Ok folks - I'm looking for ideas for improvements to ePick in 2019. Bonus points if they pertain to being more efficient in picking or they reduce INF.
We've been having a lot of issues with SFS TMs putting items in the wrong hold location because ePick asks "How many do you want to print?" after you scan it into hold, instead of before. So they're having to scan the items, bag them, go scan a hold location, print the stickers, then go put the bags in the hold location... or, they scan the items, bag them, put them in a hold location, print the stickers, then forget which hold location it was put in. It seems like it'd reduce errors like this (and save time/steps) if the stickers printed after you scanned the items, then after you scanned the hold location it asked "Do you need to print more?" before you move onto the next order (which would be the equivalent of the Reprint/OK screen that's there now).
We had more than our fair share of that too. We had repacks labeled for the unfinish items until we got through all our "previous day's" work load. Then we backstocked everything that was left. If it shows up now it's well after the cart was finished and everything is green.

I know that issue was part of the reason they came up with the subcart locations and I noticed a good number of the items that would eventually show up were items that were associated with a full subcart so 17 & 18 were the biggest offenders.

Thanks, for confirming I wasn't nuts.. Today it was repeating things left in a paused cart. Now that could be it had sat overnight and I was cleaning it up later in the day. Today instead of clearing the left over carts I picked as much as I could before we opened and worried about them later.. So many DVD's I picked today.. Clothing was a lost cause along with those stupid hoverboards. Thanks guys for not having them located so the six we had I could have sent out if you had tied them to a location I might have found them before I killed the orders.

For OPU, I know it might not work now PackAndCry, but I just carry the printer with me, print the label as I work, or I use a post it note and leave it hanging out of the Waco, so I can bag everything then take it all to the location I have my mark in/on.

And thanks to whoever posted the SAP numbers for the black shirts, our HRTM who's last day is tomorrow ordered a crap load of those shirts as a going away present for us.. 😎
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I don't understand how it lets orders go through for items with 0 OH.

When an order approaches goal it says "order 13531787544686543578 approaching goal time." But there's no way I Know to see which cart that order is tied to, or which TM is working it.
I don't understand how it lets orders go through for items with 0 OH.

When an order approaches goal it says "order 13531787544686543578 approaching goal time." But there's no way I Know to see which cart that order is tied to, or which TM is working it.

Cause when the order drops, there was inventory and the system removes it, so 0 on hand means there is one in the store and you are looking for that one. At least that is what I was told, could be bullshit but I don't think it is. Since sometimes I have found that one item, but our counts are a joke at this point.
Cause when the order drops, there was inventory and the system removes it, so 0 on hand means there is one in the store and you are looking for that one. At least that is what I was told, could be bullshit but I don't think it is. Since sometimes I have found that one item, but our counts are a joke at this point.
Hmm that’s definitely not what I was told and doesn’t make sense.
The system removes it when it is pulled. It wouldn’t pull it from the system just because it told you to get it before you actually find it.
Hmm that’s definitely not what I was told and doesn’t make sense.
The system removes it when it is pulled. It wouldn’t pull it from the system just because it told you to get it before you actually find it.
No, it's subtracted from the on-hands when the order drops into the system. That's how they prevent 2 orders for dropping in for an item that we only have one of on-hand. If you INF something, you can watch and after about an hour it drops back into the on-hands.
No, it's subtracted from the on-hands when the order drops into the system. That's how they prevent 2 orders for dropping in for an item that we only have one of on-hand. If you INF something, you can watch and after about an hour it drops back into the on-hands.
Hm that actually makes total sense now that I think about it.....
We've been having a lot of issues with SFS TMs putting items in the wrong hold location because ePick asks "How many do you want to print?" after you scan it into hold, instead of before. So they're having to scan the items, bag them, go scan a hold location, print the stickers, then go put the bags in the hold location... or, they scan the items, bag them, put them in a hold location, print the stickers, then forget which hold location it was put in. It seems like it'd reduce errors like this (and save time/steps) if the stickers printed after you scanned the items, then after you scanned the hold location it asked "Do you need to print more?" before you move onto the next order (which would be the equivalent of the Reprint/OK screen that's there now).
Yes I am all for anything that results in accurate hold locations! @mobilelady it would also be awesome for GSTMs if the stickers said how many items are in the order so we can verify. Or ask the picker how many bags they used and put that on the sticker
Yes I am all for anything that results in accurate hold locations! @mobilelady it would also be awesome for GSTMs if the stickers said how many items are in the order so we can verify. Or ask the picker how many bags they used and put that on the sticker

If I use multiple bags, I try to use multiple locations, since at least it used to list where all the holding locations when the order was picked up. Usually next to each other. Sucky but the only way I could figure out how to clue in GS that there were multiple bags.
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It's confused so many TMs that it says "How many do you want?" and not "How many stickers do you want to print?". How many what do I want?
If I use multiple bags, I try to use multiple locations, since at least it used to list where all the holding locations when the order was picked up. Usually next to each other. Sucky but the only way I could figure out how to clue in GS that there were multiple bags.
Oh at my store we put them all together with a sticker on each bag.
Oh at my store we put them all together with a sticker on each bag.

Stickers don't list how many bags in the order.. Also we are so short on space, you end up with multiple locations including the STL office to just have space. And the STL office was dedicated on Thursday since the STL stated that we didn't need any extra hold locations that what we had should way more than enough space. Then the 1000 OPU orders dropped the weekend before thanksgiving and hold space went "poof"!!!!! Like so packed in that room that you could only shuffle sideways to walk through there. But we had more than enough hold space. 🙄

STL isn't happy that we took over his office with product, to the point he can hardly get to his desk, Since it is full of xmas trees and big boxed items.. 😎
I don't understand how it lets orders go through for items with 0 OH.

When an order approaches goal it says "order 13531787544686543578 approaching goal time." But there's no way I Know to see which cart that order is tied to, or which TM is working it.

Cause when the order drops, there was inventory and the system removes it, so 0 on hand means there is one in the store and you are looking for that one. At least that is what I was told, could be bullshit but I don't think it is. Since sometimes I have found that one item, but our counts are a joke at this point.

@Ringwraith917 The only workaround I could find was to write down the order number from the goal approaching alert, search it in mygo, and then ask the team "Hey who's working on that order with the cleaning supplies?". Very frustrating though.

@Bosch Yes, that's what's supposed to happen but like you said, the on-hands are usually messed up tp begin with so not always helpful.
I hate to say it, but with this group of seasonals, I really wish that ePick had some sort of "TM stuck looking for item, check if they need help" alert if a TM spent a certain amount of time on one item, kind of like the "cashier idle" ones that GSTLs get. We had a seasonal TM spend 2+ hours trying to pick a batch and they were able to find less than 10 items.
What I have LODs, TLs, and captains do (or at least have told them to do) is take a picture of the active carts in ePick and set a timer for 45 min, by that time the carts should be different if they aren't they should get on the walkie to find out who's working on what cart. It works till you get super busy and forget to do it so when it's hectic I set a timer for 30 min so if I miss one at max it's an hour. It's less important when you have people that know that they are doing and more important when you just take who you can get.

Never send a new person to pick at 2 PM when you actually care about goal and are behind. They will show up at 4:15 confused why you're frustrated at them.
It feels like leadership at my store has a 10 minute timer for asking why we're still on the same carts. On Black Friday Weekend. With all but two of the new hires starting on Thanksgiving day.

Meanwhile as I zip around the store I see them all shootin' the shit in front of guests and doing nothing. Lovely system.
What I have LODs, TLs, and captains do (or at least have told them to do) is take a picture of the active carts in ePick and set a timer for 45 min, by that time the carts should be different if they aren't they should get on the walkie to find out who's working on what cart. It works till you get super busy and forget to do it so when it's hectic I set a timer for 30 min so if I miss one at max it's an hour. It's less important when you have people that know that they are doing and more important when you just take who you can get.

Never send a new person to pick at 2 PM when you actually care about goal and are behind. They will show up at 4:15 confused why you're frustrated at them.

I double batch every cart. Every single cart. So does everyone else since there are no carts.

With our shit show picking anything on time is a fucking joke. To get any of the softlines backroom locations requires moving at minimum 15-20 vehicles to get into the aisle and ladder, then you pick your item you get move them all back for the next aisle. Repeat waste 15min an item and babysitting a newbie as well. Can you say "no fucking progress!!!"

And they keep asking why we are behind? 600 SFS orders two people and one of them is brand fucking new? Fuck off with that BS about goal times.
@Bosch I saw a local store with 80 hours of work for yesterday's workload and only 20 hours scheduled in SFS. They might be a little in over their heads (At Risk) and Cyber Monday hasn't even happened yet.
@Bosch I saw a local store with 80 hours of work for yesterday's workload and only 20 hours scheduled in SFS. They might be a little in over their heads (At Risk) and Cyber Monday hasn't even happened yet.

We were shut down by Friday morning. The threat was instant that we were in deep shit from the get go. Cause even early in the week we were under scheduled and falling behind. We knew it was going to build but were not scheduled for it, not even close. But who listens to the people who were here last year and knew a storm was coming..

had the HRBP in yesterday and I watched the color drain from the HRETL's face when I straight told the BP what was going down. That we were set up for failure, given no support, no people and left to rot with no support when we were begging for help. "Well we sent you two brand new people and you had McDonald for 4hrs on Thursday, I don't understand why you are so behind.". Two first day people on Thursday while I was the only one picking over 600 SFS orders and they wondered why we didn't get much done..

The sheer taken aback by the BP was fun to watch, when I then excused myself cause I had to go find some hoverboards that we had nine of but they were not located anywhere and I needed to search on the endless vehicles to help the newbie find six of them for SFS orders from two days ago. Cause I didn't want to ruin Xmas for those guests if I didn't have to.
@Bosch Ever see the old gameshow Supermarket Sweep? How many times does a contestant go down the wrong aisle when they don't know the store? If the HRETL can't tell you the fastest way to get to the bedding from the garage in Ikea (assuming they never worked at Ikea) what makes them think a new TM will be able to do that at Target? I give a new TM more time the first few days, but they better be improving and I can tell you the ones I'm cutting in the first round within a week, two on the outside unless I see drastic improvement.

Sometimes that improvement goes the other way and people get worse. Q4 some people get the shaft just because of bad timing. You seem promising, but were brought on 2 days before the first round of cuts. I'm sorry, but if we've got amazing people I'm not investing time into you when a seasonal retention rate is maybe 30% past the first month.

Every year they say how to schedule and what to expect. And every year they do a stress test that is based on you following directions to cram 2 days into one and every year the STLs freak out that they are going to get a massive amount of orders so they over schedule and pick ahead to cheat the system. Guess what, you can't cheat when 2 days falls into 1 day and it's not scheduled.

I always try and over schedule with new people, because they are slow or they call out. Usually I can guess who will be the callouts when looking at the grid. I know we're getting callouts when they put filler slots in, even if those fillers are from other stores. A 4AM shift that's "optional" and 20+ miles from your house is less appealing at 2:30AM than it was when they agreed to it at 5PM.
What I have LODs, TLs, and captains do (or at least have told them to do) is take a picture of the active carts in ePick and set a timer for 45 min, by that time the carts should be different if they aren't they should get on the walkie to find out who's working on what cart. It works till you get super busy and forget to do it so when it's hectic I set a timer for 30 min so if I miss one at max it's an hour. It's less important when you have people that know that they are doing and more important when you just take who you can get.

Never send a new person to pick at 2 PM when you actually care about goal and are behind. They will show up at 4:15 confused why you're frustrated at them.

Sorry, don't give me that captain bullshit. All that means is responsibility for no pay. I made it crystal clear that if they wanted me to be a captain, I wanted a raise, even if it was temporary. Fuck that shit. Target trying to get something for nothing.

Now if you're bucking for a promotion in the future, which is never guaranteed I might add, work for free. I'm not that person. I work for Target to make money.

And another thing, leadership is sorely lacking in this whole sfs, drive up, store pickup thing. The stl and etls at my store totally ignore it and under schedule it consistently until they need someone to blame. Then it's .... it's the TMS fault for "insert whatever went wrong that they caused." Fuck that noise. You want the pay but not the responsibilities. But you expect me to pick up the responsibilities without the pay?! Right.
Sorry, don't give me that captain bullshit.

At least I use Captain when I mean someone I'm mentoring that I'm giving responsibility to and training. Should they get more pay with that responsibility, probably but I've challenged a number of people who fell flat on their face within a week. And honestly a week of pay change is not worth the paperwork. It sucks to tell someone that has expressed interest in being a TL that they are never going to make it as long as you're there. The amplified gifting Captain is only useful if you want to peacock for a VM roll.
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Sorry, don't give me that captain bullshit. All that means is responsibility for no pay. I made it crystal clear that if they wanted me to be a captain, I wanted a raise, even if it was temporary. Fuck that shit. Target trying to get something for nothing.

Now if you're bucking for a promotion in the future, which is never guaranteed I might add, work for free. I'm not that person. I work for Target to make money.

And another thing, leadership is sorely lacking in this whole sfs, drive up, store pickup thing. The stl and etls at my store totally ignore it and under schedule it consistently until they need someone to blame. Then it's .... it's the TMS fault for "insert whatever went wrong that they caused." Fuck that noise. You want the pay but not the responsibilities. But you expect me to pick up the responsibilities without the pay?! Right.

One more thing, I went in Saturday to buy something and a coworker told that the ETL HR told her I was in charge Monday over sfs. What?! What the fuck is up with that? Did I get promoted in the 14 hours I'd been away from the store? I'm in charge over this quagmire you all created. Slacker ass supervisors trying to pawn their shit onto me.
At least I use Captain when I mean someone I'm mentoring that I'm giving responsibility to and training. Should they get more pay with that responsibility, probably but I've challenged a number of people who fell flat on their face within a week. And honestly a week of pay change is not worth the paperwork. It sucks to tell someone that has expressed interest in being a TL that they are never going to make it as long as you're their. The amplified gifting Captain is only useful if you want to peacock for a VM roll.

Responsibility equals money. That's my opinion. Now, I'll fill in for my boss, the pptl, when she's off. But I've been doing signing and pog for 14 years. And she is a great boss. If I told her no, she'd understand.

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