Just think of how much more money Spot would be making if they had an efficient online order system that actually worked instead of one where counts are constantly wrong and FF-TMs are expected to find (and are held accountable for not finding) items that aren't on hand and haven’t been for months. Imagine all the💰that wouldn’t be flying away💸💸💸.
This! This! This! Today I had a pick for an item that we haven't had in months, zero on the floor, zero in the back, zero OH, BUT will be delivered tomorrow. What the actual f**k?!?!? Toys and seasonal are flexed in unimaginable ways, counts are ridiculously off, and getting anyone to respond to requests for help is a joke. Vendor items ... well, don't even get me started there! If the accountability was shared with salesfloor tm's (like every unfound INF counted against them?) then I'd be ok with this being an actual usable metric. Until then, I'll continue to do my due diligence and go home pissed off.
My ETL really pushed me over the edge last 4th quarter after I spent an insane amount of time scouring the store for an item it said we had. They were on one about INF that day and the TM came to me for help, I later told the ETL that I told him to INF it and why. She then tells me, don't let him think that's ok. Huh? He followed all the proper steps and then came to me for help, and it wasn't there. Why would I make him feel bad over something out of his control? I basically said that and she doubled down to not let them think it's ok to INF ever. It's no wonder nobody could stand her.
If the accountability was shared with salesfloor tm's (like every unfound INF counted against them?)

Woah! Let's not go too far. My suspect task audits are normally things delivered that day that fulfillment should have found easily if they checked recieving or bizarrely enough items in the exact right spot on the salesfloor. We have a lot of idiots on my store's fulfillment team.
Just think of how much more money Spot would be making if they had an efficient online order system that actually worked instead of one where counts are constantly wrong and FF-TMs are expected to find (and are held accountable for not finding) items that aren't on hand and haven’t been for months. Imagine all the💰that wouldn’t be flying away💸💸💸.
^This, so much^!
It's ridiculous to meet Target's fulfillment expectations with their flawed strategy and process. First, I question how accurate the trucks from DCs are. As long as I've been with Target, we've had other store's shipments sent in our trucks, wrong DPCIs and countless items missing on top of it. Don't get me started on the poor packing that's led to leaks, crushed paper items and glassware, ripped packages... Our DC has been hemorrhaging people for years and it's been apparent. We're already f*&%#d before the truck even arrives.

Our SFS volume is typically about at best 25 percent of what it is compared to OPUs, yet more people are thrown at it including the entire sales floor fairly regularly. Target is touting SFS as some great innovation that is more efficient than a dedicated than fulfilment centers. I don't see it! It would be one thing if stores were filling gaps for DCs or real fulfillment centers but to rely on the stores to carry the full burden will not work in the long run. At the store level, the efforts to prove SFS naysayers are wrong is translated to ETLs and SDs threatening TMs with write-up if they INF anything, Fulfillment TLs resigning on a quarterly basis, and TMs resorting to shortcuts and grey area ethics to satisfy metrics.

Within our district, green fulfillment metrics are the exception and not the norm. Target has an unworkable strategy that doesn't work for the average store. I've talked to our ETLs and SDs about submitting ideas about filters to stop the 1 OH (and negative OHs) or last sold 2 years ago type items from being eligible for ordering. Every year, it's been the same story of understaffing/poor retention, terrible inventory management, and fulfillment system that continues to make phantom items eligible.
Is any other store having an issue with the timing of ship infs? Every time we inf an item it shows a very unreasonable short amount of time has been spent looking for the item while in reality we have been in the batch up to an hour.
Is any other store having an issue with the timing of ship infs? Every time we inf an item it shows a very unreasonable short amount of time has been spent looking for the item while in reality we have been in the batch up to an hour.
Sometimes mpm like to be an ass and show how long you've been looking at the actual item on the screen and not how long you've been in the batch.
So, while most normal humans skip an item and continue to look while doing other things, the devices like to think we don't have object permanence and only look for the 2-5min the item is actively displayed.

It flip flops between the screen time and the batch time depending on how it feels that day, I've noticed.
Sometimes mpm like to be an ass and show how long you've been looking at the actual item on the screen and not how long you've been in the batch.
So, while most normal humans skip an item and continue to look while doing other things, the devices like to think we don't have object permanence and only look for the 2-5min the item is actively displayed.

It flip flops between the screen time and the batch time depending on how it feels that day, I've noticed.
Ship shows time on item, OPU shows time in batch.
Ship shows time on item, OPU shows time in batch.
I mean, I'll keep an eye on it to see if that holds true. But the first time I noticed the problem was in opu when I got on one of the kid's cases for infing things after 2 minutes but they hadn't been doing that. And my Ship batches have been showing longer times and shorter times intermittently.

But, I dont check it daily so maybe it's leveled out. Something to look into.
Still stupid to count time on item, regardless.
Still stupid to count time on item, regardless.
My guess would be the more time you are on the item page would mean you are actually looking for it? As opposed to time in the batch which could be misleading since some people take 40 minutes to go through everything once and not actually check returns, freight, backroom but some people could finish in 25 minutes but spend 15 looking for it through freight and you couldn't tell the difference just by looking at the numbers.

Also for the love of god can they show us how many of something were delivered? You used to be able to use the audit app as long as it wasn't the same day, I just want to know if I have to look in a repack or through case freight
My guess would be the more time you are on the item page would mean you are actually looking for it?
If I have, say, 5 possible infs in a batch I'm looking for all of them simultaneously.
I don't stand in reshop or dig through repacks and individually skip to each item as I search, especially if the items are in the same section (eg. If all 5 of my infs are in kitchen repacks). I skip to it only when I've found it or I have to double check my memory on the color/flavor/whatever.

So by limiting it to how long you're actively on the item page it can look like someone only looked for something for 2min when they were actively looking for 10-15+min while searching reshop, repacks, etc., for multiple items at a time.

Because, back to my example, if I find 4 of the 5 kitchen items in the repacks and have to inf the last it wouldn't count the full time I was looking in mpm. Because, most likely, I spent most of that 15min on the other items' pages. So all that time searching would read as 1-2min.
And the full time I was in the batch wouldn't show up so it looks like I never looked at all!

(Unless, of course, the item was wandable; in that case it would be more accurate since you actively have to be on the item page to wand for it)

But, of course, batch time is also an inaccurate metric. But at least it's inaccurate in a way that won't get people yelled at by management who don't understand why the time can appear so low.
So we ran out of lithium labels this weekend. I was not here when we ran out, I came in Monday and 2 people told me we'd been out for days.

But no one told our etl this apparently so he didn't know until he walkied me today and I confirmed to him that, no...we're completely out. And I thought he'd already known that because, well, it'd been a few days.

I told our tl several weeks ago we were gonna run out, too, so that's fun.
Lol at people even trying to buy matching family pajamas now. I INF'd a bunch of them yesterday.

Also I don't know if everyone knows this trick, but if your timer is low, you can just quickly tie everything to one location, and just transfer the orders afterwards. Another Flex tm taught me that.
Also I don't know if everyone knows this trick, but if your timer is low, you can just quickly tie everything to one location, and just transfer the orders afterwards. Another Flex tm taught me that
A few months ago our AP tl had a fit about that because apparently all those orders show up on some sort of at risk list when we transfer them between locations.
Lol at people even trying to buy matching family pajamas now. I INF'd a bunch of them yesterday.

Also I don't know if everyone knows this trick, but if your timer is low, you can just quickly tie everything to one location, and just transfer the orders afterwards. Another Flex tm taught me that.
How soon are counts updated in the system after something is defected out? Because we've been defecting those damn pajamas left and right. I'd wager we've defected more than we've sold. They should really just send those hung, not packaged. We'd save so much money in damages.
How soon are counts updated in the system after something is defected out? Because we've been defecting those damn pajamas left and right. I'd wager we've defected more than we've sold. They should really just send those hung, not packaged. We'd save so much money in damages.
I think inventory is usually updated within the hour
I feel bad too because I know how special it is to get matching pajamas for Christmas. But I only feel a little bad because of how late it is. They're the same people looking for advent calendars 11 days before Christmas.

My mom actually ordered the family Christmas pajamas in August, lol.

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