Archived Frustrated Receiver

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Aug 4, 2018
Receivers...Are any of you having issues with keeping up with the workload? With the recent changes I'm having a hell of a time! First of all they have me doing pulls or backstocking for the first 1+ hours of my shift. Then with the 6 a.m. unload taking around 2 hours it pushes me back another hour which isn't too bad except for the sweep and salvage days. With freight everywhere, 2 fdc trucks most days, waiting for freezer/dairy to break down their loads, donations and vendors I can't even start loading sweeps until an hour before I have to leave.

Defectives are outrageous right now. So much is coming off the truck already broken along with the unloaders shoving stuff off the line resulting in a lot more broken stuff. Nobody is bagging their esim correctly so that takes me forever to clean up. Sorting my esim is so backlogged it's giving me panic attacks! Repack boxes takes a minimum of 45 minutes to sort since they just throw them all over.

Guest service salvage OMG! I always have to re-sort it due to product spilling out and not to mention finding anything from milk to fried chicken and thawed frozen food in their boxes!

Lastly the new IR process...TL's are supposed to work the batches as they come in and bring them back to me to "ship" it. Not a problem if they did it daily. But they wait until there are so many in the red and get "talked" to before they work it and I'll come in and there are 20+ for me to finish.

I'm getting so frustrated because these are MY metrics that are getting shoved in the dirt. So far they aren't coming down on me yet but I can guarantee that come review time it will be on my shoulders. I guess this is more of a rant then a question but still curious if others are having the same issues.
Yes, every single day they breakdown their freezer/dairy loads on the line.
Let me get this straight your grocery team breaks down their truck in the backroom? 😬

From what I understand courtesy of talking to various Food Leads. Targets moving toward Food Teams completely breaking down FDC Trucks and sending all Pallets back.

As for the actual problem, You need to partner with your ETL and TL on this. They're trying to get you to do multiple positions at once and you don't have the chance to win here. If they're not willing to help or don't care however? Then you're out of luck honestly and it sucks but your Logistics ETL either respects and attempts to help Receiving. Or they watch as ESIM and Bad Metrics pile up for Steritech and District to find.
Sounds like its time for a vacation. A week or two of somebody else trying to do your job might give them more respect for you.
I'm a receiver/reverse logistics... I have the same issues but I do all the IR pulls by myself. I kinda snickered to myself when you mentioned the TLs do it. There are very very few TLs or higher level or above to do anything correctly for receving... including the actual receiving. I've been told that next week or so, movies will be moved to SCAN BASED... meaning a vendor will handle every part of that. Crossing my fingers but I've been jaded by Target before. At this point I'm just wondering what NEW mess Target has in store for me. Plus hours are cut... still have to wait for flow team to get rid of pallets on dock before i can start my stuff. Good times.
Ringwraith917 I tried that a few months ago and you wouldn't believe the shit show I came back to!
I'm in a similar boat with my workload. If I had 40 hours I could probably get it all done, but I've been dropped down to 32 so I'm screwed. I used to use my time after lunch (about 2 hrs) to pull of my IRs so I could work on shipping them the next morning while I'm stuck at my desk waiting for vendors to come through. Now I have to leave at 1 so that gives me no time to pull anything.

I have to rebuild by CRC/Salvage pallets all the time because the TLs at my store are dumb and don't know how to properly stack a pallet. I've found boxes clearly marked donate in the middle of pallets I've had to rebuild because they collapsed. They won't do the QA IRs so I have to run around trying to get them pulled while hoping vendors don't show up or they get missed completely if they drop in the afternoon or weekends.

My ETL doesn't have the people or the hours to have anyone help me. Its gotten to the point where we are just getting what IRS we can done and then just not worrying about the rest. I could get them pulled much quicker if Electronics would backstock their crap, I have to either squeeze my way into the cage or take 15 minutes moving crap around to get in there. We missed sending a ton of stuff back because I didn't have the time to dig through boxes looking for DVDs and books and my ETL said to not bother. It also sucks that once you ship an IR you can't reopen it if you find more stuff.
I think most work centers are in the same position. Your difference is you are one person. At least you don't have to .... participate in smart huddles, back up cashier, answer sales floor calls, answer phone calls, get carts ... all while trying to set a whole aisle.

One thing I've had to do.. and I don't know if its been mentioned yet here... when pulling IRs... I will never pull anything thats not on planogram. I will automatically INF it. I have no time whatsoever to go searching around the sales floor for stuff. My only exceptions are for music and video games or any non-book or non-movie items. I don't check INF reports, don't even know how to. I haven't heard anything from higher-ups, so thats the way i'mma keep going. Even then, pulls take too long.
Every time I have had to INF something and close out the IR sure as shit it shows up the next week.
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