Whoa what happened here? Did I miss some shit?
As a non sales floor person...I wish I could go to a huddle. 🙁 I miss those from my Softlines days. I don't think games are what make huddles fun. If anything, they do just the opposite as they become obligated and awkward.
*cough* please don't do what walmart does for example.
The main purpose of the huddle is to boost moral, and inform and update the team. I think keeping the huddles focused, so they don't feel like a huge waste of time, yet interesting so they aren't painfully boring is the goal. Whatever mechanism you find that can do that, then do that. Personally, I'm a fan of snacks. Not just because I'm a fat slob that loves candy, but because, well, hey! It's a great pick-me up. It's a treat. It's something. Keep the huddle short and simple. Quick and to the point. Boost moral, communicate important information, snacks, and then DONE!