My store is an ESFS (enhanced ship from store ie. six pack stations and no less than 1000 orders a day), but my schedule is always somewhere between 10am start to as late as 11:30am start. My ETL and I look over the grid the day prior and based on the grid and projected forecast, we then decide what time I should come in. LOL last week I was "late" four times and the time clock told me to see the LOD. Funny thing is there is no such thing anymore. ha ha
It's tough because SFS is generally a workcenter that no other leads care about or even watch, just a little, when your out. The days I'm off are usually crap for our metrics because, I'm guessing since I'm not there, the TM's just don't push themselves to get things done.
It's not like that everyday though. I've got some really great TM's that I know can and will run SFS blindfolded. It's just that they aren't available 7 days a week. ha ha
Once you get to know your team I'd recommend stacking your grid for your off-days with all your "A" players in SFS. I'd personally, rather deal with multiple fires when I'm at work and know that my days off will run fine, then have no fires to put out when I'm working but have the whole thing explode on my off-days.