Not a bonus anymore according to my DTL... We now need to get ALL units for tomorrow that drop in today sorted by store close. That totally makes sense when 70% of the group can't even finish TODAY's workload on time. <_<
Anything before 8pm will be carry over for the next day so that’s why. Same thing in my group. The expectation is zero carry over. After a couple days it’s easy because you’re doing the same amount of workload but a day ahead on deadlines. It’ll guarantee you have a 100% SOT. We’re always working a day a head now just because the way the orders drop
But any of those units will just be marked "carry over", not late. So that's good, at least. Corporate hasnt come down for the heavens in a Weekly or Addendum to really explain it yet. My store didn't even know it was a thing till I researched it...
My operations director sent some clarification. Anything that drops before 8pm regardless of sort by date/time needs to be worked that day or will be carryover. If you open MPM it’ll tell you what needs to be picked/sorted by today to not be carry over
My operations director sent some clarification. Anything that drops before 8pm regardless of sort by date/time needs to be worked that day or will be carryover. If you open MPM it’ll tell you what needs to be picked/sorted by today to not be carry over
I'm aware of this. But my leadership could care less/ has 0 clue. So as long as it's not "late" they're never going to let us work Ship after our 430 deadline when we're short staffed and could push truck for them.
I'm aware of this. But my leadership could care less/ has 0 clue. So as long as it's not "late" they're never going to let us work Ship after our 430 deadline when we're short staffed and could push truck for them.
That sucks... the direction my entire group is receiving is fufillment is an all day process and always should have been it’s just being tracked more now with the carry over. We were the same way with once your day was done and wasn’t late you went and pushed truck/OPU. Now we have a SFS TM open-close. If they finish everything they go zone or something easy to get away from for a bit until 20 or so more units drop then go work them.
That sucks... the direction my entire group is receiving is fufillment is an all day process and always should have been it’s just being tracked more now with the carry over. We were the same way with once your day was done and wasn’t late you went and pushed truck/OPU. Now we have a SFS TM open-close. If they finish everything they go zone or something easy to get away from for a bit until 20 or so more units drop then go work them.
I wish we were like this! But I'm the only regular Flex TM left, I'm training all our seasonals, our TL is overwhelmed with POG and GM2 and is new to the position, and our ETL is on leave so we have a stand in from another store. So Ship is lowlowlow on anyone's list and I can only do so much lol
That sucks... the direction my entire group is receiving is fufillment is an all day process and always should have been it’s just being tracked more now with the carry over. We were the same way with once your day was done and wasn’t late you went and pushed truck/OPU. Now we have a SFS TM open-close. If they finish everything they go zone or something easy to get away from for a bit until 20 or so more units drop then go work them.
This is the exact same direction we recently got from our director. SFS shouldn’t have to worry about clearing the line, doing audits, etc etc; they should be picking all day and their scheduling should reflect that. The details have been scant around my store, but that’s nothing new. I’m happy with the decision; why should SFS have to bust their butt clearing the line when your inbound team took forever unloading?
Anything before 8pm will be carry over for the next day so that’s why. Same thing in my group. The expectation is zero carry over. After a couple days it’s easy because you’re doing the same amount of workload but a day ahead on deadlines. It’ll guarantee you have a 100% SOT. We’re always working a day a head now just because the way the orders drop
It's definitely 100% sort but what annoys the piss out of me is that we're treated like we're not. At this point we're literally doing 700 units a day of tomorrow's workload but getting bitched at for missing a dozen. At this point we've been pulling 2x more tomorrow than today's workload so wtf lol.
I used to be on the backroom team, but was cross-trained for SFS. We were one of the original SFS pilot locations, and one of the first to achieve ASFS status. We do massive daily shipping volume. When our backroom team dissolved as a result of "modernization," I was moved permanently to SFS. My problem is this: guest picks. In some stores in our area, Guest Service covers guest picks. Not at our store. We're big, and things get loud and crowded on the salesfloor, and I'm at the point where when the order alert chimes, I want to scream. It's like being a dog in a lame audio version of the old electrified-cage psychology experiment on learned helplessness. This thought keeps gnawing at me: We're moving from a service environment to a serviTUDE environment. I enjoy picking regular shipping batches, and I'm good at guest service on the floor, but for some reason I resent having to stop on a dime to pick and put to hold a single fucking box of crackers that another team member then has to deliver directly to a guest's car. Not service: SERVITUDE. For the same amount of money I was making before this ring-the-bell-horn-honk-you-better-snap-to-it BS started. Which also must impact the company's value-added bottom line: has anyone run the numbers on how much it costs Target in terms of man-hours for at least two additional employees to handle a $2.69 box of Triscuits...? (Or how much money the company has lost on no-longer-browsing-and-impulse-buying guests...?) Anyway: those chimes. I hate them.
I looked at some numbers today. My store basically had the same number of OPU units the last two months as it had in November-December last year. People keep telling me how busy last Q4 was for OPU. Ummmmm.....I'm that busy now. Busier actually as volume has spiked the last two weeks. Also, RIP me for what Q4 will be like this year.
I used to be on the backroom team, but was cross-trained for SFS. We were one of the original SFS pilot locations, and one of the first to achieve ASFS status. We do massive daily shipping volume. When our backroom team dissolved as a result of "modernization," I was moved permanently to SFS. My problem is this: guest picks. In some stores in our area, Guest Service covers guest picks. Not at our store. We're big, and things get loud and crowded on the salesfloor, and I'm at the point where when the order alert chimes, I want to scream. It's like being a dog in a lame audio version of the old electrified-cage psychology experiment on learned helplessness. This thought keeps gnawing at me: We're moving from a service environment to a serviTUDE environment. I enjoy picking regular shipping batches, and I'm good at guest service on the floor, but for some reason I resent having to stop on a dime to pick and put to hold a single fucking box of crackers that another team member then has to deliver directly to a guest's car. Not service: SERVITUDE. For the same amount of money I was making before this ring-the-bell-horn-honk-you-better-snap-to-it BS started. Which also must impact the company's value-added bottom line: has anyone run the numbers on how much it costs Target in terms of man-hours for at least two additional employees to handle a $2.69 box of Triscuits...? (Or how much money the company has lost on no-longer-browsing-and-impulse-buying guests...?) Anyway: those chimes. I hate them.
YES YES YES!! This is exactly how I feel every. single. day.
I looked at some numbers today. My store basically had the same number of OPU units the last two months as it had in November-December last year. People keep telling me how busy last Q4 was for OPU. Ummmmm.....I'm that busy now. Busier actually as volume has spiked the last two weeks. Also, RIP me for what Q4 will be like this year.
I was told to expect at least 2.5x the volume as ladt year. Fuckin RIP my legs.
I was told to expect at least 2.5x the volume as ladt year. Fuckin RIP my legs.

I looked at our forecasts. I'm not sure how in the hell we can pull off 1000+ OPU/DU units a day in December, but that's what corporate seems to think we'll get. Maybe if they give us enough payroll to have a small army picking, but Jesus Christ on a pogo stick we're going to be in flames. I foresee a whole lot of scorching red metrics.
I looked at our forecasts. I'm not sure how in the hell we can pull off 1000+ OPU/DU units a day in December, but that's what corporate seems to think we'll get. Maybe if they give us enough payroll to have a small army picking, but Jesus Christ on a pogo stick we're going to be in flames. I foresee a whole lot of scorching red metrics.


So this basically
Dont feel bad! I'm rarely in the green for picking Ship because of opu. Those metrics definitely dont account for stores where pickers do both. If we pause a Ship batch 50x to do order pickups it shouldn't count against our picking time, because we have no control over it...
So, honestly, you're doing great! Dont worry about it too much.
Imo they need stop worrying about metrics if its done in under an hour for opu they should be happy and all due today sorted on time
carryover has to be under a certain % of your next day so that it won't start to affect your future workload or possible shutdown. what that % actually is we need clarification, nothing in the November addendum.
That...actually explains so much 😭
RIP Ship at my store, no wonder we're so dang slow right now.
That...actually explains so much 😭
RIP Ship at my store, no wonder we're so dang slow right now.

Oh I know how you feel. We have an INF issue so we are being throttled like crazy but style/softlines is now complaining that we are taking up to much of their time looking for things. The TL didn't have a comeback when we were talking with the STL when the TL said "if it came in yesterday it's on the floor." I countered with then how then am I pulling stuff out of the pallets of repacks from three days ago. How does that work? STL not pleased.. STL orders that Style TL's must hunt down items for us after we look.. And the ETL's must be called and approve all INF's.. I had 30 style items yesterday alone.. STL was the SD and was not pleased..
Not a bonus anymore according to my DTL... We now need to get ALL units for tomorrow that drop in today sorted by store close. That totally makes sense when 70% of the group can't even finish TODAY's workload on time. <_<

I know with the way things drop now understood but if I have to slide some work due to needing people in other places like OPU that is what is going to slide. Cause our evening leadership loves to steal our second person to push the truck so that leaves the one picker to keep up with OPU's. We are treated like trash until the DTL wants to know why our numbers suck. We have learned to let shit crash and burn cause they only care when they get in trouble.

Proficient we are not allowed to not ask. We have to call for ETL approval every single time its a softlines item. Cause literally over 90% of what we INF is softlines.. And suddenly its an issue.. We have been saying that for over a year that they were a shit show. Now the TL's have to explain why the system says we have 12 of them and they are nowhere. And they came in five days ago with none sold. So where are they? And the STL and our ETL are making them dig through their piles of shit to find them.
The seasonals are making my head hurt. It’s only November 3rd. Please put chem in bags guys...please....
Same. So I literally typed and printed a "helpful tip" sheet for all my newbies and taped it to our packing stations. Stuff like that: chem in bags, no food and chem, SIOC, where to find extra supplies, etc. I'm too paranoid I'll be off one day and all hell will break loose so I wanted to leave something for them to refer to...
We had a seasonal call out twice this week....and just started this past week. They'll still have a job because a warm body is a warm body. 🤷‍♀️
I'm off today but my coworkers are texting me that OPU is insane, they have a new TM to train and are so busy with OPU they don't know what to do. One TM also told me that she was told our SFS orders were cut way down by the higher ups. Nobody told me that, but we missed goal twice in SFS last week. I have a feeling it's because one of my TMs has been trying to get around INFs by cancelling orders.

We have been telling them that we can't be spending an hour every morning on the backroom audit when we have over 50 OPUs from overnight and SFS as well. I'm dreading Christmas, the orders are just going to grow.

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