Archived "Girl" Talk

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I find using double duty protection really avoids any spills....tampon + super over night thin pads....usually 2 extra long ones will do. Don't you ladies visit the bathroom to do a quick check? I don't care how busy it gotta take care of yourselves. Love yourselves, hate the periods!!

You know what stops leaks?


Seriously. Amazing.
My wife asks me all the time ( silently) if there is blood on her butt. Never is but I'd hate to wear khaki and it happens.

I thought khakis didn't give much breathing for my boys. There were days when my balls were so sore that I had to dip them in butt butter.

So all around Khakis suck - for all people.
My wife asks me all the time ( silently) if there is blood on her butt. Never is but I'd hate to wear khaki and it happens.

I thought khakis didn't give much breathing for my boys. There were days when my balls were so sore that I had to dip them in butt butter.

So all around Khakis suck - for all people.

Also, they're just ugly.....or only for Dads.

ALSO also....was watching Scrubs on ye olde Netflix, and this relevant scene came up.
I think i am starting to have a crush on these 2 guys on target npc posts is it from Clerks?
Here is a guy topic i would to hear more about - why havent i seen any interesting guys like this at our store?
As fotvthis topic. Ick enough already ladies. For crissake
I think i am starting to have a crush on these 2 guys on target npc posts is it from Clerks?
Here is a guy topic i would to hear more about - why havent i seen any interesting guys like this at our store?
As fotvthis topic. Ick enough already ladies. For crissake

I've always had more of a thing for Silent Bob, but who doesn't?
I thought khakis didn't give much breathing for my boys. There were days when my balls were so sore that I had to dip them in butt butter.

How does the color of your pants affect your balls?
As a mod, I read everything on the board but threads like this don't bother me at all.
I belong to a forum where we discus adult topics and there is a thread where woman discus exactly this subject in much more graphic detail.
This kind of thing hasn't bothered me for a very long time.
oh god no I can't stand children. I mean, thanks for that but I honestly just don't see myself having kids.

I mean that said I'm 22 and single so that could change.

Lol if you can't stand kids, you probably shouldn't then.

But I will say this. I always told my mom I wasn't having any when I was a kid. Here I am now, 28, and pregnant with #4.
If I worked for starbuck's it would be the same🙁 Stupid khaki pants. I loathe khaki.............. Loathe I tell you!

I think some jobs made your period maintenance much harder.

Cashiering and Starbucks wouldbe hard because it's always busy and people act like you insulted them for making them wait.

At my old job, we were stuck on register for hours at a time from call ins and now shows and God forbid I wanted to take a 15, I'd see a line out the door on camera and people complaining.

Eventually we just all began eating at the register or around the corner without sitting in case it got busy, even though corporate told us we couldn't but fuck that, a girls gotta eat!
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