Archived "Girl" Talk

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If you dab a small amount of hydrogen peroxide.. on the stains. You can remove (fresh) blood stains on the fly (it'll disappear in seconds) without removing/damaging color to your khakis.

Just don't use too much. Just a small dab, with a cue-tip or cloth if possible.

I've cut my fingers quite a few times 😛 That... I've taken a hit or two from apprehensions.

What if you just get a red sharpie, and draw a circle around the stain, and play it off as a Target logo and not a stain?
Haha, ive been asked to borrow money (their purse is in their locker.. my wallet is in my pocket) so fellow tms could buy stuff. The first time i asked why? I generally dont let people borrow money without knowing what its going to. I dont even give to homeless. Ill buy them food and drink, but theyre not getting money. Now i just hand money over, lol. One time i felt so bad because i didnt have cash, i gave the girl my credit card. Ive worked with her for 3 years though so it wasnt an issue.

Some of our TL's are great they just requisition it.
What if you just get a red sharpie, and draw a circle around the stain, and play it off as a Target logo and not a stain?

Because that attracts even more attention

And likely, the Sharpie will wash out every single time, but the dried blood stain will remain. 😛 Best to tackle it, the moment it happens.
Speaking of "Girl talk" There Is a new hire who started last week and she smells of very strong BO. Everyone has noticed It. What Is the best way to to address that problem?
There is a lady here who smells like old canned vegetable soup. Everyday! Like soup left in someones lunchbox thermos .. it is awful
No- I would understand that- she is on the Sales Floor. Maybe it is a medical condition- forget I mentioned it-
Thanks it can be a challenge I've always felt self conscious. Occasionally I'm very dirty after open.
Does she work the line? Just askin. Some days me...
No she does not work the line. Comes In right after the truck Is done and the pallets are bowled. I just don't get how you can smell so bad? She looks clean and clothes are clean but my God you can smell her 20 feet away.
No she does not work the line. Comes In right after the truck Is done and the pallets are bowled. I just don't get how you can smell so bad? She looks clean and clothes are clean but my God you can smell her 20 feet away.

Some people have conditions that cause certain kinds of body odor.
They may very well be nothing she can do about it.
We had a client with a condition like that and it was so intense that your eyes would water.
They took meds for it but the smell was a permanent part of their life.
You might understand how depression and other issues might be a problem as well.
I've noticed that older people tend to smell a little different. Incontinent maybe? Some of them have icky stains on clothes they return, but no real explanation...
Well a couple girls were telling me they were going to talk to the LOD about It. Well the girl with the BO was there until break and I didn't see her after break. Must have been sent home.
Still cheaper than abortion.
And you don't have to go thru a throng of screaming zealots.

Too bad it's only effective if taken before you ovulate. All it actually does is delay ovulation so by the time the egg drops the sperm will be dead. Unless it's taken at the right time of the month, it's not terribly effective.
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