL doesn't care. When he should when we are not making sales by 10-20 grand a day..
HQ logic: lets have them scan the same thing multiple times, that’ll improve pack speed.

Lol so now we gotta scan the cart (parent), scan the items, go back, scan the cart again (child), scan the items again, wait for the printer, scan the label, then actually pack. Oh but you think you’re done now? No you have to go back, scan the label again to “sort” it. Jesus i cant wait to that 1k+ times on black friday

And this is one process area.

I get the reasoning... Redundancy to reduce errors. But seriously, it's as if the devs never test these with actual "in the wild" end-users. I would love to have a feedback option. I have plenty of features I'd love to suggest too.

Like, why can't I skip a backroom location for an item on the floor? Not every location is accessible, especially during unload, so skipping to a floor location (or even alternate second backroom location) would speed up picking time. But I get it, that item is a guarantee pick, assuming it's actually there.
HQ logic: lets have them scan the same thing multiple times, that’ll improve pack speed.

Lol so now we gotta scan the cart (parent), scan the items, go back, scan the cart again (child), scan the items again, wait for the printer, scan the label, then actually pack. Oh but you think you’re done now? No you have to go back, scan the label again to “sort” it. Jesus i cant wait to that 1k+ times on black friday
Yesss. I went on vacation for a week and used to scan things once. Now I scan things 4x
SFS at my store finally opens back up tomorrow.. well today technically.. I've never been so excited to pick before. It's been a month!!
Does anyone know how to check who picked SFS batches? I remember is was possible through myFA on the PDAs but I don't know if it's still possible.
Does anyone know how to check who picked SFS batches? I remember is was possible through myFA on the PDAs but I don't know if it's still possible.
Order inquiry no longer works on the PDA. Currently there’s no way to see who picked an item for OPU or SFS batch but MyHelp is supposedly to update later on with that information.

It used to be PDA<MyFA<down page<order inquiry< scan or key DPCI/Order#
Order inquiry no longer works on the PDA. Currently there’s no way to see who picked an item for OPU or SFS batch but MyHelp is supposedly to update later on with that information.

It used to be PDA<MyFA<down page<order inquiry< scan or key DPCI/Order#
It worked for my store today. But Myhelp needs a way to do it by DPCI
So our store had its stress test yesterday. We didn't finish packing by 4:30, but we were pretty close. We had about 600 orders and 10-15 people picking and packing. I was kind of annoyed because when I first got in I asked the TL if there were going to be people specifically doing OPUs so pickers/packers were could just concentrate on that and he said yes. About 2 hours into my shift (10 am) we hear on the walkie, "Is anyone going to jump on that flex that just dropped?" It was like this all day. I hadn't even turned on alerts because I thought someone else was doing them. After that I turned it on and each time I heard one drop I looked to see if anyone else was getting it. I got about 50% of them. One order was for 28 items (lots of food and chem). That is really hard to do in 30 minutes, especially if you are packing on the first floor and have to go get things all the way up on the 3rd floor and the freight elevators are blocked. Another thing that would be super helpful is more RFIDs. We only have 3 in our store, so most people didn't have one. There are probably some clothing items that were INFed that probably were in the building in a repack box or in one of the wacos on the 3rd floor that are not located. (we have tons of clothing up there that is not located...I just don't get it)

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