Did anyone have far more softlines backroom items today than normal? It's just been countless fucking shoes and swimsuits which for whatever reason aren't pushed yet.

Does Target honestly expect us to go on Magical Mystery Tour every time these items show up?
Did anyone have far more softlines backroom items today than normal? It's just been countless fucking shoes and swimsuits which for whatever reason aren't pushed yet.

Does Target honestly expect us to go on Magical Mystery Tour every time these items show up?

Couldnt find any womens swim today. Luckily only 4 or 5 in my batches. Full z rack not pushed the back plus at least one more z rack at the fitting room. Not in the mood for a scavenger hunt today.
Did anyone have far more softlines backroom items today than normal? It's just been countless fucking shoes and swimsuits which for whatever reason aren't pushed yet.

Does Target honestly expect us to go on Magical Mystery Tour every time these items show up?

Softlines killed my INF score yesterday. Just huge orders of clothes for every family member, and a good chunk were not RFIDable. "But keep looking (in the places you've already looked, but we assume you're stupid and didn't)!" they say, as 75 more eaches drop 5 minutes before the 1 p.m. cutoff ...
Did anyone have far more softlines backroom items today than normal? It's just been countless fucking shoes and swimsuits which for whatever reason aren't pushed yet.

Does Target honestly expect us to go on Magical Mystery Tour every time these items show up?
We still have softlines rollover from 2 trucks ago. It's getting bad at my store and I think it's only going to get worse
I can see your two days and one up it by a day.. Three days rolling.. Pallets upon pallets.
And our stationary push isn't much better. I left today with 15 repacks that I havent gotten a chance to touch. Tomorrow is suppose to be a baby truck so I'm hoping I'll make decent progress on it
Did anyone have far more softlines backroom items today than normal? It's just been countless fucking shoes and swimsuits which for whatever reason aren't pushed yet.

Does Target honestly expect us to go on Magical Mystery Tour every time these items show up?

Yeah, it was rough today. It was supposed to be a rainy day. That had been the forecast for the past week. They changed the forcecast this morning to a nice, sunny day. It was swimsuit after swimsuit after swimsuit this morning. Mostly in the back, because style doesn't have enough space to put them out on the floor and keep things looking brand.
I can see your two days and one up it by a day.. Three days rolling.. Pallets upon pallets.

I raise your 3 with a couple more and add more beauty repacks than you can imagine lol it’s been nice just to read relatable stories (nightmares).

Expected to get multiple OPUs from 45+ repacks going on 5 days is unattainable.

About the scheduling though...we don’t really have anyone to truly rely one. One SFS member is a 2 year veteran, she’s always been SFS but calling out once a week the past month and INFing left and right without partnering up, everyone else is as new as Feb./March.
My store is an ESFS (enhanced ship from store ie. six pack stations and no less than 1000 orders a day), but my schedule is always somewhere between 10am start to as late as 11:30am start. My ETL and I look over the grid the day prior and based on the grid and projected forecast, we then decide what time I should come in. LOL last week I was "late" four times and the time clock told me to see the LOD. Funny thing is there is no such thing anymore. ha ha

It's tough because SFS is generally a workcenter that no other leads care about or even watch, just a little, when your out. The days I'm off are usually crap for our metrics because, I'm guessing since I'm not there, the TM's just don't push themselves to get things done.

It's not like that everyday though. I've got some really great TM's that I know can and will run SFS blindfolded. It's just that they aren't available 7 days a week. ha ha

Once you get to know your team I'd recommend stacking your grid for your off-days with all your "A" players in SFS. I'd personally, rather deal with multiple fires when I'm at work and know that my days off will run fine, then have no fires to put out when I'm working but have the whole thing explode on my off-days.

That’s a good idea, thank you.

To be honest before I started not a single TM was aware of the current state of the metrics, what they were and what their goals should be. It’s truly been a “holy shit I hope we’re scanned in on time” to hell with % of INF/OPU pick time/etc for a long time.

I think just showing them the metrics and calling out every time we hit goals has improved morale a lot. A couple of them have mentioned how much nicer it is to have someone else noticing the difficulties faced daily.

So we’re at the basics but I hope by BTS to have 3 or 4 I can lean on more when I’m not in.
That’s a good idea, thank you.

To be honest before I started not a single TM was aware of the current state of the metrics, what they were and what their goals should be. It’s truly been a “holy shit I hope we’re scanned in on time” to hell with % of INF/OPU pick time/etc for a long time.

I think just showing them the metrics and calling out every time we hit goals has improved morale a lot. A couple of them have mentioned how much nicer it is to have someone else noticing the difficulties faced daily.

So we’re at the basics but I hope by BTS to have 3 or 4 I can lean on more when I’m not in.

I'm not a TL. But, I suggest making sure that your team is not only shown the metrics, they are shown how to get to them all themselves on the MyDevice. The first chance I get in the morning I check where OPU metrics are for the week. That's going to help me to make decisions if I get in a bind. It also impresses visitors who stop me to ask questions. Why, yes, HRBP I do know our metrics. 🙂
I'm not a TL. But, I suggest making sure that your team is not only shown the metrics, they are shown how to get to them all themselves on the MyDevice.
Is there a way to view inf% for specific areas? I'm the DBO for stationary & office supplies and we are getting behind on pushing repacks. Curious if/how this is affecting the inf%
I'm not a TL. But, I suggest making sure that your team is not only shown the metrics, they are shown how to get to them all themselves on the MyDevice. The first chance I get in the morning I check where OPU metrics are for the week. That's going to help me to make decisions if I get in a bind. It also impresses visitors who stop me to ask questions. Why, yes, HRBP I do know our metrics. 🙂
I’ve shown my team how to pull up the metrics on MPM, and while most of them are good about minding their own metrics, I have a couple who like to point out to me how ~horribly so and so is doing, “are they even trying”, etc etc. It’s... not a good look, and doesn’t make you look better in my eyes if you’re not making the effort to help them out. This is a team effort; throwing your fellow TMs under the bus isn’t going to impress me.
Is there a way to view inf% for specific areas? I'm the DBO for stationary & office supplies and we are getting behind on pushing repacks. Curious if/how this is affecting the inf%

I don't think you can look up specific sections for DBOs. If you look at fulfillment in MPM, check the INF tab and you can see general areas. Specfic sections might be on Greenfield, but if it is, I haven't found it or don't have access to it.
I’ve shown my team how to pull up the metrics on MPM, and while most of them are good about minding their own metrics, I have a couple who like to point out to me how ~horribly so and so is doing, “are they even trying”, etc etc. It’s... not a good look, and doesn’t make you look better in my eyes if you’re not making the effort to help them out. This is a team effort; throwing your fellow TMs under the bus isn’t going to impress me.

Show them how to go through MyDay to get to Greenfield. From there they can get to the store's total metrics, but not the individual TM INF% or pick producitivity (the latter of which is a stupid, almost meaningless metric in small sample sizes). This will tell them how the team is doing. I love to look at my own metrics when my leads show them to me, but ultimately it's about how the store is doing overall. Everyone needs to understand that if person X had a rough day yesterday, we want to try to pick them up today because we're all going to have some rough days with shitty orders dropping.
I don't think you can look up specific sections for DBOs. If you look at fulfillment in MPM, check the INF tab and you can see general areas. Specfic sections might be on Greenfield, but if it is, I haven't found it or don't have access to it.

Same half the time I can’t greenfield to load and I haven’t had a sit down yet with the ETL to truly dig in because I’m learning how to run truck unload so we’re doing more inbound stuff.

MpM will show you each area it breaks it down as apparel, beauty, home, hardlines, food/Bev and home. Our % are always high for the first two.
Yes, specific departments for INF are available on Greenfield. You can even pull reports to show how long it takes someone to look for an item. If it's a beauty item, and it takes them 20 minutes to find it, I assume they went digging in repacks.

If they spent 1 minute and then killed it I know they just got lazy and didn't try.

Also, I've been trying to keep a list of all our INFs for me to bring to my STL. We too are way behind on truck and for some OPUs, as you know, you can't spend 25 minutes digging for Heartburn medicine. Just move on and call it bad luck.

Freight effects SFS so much.

Also, Spot had a memorial day sale on all swimwear. Probably why we saw such a heavy dose of it the last few days.
Is there a way to view inf% for specific areas? I'm the DBO for stationary & office supplies and we are getting behind on pushing repacks. Curious if/how this is affecting the inf%

Also if you turn your mydevice sideways in the mpm app it will show you who INFd what, from there you can see the individual item and know if it’s your area causing high INFs.
Same half the time I can’t greenfield to load and I haven’t had a sit down yet with the ETL to truly dig in because I’m learning how to run truck unload so we’re doing more inbound stuff.

MpM will show you each area it breaks it down as apparel, beauty, home, hardlines, food/Bev and home. Our % are always high for the first two.

For apparel you might need to teach your team how to properly use the RFID guns. They can be tricky and slow. Knowing how to use them will bring that INF% way down. For me, it's knowing that our guns don't work if you pull the trigger while looking for something. I squeeze it a couple of times then lay off it while searching for items.

Beauty sucks. The first trick is to understand that epick typically doesnn't give you great product information there. Your TMs may need to click through to MyWork to see the brand and additional item info. That will help them find the product. I've also partnered with our Specialty Sales TL to make sure regular audits are done and I have her permission to rip anything that is not in the right place off the shelves to toss in a reshop bin. As a result I very rarely have INFs in Beauty and any that do pop up can be chalked up to theft or repack boxes I didn't have time to look through.
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^^ None of the guns work when in search if you pull the trigger, if hooked up just hit the icon in epick and let it do the work and hook up, it should start to flash in a little bit..
This new change with batch sizes is ridiculous. I open SFS and my first batch today was 92 tasks with 103 items. Over 95% of the items were apparel (which, in reality, is over 90 unlocated items). Took almost 3 hours to complete (as I have to do all of the OPU/DU orders that drop). Pleased that I only had to INF one item, but a major headache to say the least.
I’m guessing only parts of the company are doing this for now? We still only have 30 ish tasks in our batches.

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