Archived Fun huddle ideas???!?

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I hate "Recognition." I don't need praise for doing my job... that's what I get paid for - doing my job. Wanna help me out? Gimme a nice raise!
I semi-agree but in a world where everyone calls you out for a mistake and discipline, it's nice to be told you are doing a great job and be given a pat on the shoulder. People perform better when they feel appreciated.
Whoa what happened here? Did I miss some shit?

As a non sales floor person...I wish I could go to a huddle. 🙁 I miss those from my Softlines days. I don't think games are what make huddles fun. If anything, they do just the opposite as they become obligated and awkward.

*cough* please don't do what walmart does for example.

The main purpose of the huddle is to boost moral, and inform and update the team. I think keeping the huddles focused, so they don't feel like a huge waste of time, yet interesting so they aren't painfully boring is the goal. Whatever mechanism you find that can do that, then do that. Personally, I'm a fan of snacks. Not just because I'm a fat slob that loves candy, but because, well, hey! It's a great pick-me up. It's a treat. It's something. Keep the huddle short and simple. Quick and to the point. Boost moral, communicate important information, snacks, and then DONE!
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Can a mod change my name to CircleJerk9?

Seriouspost here: I don't have a problem with huddles and efforts to make them more than a boring recitation of sales figures and corporate policy. A bit of levity and change of pace is nice. Being recognized for the work we're doing is nice. But its got to be balanced with peoples' workload and where you are. I've seen huddles at my store where a dozen+ people are crammed into our tiny Starbucks section while customers are trying to get some service. Or in busy intersections and guests do the whole "sorry I'm getting in your way!" thing. Or huddles where people are noncommunicative and antsy to get back to work and some ETL decides now is the time for everybody to tell everybody else a fun fact about themselves!

Before I got moved to receiving, most days I was working 8 hours in two workcenters. And when your second workcenter's hours have to cram time for a meal, a second break, huddle, huddle project and whatever else may come up, time becomes very, very precious.
I don't mind huddles because it's kind of a little break. I just hate when I get stuck in 5 huddles in a row in a week that are all the same discussions.. Vibe board, get red cards etc
My store used to hold huddles on the Salefloor, which I never liked. Now they do it in TSC, which makes a LOT more sense to me. When the night shift comes in, everyone is by the time clock anyway, so they have the huddle there. Super efficient and fast because you clock in. get your walkie and MyDevice, and take care of the huddle, ALL in the same area, and within the first 10 minutes of your shift. Done and done.
Recap: Huddles are fine if they're like a tryst after a dry spell - short, sweet & effective.
Anything more is tl;dr
I dance before we start our huddles. They don't ask me to do it I just do it. It puts everyone in a good mood and they're more willing to listen when we have to get to the serious stuff. Plus I just like to dance and that gives me an excuse to do so. Guests love seeing that they think it's great. I also make sure to recognize everyone on my team even if it's for something small. That's one of the things I loathe about Target. Not enough recognition for how hard their employees work.
No but seriously, nothing speaks louder than coffee and donuts as recognition for hard work.
I dunno... I'd be as big as a house if that was a common occurrence!

Just check my avatar pic!
cant even remember the last time we had a huddle -_- when we used to have them though they lasted way too long, sometimes 15-20 min. they would just repeat the same stuff every day all week. i think 5 minute huddles are the way to go, straight to the point.
Hola Target tm's..

Can you guys give me some good ideas for fun team huddles or even ones that you have had in the past that worked well?

My team is amazing and I want to make out culture even better, I'd really like to start having them but my imagination isn't working..I was thinking about lining up everyone across from each other and making everyone give each other a hug!! Lmao, not really.

Anything would greatly be appreciated and probably used.
Start the huddle by announcing in advance that it will be quick (less than 10 minutes). Plan out in advance what you will go over (try to get all TLs and ETLs involved in the planning if they will be attending).

Sandwich the huddle between two things to keep people in a good mood. Maybe do recognition to start and finish with snacks/candy/Starbucks samples. Any bad news or tough news should go right in the middle.

The only truly fun activity activity that I can remember our store having at huddle was taking turns smacking a piñata filled with candy on Cinco de Mayo.
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