The other day I was working a random SFS shift and Thant’s cool, I’ve always enjoyed it before. It was after pick-up hours and the line was clear so I was bouncing between helping with zones and picking for tomorrow if it started to get big, and I was owning flexies that dropped in. Again, I’ve done this before and it’s never been a problem. Then a 30+ piece flexi dropped in with only 10 minutes left of my shift.. Fuck. I like to think I wouldn’t have been so upset had I picked this order before the 7 item batching became a thing. But that’s not what broke me from a good albeit busy day to another pissed off looking log TM lol. Every single batch started up a ladder down the very farthest aisle in the backroom to pull Style, then to the style floorpad, then to the far front of the store to grab hba, then the service desk. Basically with my stores layout this resulted in a big ass N is for Nope! until the batch was completed. Why couldn’t the br all get batches together instead of sprinkled across 5 batches? Same for style and hba? Corporate, for us to reduce steps and complete tasks quicker stop making us chase our tails. Please and thank you!