Archived Goal window for new CAF times

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Nov 24, 2014
Hey all, I know I've read on here that since the CAFs switched to 1/3(/5), the goal window extended to two hours. However, my STL insists it's still a one hour window.

I don't mind keeping the expectation at one hour to keep the team's sense of urgency from dwindling, but I've been pulled from my tasks several times over the past few weeks to help the BR team pull 5 or 7 hour CAFs that we were in jeopardy of "missing."

So! Does anyone have a source for the new two hour window? A roll-out guide, REDwire or Workbench page I missed? I searched in Workbench but the one page I found the elaborated on the CAF windows hadn't been updated.
You mean, they encourage flexing over active items before???? Freaking hell, then why did my leadership freaks over when they find flexed items (not mine)???
You mean, they encourage flexing over active items before???? Freaking hell, then why did my leadership freaks over when they find flexed items (not mine)???

We had some that even dotted and you told them it is waiting to be pushed They would make you flex over the out.. Group Director who was just fired "No outs ever"
Flexing over active items was a stupid thing to do anyways. It's a great way to make people forget something else was supposed to be there so when the item finally comes in, it just sits in backstock forever.

Not to mention the Pricing issues.
--- Oh that $24 bag of dog food is next to $16.99

Instocks issues
Research issues
Zoning issues
Back room issues
Guest issues "why isn't this instock? I have been looking every week for a month for this item."

And it's hard to break that bad habit - of not pushing to the piece, correctly.

And then POG/Instocks/Pricing has got to clean all that sh!t up.

:Bitter, party of one:
I am a flow tm who pushes to the piece. Not next to it, over it or under it. With the new shoe reset everything was pushed out. Now when I do truck push I have to remove shoes that were flexed out. Pog or in stocks cleaning up shit. NOT Not in shoes. Nobody does squat in shoes.
I also had a Lead tell me that the store went red when the new caf rollout took place because apparently corporate was still basing it on 1 hour even though the new schedule gives us 2. they said that corporate also was not going to retro the results if we were in fact w/ in the 2 hour window..doesn't seem to make sense or be fair....
There was a statement about this before the rollout. CAF Pull Timeliness % will still reflect 1 hour pull goals until they readjust the reporting on myperformance. The statement said end of March so, you know, May would be a good bet. It'll be adjusted retroactively.
I am a flow tm who pushes to the piece. Not next to it, over it or under it. With the new shoe reset everything was pushed out. Now when I do truck push I have to remove shoes that were flexed out. Pog or in stocks cleaning up shit. NOT Not in shoes. Nobody does squat in shoes.

In Stocks hasn't scanned shoes in at least a year. I stopped before that after six months of pulling multiple tubs of crap I mean cap, kids hoes hidden behind men's shoes. NO rubber bands off any boxes would get pulled and next truck repeat.. So since that ETL refused to fix that problem we just stopped scanning it. At all. Flow brought that on themselves.
We don't scan shoes anymore - been about a year. They are no longer set to planogram. We have them crammed in by brand. It's a nightmare for RIGs, for guests looking for a particular size, for pricing.... but it's full until we no longer have any shoes coming in because they aren't researched. There must be something that's working because they continue to do it this way.
Flexing over active items was a stupid thing to do anyways. It's a great way to make people forget something else was supposed to be there so when the item finally comes in, it just sits in backstock forever.
What if you flex with a flip label, while researching and grey dotting the oos? Once the item comes in, pop the temporary label out in it's convenient package, tear off grey dot, and stock. Then put flexed into into home and back stock as needed. I think if seeing a flip label made you automatically think, out of stock, it would be second nature to know why a box was bowled by flow team to that location, assuming they put it at the exact location especially when aisles have more than one pog
What if you flex with a flip label, while researching and grey dotting the oos? Once the item comes in, pop the temporary label out in it's convenient package, tear off grey dot, and stock. Then put flexed into into home and back stock as needed. I think if seeing a flip label made you automatically think, out of stock, it would be second nature to know why a box was bowled by flow team to that location, assuming they put it at the exact location especially when aisles have more than one pog

Would need a dedicated team stocking a specific department.. Like when POG takes over toys during December. Or 1-3 team members in electronics.

Would not work with the typical flow team member.
What if you flex with a flip label, while researching and grey dotting the oos? Once the item comes in, pop the temporary label out in it's convenient package, tear off grey dot, and stock. Then put flexed into into home and back stock as needed. I think if seeing a flip label made you automatically think, out of stock, it would be second nature to know why a box was bowled by flow team to that location, assuming they put it at the exact location especially when aisles have more than one pog

We do that and flow just jams the product that came in right over the flexed product and dot not pulled. Most of the time they just back stock the oos product cause something is in its spot. It's quicker for them.
Would need a dedicated team stocking a specific department.. Like when POG takes over toys during December. Or 1-3 team members in electronics.

Would not work with the typical flow team member.
This is my pog logic lol. after toys reset, I remember hearing "are we still 'flexing' all toy??" Nooo
What if you flex with a flip label, while researching and grey dotting the oos? Once the item comes in, pop the temporary label out in it's convenient package, tear off grey dot, and stock. Then put flexed into into home and back stock as needed. I think if seeing a flip label made you automatically think, out of stock, it would be second nature to know why a box was bowled by flow team to that location, assuming they put it at the exact location especially when aisles have more than one pog

That requires a flow team that knows what they're doing beyond "look for item. No find? Must be backstock."
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