Archived Gendered Toys

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Aug 18, 2015
Okay but I thought Target didn't gender toys anymore and took down all gendered signs for toys but then you go on the website and it's like

Excuse fuckin' you, Target

This bothers me more than it probably should but damn that's a REALLY unnecessary category to have
Because toys are still gendered. Whether Target decides to label their aisles by gender or not, the actual toys themselves are still manufactured that way, so it's basically pointless. I appreciate it's something the company is conscious of, but it's nothing but a marketing scheme. Anyway, since toys are still blatantly gendered, when it comes to maintaining a website and keeping the average consumer happy, they still offer that option for the ease of browsing. It's just a form of organization, that's still valid since the toys are so clearly labeled a certain way. I blame the demand for gendered toys. You can browse for gender neutral though.


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Meh. It doesn't bother me. It's not forcing parents of girls to buy dolls, and parents of boys to buy cars. Consumers can still buy whatever toy they like.

My daughter loves cars and trains. IDGAF how it's labeled in the store. She gets cars and trains.
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I did the same thing and got much the same results.

LOL, my parents did the same with my sister and I when we were growing up. My sister would carry around the most obnoxiously cute purse she had....and it would be filled with toy cars and dinosaurs. I, on the other hand...once played with a paper towel I had wrapped a rubber band around. The way the band manipulated the towel, made it look like the silhouette of a woman in a victorian dress. So I played with essentially garbage, for days, until my mom threw it away. XD I don't think I was a very bright kid.
Who cares a kid can play with whatever they want a category on the website means nothing
I don't see anything wrong with it really I think it's just to help the shoppers narrow down the search. I helped a lady the other day find a ninja turtle for her daughter and a Barbie for her son. Most people just get what the kids ask for gender ignored.
It must be my store then because most people will still go with the whole bUT THAT'S A "BOY" TOY. It still seems really unnecessary to have to refine it by something like that. By keeping that category of search it's just gonna let people keep gendering toys. Considering how many other search refinements there are, this one in particular really isn't needed

But this also is a subject I am severely involved in, personally so I'm probably biased as hell
It must be my store then because most people will still go with the whole bUT THAT'S A "BOY" TOY. It still seems really unnecessary to have to refine it by something like that. By keeping that category of search it's just gonna let people keep gendering toys. Considering how many other search refinements there are, this one in particular really isn't needed

But this also is a subject I am severely involved in, personally so I'm probably biased as hell

I totally get where you are coming from and remember your post about the gender identification problems so I totally understand. I wonder if it's more the people/guests who are just gender brained and think pink girl blue boy etc that just make it more an issue than it needs to be. I think some people will just never be open minded that if a girl plays with a truck or a boy plays with a doll that it will somehow make them gay/bi/etc . It's just the parents/people in general being closed minded I think.
Remember, retailers need to be pc and yet try to please ALL customers, even 85 y/o little old ladies that don't "get" gender fluiduty, identify, etc.
However, I don't care for it either as a mother of a DD who was the only girl in her HS shop class and is usually the only female in her college engineering classes.
Fact of the matter is, toys are still gendered, therefore, it makes sense to allow people to browse based on that fact. Their job is to just show people what they got, and give them multiple tools to find what they need. Removing the option to do that isn't going to change people's views on genders, especially since the toys are the ones marketed that way. Personally, if Target removed that option, I would consider that an exploitation of the movement for the sake of their image, which I don't appreciate or find helpful.

Even still, there's nothing stopping people from buying whatever they want anyway. It's just an option for browsing. If toys weren't marketed towards gender, then that option wouldn't exist.
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