Archived Funeral Pay

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Sep 28, 2017
My husband’s grandmother passed away on subday. When I got back to work on Monday, I was talking to one of our ETLs said I need to look into bereavement pay. He said another TL had gotten it when his wife’s grandfather passed. How does that work? How do I put in for the time off?
Didn't mean to be rude. I just think that asking for pay in that situation is a tad lame.

Perhaps I'm missing something? Is it actual pay? Money for not working? Or is it simply time off?

Le Derp?
It’s paid time off so you can be with your family without having to worry about missing a paycheck. Idk about you but missing days off from work puts a huge dent in money to live off and pay bills.
Money from death, and the higher up - the more you get. Cool?

What if they were just lifelong friends? How much then?

You don't have to tell me.
You're right. I'm sure the money gets donated to a worthy cause.

Yeh, to family members who would otherwise have to choose between paying their respects or paying their bills.
Okay, lets end this.
Large companies have offered bereavement pay for years.
It is a way for people to be able to go to funerals that are often held during the work day so that they won't lose pay or so they can travel to the site of the funeral.
It is a decent thing for the companies to do and not something out of place for the people to ask about.

If it is something you are unfamiliar with, okay but lets not be a dick to people who are mourning.
End this now.
I'm not sure how closely related you have to be to the decedent to get bereavement pay. I took 2 days off with pay when my father in law had a service, not when he died. (The service was 2 months later.) I make no apology for taking that pay. Target pisses away so much money, I'm taking it when it is deserved and earned.
I was able to take a bereavement day when my friend's mother died last year. I believe the amount of time you can take off depends on how close that person was to you. Unrelated or distantly related, probably a day. Close family, probably 3.

I just let my hrtm know I needed the day off for a funeral, and she entered that day in as bereavement for me.
My husband’s grandmother passed away on subday. When I got back to work on Monday, I was talking to one of our ETLs said I need to look into bereavement pay. He said another TL had gotten it when his wife’s grandfather passed. How does that work? How do I put in for the time off?

Here is the information:
Bereavement Plan 1.png
Bereavement Plan 2.png
Bereavement Plan 3.png
Bereavement Plan 4.png

Talk to HR and your ETL about needing time off.
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Huh. Had no idea this was offered. For Team members or just TLs?

According to the Time-off Program Guide, "[p]ay is available for eligible team members who attend events for covered family members during normally scheduled work time."

"Non-exempt store team members with average hours of 20 or more are eligible for bereavement pay from the first full pay period after the first of the month following 6 full months of service."

"Non-exempt store team leaders with average hours of 20 or more are eligible for bereavement pay from the first day of the pay period that includes the 90th day of service from the hire date."

Pretty sure TMs only get a day and TL and up get 3

Both qualifying TMs and TLs can get up to 3 days of paid time.

In the event of a death in the immediate family, up to 3 scheduled days is paid time.

In the event of a death of a close friend or distant relative, up to 4 hours is paid time.

How many days that you actually get paid for depends on the relationship that you have with the person who passed away and the number of scheduled shifts that you missed.


Relationship: Grandmother (immediate family)
Paid Time: Up To 3 Days
Time You Will Be Gone: The Next 4 Days
Scheduled Shifts That You Will Miss During Time Gone: 2 Shifts (each one is 8 hours long, not including meal break)
Bereavement Pay: 2 Days (16 Hours Total)

Relationship: Grandmother (immediate family)
Paid Time: Up To 3 Days
Time You Will Be Gone: The Next 4 Days
Scheduled Shifts That You Will Miss During Time Gone: 3 Shifts (each one is 7 hours long, not including meal break)
Bereavement Pay: 3 Days (21 Hours Total)
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