Archived Free flu shot

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There wasn't anything said about it at my store, so I asked the pharmacist. No need to fill out paperwork like we've had to do before. Got mine about 3 weeks ago, and spent the $5 coupon the same day.
Anyone else's arm just a little achey where you got the shot? Usually don't notice anything, but it was like a mild tetanus shot ache this time. And it was done by the same pharmacist who poked my arm the last couple years.
I got one today and they still made me fill out the dumb paperwork 🤧 not gonna complain though cause I’m happy about getting a free flu shot
pretty much any grande espresso/frappuccino/refresher is gonna be at least $5 before
Lol that’s true but I was hoping to get a free drink like how I got a free pair of underwear. But I think my usual drink is like $5.35 so I guess 35 cents isn’t that bad
I lost my discount card, and I heard you need to have it to get the shot.
TSC takes forever to get me a new one.
I just have my TM number saved into my Target app.
Got my shot Monday, my upper arm is still a little tender to the touch. But didn't get the muscle ache that I've had in past years.
I've never had a flu shot. I keep hearing "I got a flu shot and still got the flu" from everybody and their dog. So I'm kinda on the fence about getting one. Anyone got any successful anecdotes?
I've never had a flu shot. I keep hearing "I got a flu shot and still got the flu" from everybody and their dog. So I'm kinda on the fence about getting one. Anyone got any successful anecdotes?
It’s still possible to get the flu (a strand different than vaccine which scientists have to guess every year on) but if it’s a free shot why not take the extra protection? Symptoms will be less severe if you do get it.

If target is literally paying us to get a flu shot no one has any excuse. Protect yourself and those around you and get it!
I've never had a flu shot. I keep hearing "I got a flu shot and still got the flu" from everybody and their dog. So I'm kinda on the fence about getting one. Anyone got any successful anecdotes?

I get a flu shot every year. I rarely get the flu, and when I do it’s very mild. Without the shot, the flu used to put me out of commission for weeks, usually progressing to bronchitis and once to pneumonia. Each year the flu shot is formulated to protect against the three strains that the CDC thinks are most likely to appear that year. Sometimes they guess wrong on one, and another strain arrives and makes people sick, but the shot still provides protection from the other strains.
It's weird that I've never had the flu at all, but my mom seems to get it every couple years and it hits her like the 1918 strain. Maybe I retain some immunity from a previous life as a turn-of-the-century newsboy
I usually do get a little bit of low grade something about a week after getting the flu shot, and then I'm fine all winter except for my usual annual bout of what seems like bronchitis. There have been years where the CDC just completely misses their prediction for which strains are going to crop of that year, but it doesn't seem to happen that often, and even on those years I don't get hit as hard as people who I know didn't get the immunization at all.
I've never had a flu shot. I keep hearing "I got a flu shot and still got the flu" from everybody and their dog. So I'm kinda on the fence about getting one. Anyone got any successful anecdotes?
Flu shots do two things: They provide strong resistance up to immunity to the specific strains predicted by the international epidemiology consortium, and they also provide secondary benefits of resistance to similar strain and minimization of symptoms if you do get ill. When considering the immune compromised and elderly, that reduction in severity may be the difference between a really shitty weekend and the ICU/morgue at the local emergency room. If you haven't gotten your pneumonia shot and are health compromised or smoke, then consider that too.

BTW, if you get the flu two weeks BEFORE OR AFTER the shot then the shot cannot help you.
I had swine flu back in the day, and I get the shot every year now just so I don’t have to experience something like that again.

This is my second year getting it through Target. If I’ve ever thought about not getting it, I remind myself that every single thing I touch when I zone has been touched by sooooo many guests who are likely to at least be exposed to the flu (especially kids), and then the shot seems necessary.
Last year was awful; so many people with confirmed cases of the flu and it spread through my store like wildfire. The week of Christmas was especially heinous. I was hustling, busting my ass to move beauty end caps wondering why I felt like absolute shit only to go home, take my temp & realize I had a fever for most of the day.

TL;DR: the flu is ass.
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