Mid year raises

Looks like a lot of stores are seeing increases for PG35 and PG38 effective 9/22. Haven't seen any increases for PG45 yet.

Since Target doesn't like to communicate, you can check yourself by going on Workday, typing your store's location in the search bar, selecting it, and scrolling down to the Comp Rates table under Additional Data. You can do this for any store in the company if you're curious.
I just checked. We're going up to $16.75 efft 9/22. Currently at $15.75, so this is roughly a 6.4% increase. If you're under $16.75, you'll be raised up to that. If you make more (me), I'll get a 6.4% increase based off my base pay. Cha-ching! (There's also something about being employed for 2 years I think?) From other replies, it sounds like not all stores do this, which is wrong. All team members should get an increase if eligible. Shouldn't be a store by store decision.