Archived Frog Protection-Fraud Protection-aka Chip Card Training

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[QUOTEcoolerqueen, post: 192796, member: 10647"]I knew what it was weeks ahead of my TLs. Just from reading workbench.[/QUOTE]
And I don't know what workbench is either. Can you tell communication at my store is weak, um, I mean an opportunity.
[QUOTEcoolerqueen, post: 192796, member: 10647"]I knew what it was weeks ahead of my TLs. Just from reading workbench.
And I don't know what workbench is either. Can you tell communication at my store is weak, um, I mean an opportunity.[/QUOTE]
Most team members never sit down at a computer long enough to poke around at things, or ever need to use anything but the EHR site. When I switched to Market I had to login to workbench for planograms, order lists and other things. I am a great believer in knowledge=power so I read all the links I could and researched things I wanted answers to (not from the grumpy old man). Urgent News was my bread&butter. I still miss that and redwire isn't as helpful.

If you can find time to spend some time at the signing computer or whatever computer the team uses for HR related tasks look for the workbench icon. Uses same login as EHR.
Thanks for taking the time to explain things! We have our eHR in the break room. I almost never use that other than to request some time off. So will have to come in early some time to explore a bit.
The computers in the breakroom don't (shouldn't) have access to workbench.
The computers in the breakroom don't (shouldn't) have access to workbench.
That's why I said look for. Can't recall if it's on there. I normally use the signing computer for everything.
The signing computer is your friend.
Until they took away the rolly chair, and some asshat spilled toner all over it...but it's the only one I can justify being at fir long periods.
Any knowledge when Target will re-issue cards that have the chip? Last I heard or read the time should have already happened.
If you swipe a chip card it will prompt you to insert the card. This will be a bumpy ride until October, when most places should have chip enabled by that date.

People are already used to doing it at Walmart, and Home Depot (some), so Target is just another store where you will be able to use a chip card.
The Chip Card feature at the registers will be turned on in June for those stores in the pilot program (those stores chosen to work the bugs out of the system.) The rest of the stores won't have it turned on till September.

Any knowledge when Target will re-issue cards that have the chip? Last I heard or read the time should have already happened.
They will be issuing them in September when the Machines the Chip Card Readers are turned on at all Target's nationwide.
The Chip Card feature at the registers will be turned on in June for those stores in the pilot program (those stores chosen to work the bugs out of the system.) The rest of the stores won't have it turned on till September.

They will be issuing them in September when the Machines the Chip Card Readers are turned on at all Target's nationwide.
Do you know if any stores in Arizona are pilot stores to test it? I'm hopping ones here are.
I don't I only have the info from my training session as Pilot stores had to start the training earlier this month
The Chip Card feature at the registers will be turned on in June for those stores in the pilot program (those stores chosen to work the bugs out of the system.) The rest of the stores won't have it turned on till September.

They will be issuing them in September when the Machines the Chip Card Readers are turned on at all Target's nationwide.
Just in time for Q4.
Should be fun.
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Just in time for Q4.
Should be fun.
Apparently we are a guinea pig store on this one. So hopefully I'll have all my guests trained. Biggest issue will be the ones "who got a new card but forgot to activate it"
Well it's June 3rd, and the stickers are there, and training is done, where's my chip card support? The Verifones are still showing the old verbiage. Not the new Insert or Swipe message.
Well it's June 3rd, and the stickers are there, and training is done, where's my chip card support? The Verifones are still showing the old verbiage. Not the new Insert or Swipe message.
They go online the 10th, I believe, for the stores in the pilot program
They go online the 10th, I believe, for the stores in the pilot program

Fun, my store is in the pilot program but to the best of my knowledge there hasn't been any training. I know for a fact the entire electronics team hasn't been trained yet and 50-60% of our guests have chip cards over there that don't have an RC.
Man, I was told June 2, 3, 6, 7. I asked my GSTL again last night. He said our machines go live on the 7th - Sunday. I don't work Sunday so who knows. What I'm finding interesting is that how so many of the guests who try the chip reader tell me how "Walmart already accepts them." Okay...
I've told many people that we are not walmart and though they are competition, they are completely different animal bc of the way they treat people
Well it's on this morning for us! No confused guests yet but one out of 3 guests seem to have them, as it seems most debit cards have them now around here. There is a new graphic saying "Expect more pay less" on the screen, and if you try to swipe any chip card, it just beeps 3 times. You then have to tell the guest to insert the card and leave it there until it beeps at you.

Debit cards no longer ask for a PIN at this time it seems, as it is using the chip.
Home Depot here does too and now Target. So far these are the three major stores here that accept them. There a handful of mom and pop stores that accept them here as well.
I've heard nothing about chip functionality at my store. My ETL-GE tried to explain CurrentC at the huddle yesterday, but not a word about chip cards.
Mobile payment is showing up as a payment method on our registers now. Haven't had anyone use it though
How exactly do I sign up to try this out? I was told TMs at our store will be participating in the testing, but I haven't seen any information on how to sign up.
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