figured i'd give you guys an update. today was a good day hurdled into a bad day. started out pretty confident, I know my store well, know how to quickly scoot through softlines, all that. really mulled over all the advice you all gave me.
wuh-oh, problem. DU bike at 8:30AM! is it assembled? who knows, no one in the back does, no one on call is responding to my checks on floor.
fall a little behind on SFS because they cascade in -- and then a huddle is called. "I only have one batch just about done and it's climbing at 130 at 12:30... this isn't good," I think to myself, "there's no way I can pick and ship this solo."
which is correct! I couldn't, until the ETL finally did something instead of "hey team, can we get some help on SFS" and then calling it a day. i'm pretty sure SFS at my store had the reputation of "annoy the hell out of FF with how much you have to call them" which is really really cool to be hurdled into. it just irks me to see the pace of my work compared to others. not knocking their job or them, but the shuffling of feet at grocery compared to my half jog/speedwalk all day is frustrating to think about.
i'm going to have to pay attention to metrics tomorrow to get exact #'s here. i'm already tired of management misjudging how quickly OPUs come in the the morning -- I can't juggle them and a SFS batch. I applied to target to expedite the process of getting cash flow in (i'm already working a second freelance job) to move onto my actual career path. but now i'm just going to apply to the jobs I was waiting on. if I get them, i'll give target another month depending on hiring leniency. the pay is not worth me having to lift 8 baby cribs by myself, fretting over shipping with the most understanding thing my STLs and ETLs do is a "thanks" when they see me walk sweaty into the break room. if I wasn't solo, I could do this. telling ETLs and STLs this will just get me a half-sincere, "yeah, it's a hard job, huh..."
editing in this reply:
So I need suggestions. Our SFS has failed everyday since Thursday to sort everything by 3pm. What do you guys do to make it if you do?
take this with a grain of salt as i'm relatively new and you're not, and I also don't know how big your FF or SFS team is, or your store.
sort has always been the fastest part for me. if you have zebra scanners to spare, your SFS station should be outfitted with one or two. make those dedicated sort devices. reprint as many palette scans as you need. sort your packs immediately after you scan them for completion. you don't have to actually put them on a palette right away, but you can depending on how busy your foot traffic is or how busy your orders are. in a way, your sort being slow might be a result of packing or picking being slow.