Archived Garden Center thread

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Jul 8, 2014
Alright so I was curious as to what happened to your Garden center after we scrapped it. Our store was built in 88 so we had a choice to turn in into an aural l additional stockroom for a sum of 2 million dollars. They said no! We are are the smallest backroom in our group and do not have an off-site or containers until xmas. When I first got to the store 2 years ago they had steel out there with bulk plastics and patio furniture. Our DTL came and said we can't have product out there because the cover doesn't cover enough. No we use it for fixtures signing and those days we get 12 pallets of water in. There's also Atleast 8 pallets of shelves from remodel 3 years ago! The other store I was working did convert it to an alcove so they have an entire receiving area set up out there I'm so envious. It's such a waste of space and smells like cat shit (found a couple dead cats) What's going on with yours!?
I don't believe my store had a garden center. With the way the store is oriented in our plaza, there wouldn't have been anywhere to put it.

I, too, am curious as to why in the FUCK there are dead cats in your store.
Just to complete the echo, why the fuck is there anyway dead cats are getting in there, and in particular not getting the fuck back out again?!

Ours is basically just a signing and fixture dumping ground most of the year. Shippers and displays and stuff usually get some assembly out there since there's no real working space inside the backroom proper (fixture room is small, signing is just a little nook surrounded by bulk plastics and stuff), and during Q4 the holiday fixtures/shippers all get set up there, plus we usually use it as a staging area for the black friday deal TVs so they're already in carts ready to go the night before.
Ours is mostly empty all year. Occasionally used for temporary storage of fixtures, Black Friday cardboard displays & product, & bikes around Black Friday. Sure comes in handy when I have 200 bikes to build as fast as possible.
Ours got walled up and made part of the store.
The Spot by my old place used it as a fixture dumping ground. They would have to reconfigure so much to make it usable since food ave is on the other side of the wall (and they already got their PFresh remodel).
Our garden center is now a storage area. We keep extra fixtures and displays out there. Our signing team member keeps his stuff out there. When we have big plano sets they keep stage product out there and for black friday we keep extra product out there.
My current store never had one, my last store however did. When the garden centers were shut down it was pretty much cleaned out, the glass door to get into it from inside the store was replaced with an emergency exit. It wasn't used for anything else except for during Christmas when they stored excess fake trees out there.

EDIT: Also, dead cats?
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My guess for dead cats would be that someone put rat poison out. If it was just one, I'd suggest natural causes, but multiple? Not so sure about that.
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