I have my first shift at Target tonight. Training in fulfillment. Any advice? 😬

If picking:
Scan the barcode on the product, NOT the shelf label.

If you don't know the store the Target app on your device or even your phone will give you a map of the store to help narrow down the location of where the item should be.

If packing:
Air pillows are not for protection they are to keep the box from collapsing when heavy boxes are placed on top of it and to keep items from shifting and causing boxes to topple. They will also provide a little protection but if it needs protection, bubble wrap it. The larger the boxes ask always take more air pillows than you think.
If packing:
Air pillows are not for protection they are to keep the box from collapsing when heavy boxes are placed on top of it and to keep items from shifting and causing boxes to topple. They will also provide a little protection but if it needs protection, bubble wrap it. The larger the boxes ask always take more air pillows than you think.
You learn something everyday. None of our SFS knows this, and judging from the SFS packages I’ve received a lot of other folks don’t either. Thanks!😁
You learn something everyday. None of our SFS knows this, and judging from the SFS packages I’ve received a lot of other folks don’t either. Thanks!😁
It's void fill and their are different types of void fill for different reasons. Void Fill Solutions - https://sealedair.com/product-care/product-care-solutions/void-fill-solutions

Bubble wrap is a barrier layer that then let's air pillows do their job. If you can fit your fist into the box it's not going to do it's job. Ever do the egg drop experiment in HS? It's the same idea and you can do the same thing with packing peanuts, but they take up far more space. It's more effective to blow up the air pillows than fill a box with packing peanuts or bubble wrap. Foam in place is the best, but that is price prohibitive.
Anyone know what causes the "Heat Sensor Bad" message on the airspeed machine? We've never had this problem before and now it just happened to the third one within a month.

It's a bad sensor. You can buy some time by unlocking it, manually changing the temperature settings and if the belt is old swapping out the belt as if the sensor runs hot it can burn through the belt, but if it's going to fail it's going to just get worse.

The air speed machines are just refurbished when they get sent back so if the compressor is the issue I doubt they install a new sensor. I'm sure they can tweek the temperate sensor to attempt to recalibrate it but if a sensor is actually failing they are going to replace the sensor as it's likely cheaper to replace than to overnight. As long as it's in working shape they send it back out after basic testing. I've had 6 go bad around the same time this year over a 6 month period so I think it may be a useful life issue as for 3 years I think only one went bad and that was our main station then all of them went bad and two replacements went bad.

If you want a basic breakdown of similar tech check out Big Clive
They just need a sensor to provide the feedback for the heat as the seal moves.

Film jams seem to be an alignment issue, I'm not sure what the repair agreement with Target is but the machine is pretty basic technology with only a handful of things that can go wrong. Most relating to getting the heat for the seal on the bag correct as compressors for air last a really long time.
Wow. Sorry you had to deal with that. We had extra people help us out all day. But our count was consistently at 2,000 items, it just wouldn’t go down. We had six pickers and four packers and we had to start using three tiers. We also got three people dedicated to OPU the whole night. There was a lot we had to INF that was already taken by guests. Our packers stayed late to finish up all the carts. Our UPS trailer was already half full when I left. I was done at midnight, I can’t imagine what the morning crew is walking into.

Yep, we got turned off cause they just stopped pulling SFS and did OPU and they could not get it below 250 OPU for the night or most of today. I walked into five paused SFS carts that took forever to clean up.

Does anyone else notice when you pick it may ask for one of an item, but when you go to pack you end up needing like two more for other orders? I first saw it when packing some of the newbies carts but when packing my own orders it was happening. Along with some items just never getting a collate for them, until way way late. We have an entire cart of stuff we never got collates for. We are keeping them since the first one we noticed popped the collate this morning from something picked at noon yesterday.
Speaking of SFS, good lord. We didn't come close to making the 4:30 goal. Carts lined up 2-3 deep, at least 15 carts long waiting to be packed. Every available, non-essential body was pulled off their assignment and put to SFS. Exhausted doesn't come close to what I'm feeling rn.
At least your people showed up. We hired a bunch of people specifically to start the week of Thanksgiving as cashiers (with previous cashier experience) and SFS some of the SFS were to start the day of Thanksgiving as their first day (It's what corporate funding would allow, as it was we had to cut back core TMs to try to onboard and train early.) So many callouts and NCNS that I think we probably had a good 100 hours of scheduled people not show up between those work centers.

Last year we had some people pull that crap. Immediately termed in the system. When they showed up for their next shift they were handed their final pay. No way in hell would I trust them to show up consistently for the rest of Q4.
Speaking of SFS, good lord. We didn't come close to making the 4:30 goal. Carts lined up 2-3 deep, at least 15 carts long waiting to be packed. Every available, non-essential body was pulled off their assignment and put to SFS. Exhausted doesn't come close to what I'm feeling rn.

We didn't finish either. OPU dropped in like crazy, and we needed all hands on deck for SFS. Hardly any of us could leave electronics, because guest traffic was insane there.
What a shitshow. We could have had 20 people and still not keep up. And management acts like it's the TMS fault. Well then, YOU try picking in electronics instead of hiding in the back packing. We had the STL, ETL HR, and a SR TL packing while we picked and struggled on the floor. Don't INF anything they say. Meanwhile, they have never picked or even know how to synch the RFID device. So don't tell me how to do something you yourself can't do. Bastards.
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^^ same with those stupid packages of Hanes t shirts and boxers that are randomly stuffed into shippers in the far corners of Softlines. Finish the batch, wheel my cart to the packing area only to see bins of Softlines freight which included multiple packages of said underwear. Grrr.
Along with some items just never getting a collate for them, until way way late. We have an entire cart of stuff we never got collates for. We are keeping them since the first one we noticed popped the collate this morning from something picked at noon yesterday.

We had more than our fair share of that too. We had repacks labeled for the unfinish items until we got through all our "previous day's" work load. Then we backstocked everything that was left. If it shows up now it's well after the cart was finished and everything is green.

I know that issue was part of the reason they came up with the subcart locations and I noticed a good number of the items that would eventually show up were items that were associated with a full subcart so 17 & 18 were the biggest offenders.
I hate to say it, but with this group of seasonals, I really wish that ePick had some sort of "TM stuck looking for item, check if they need help" alert if a TM spent a certain amount of time on one item, kind of like the "cashier idle" ones that GSTLs get. We had a seasonal TM spend 2+ hours trying to pick a batch and they were able to find less than 10 items.
I hate to say it, but with this group of seasonals, I really wish that ePick had some sort of "TM stuck looking for item, check if they need help" alert if a TM spent a certain amount of time on one item, kind of like the "cashier idle" ones that GSTLs get. We had a seasonal TM spend 2+ hours trying to pick a batch and they were able to find less than 10 items.
Yeassss this is genius!!!

LOD doesn’t need to spend their time calling over walking for a 22 item OPU I’m working on approaching goal time (I call anyway) BUTTT they should know when my fellow OPU picker is lost

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