Archived Freckleton vs Target Class Action Lawsuit

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I never received an email, but I did receive a letter about this law suit.
I got another one a couple months ago about a law suit against Target that the plaintiff was supposedly required to work through her due breaks. I can't remember the name of it, but it said I was probably going to get some money from it; anybody know what that case was?
Target settles employee's late lunch firing suit
The Halley one sounds familiar. I hadn't read the whole thing before, I just vaguely remember getting a notice in the mail about it.
Just got the email. Maybe I can get some cash out of this. All our people on the bench for BRTL were white and Im Mexican. Clearly I was discriminated against.
Just got the email. Maybe I can get some cash out of this. All our people on the bench for BRTL were white and Im Mexican. Clearly I was discriminated against.

Another post you got angry at someone saying they felt a black guest was sketchy and you said you are black.

Which is it?
Just got the email. Maybe I can get some cash out of this. All our people on the bench for BRTL were white and Im mexican Mexican. Clearly I was discriminated against.

Well I'm black so I wouldn't think of pointing out someone's race or the fact that said race was "too nice" implying that they shouldn't be nice.

Oh jb...
I received this settlement email three times. I've been class one every time. They can stop sending it to me if all they are going to do is tell me I'm not getting anything. 😀
I was hired as an employee in october 2016 as a seasonal worker, however when my background check came back I was told you can not start due to something on your record. The only thing i have is a metrolink ticket from 2007 and that got my job taken. Recently i got an email as well and im glad because target had me believing i had a job and it was starting that week but they had me wait 2 mos and deny me the employment after I've already signed the job offer..i deserve that 1500 dollars
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