Group Legal - Bankruptcy


Feb 7, 2023
Hi fellow TMs!

Has anyone signed up for and used group legal? I'm thinking of signing up for it this year.

How many attorneys are in your area?
Is it free if in network?

I'm planning on filing for bankruptcy this year, has anyone done this through group legal? How was your experience? Anything I should know before hand?
I have used group legal, but after this year will drop it. I needed to use it for an elder care lawyer after my mother passed away and dad needed to go to assisted living home (this is a covered area) They were not only rude, but wanted me to go to a lawyer that was more than an hour from where I live (in the past the lawyers were within the same county that I live in). When I contacted each of the lawyers whose names/numbers were sent to me, not a single one returned any of my calls. A complete waste of time (and money) and I ended up paying out of pocket for a local attorney, even though I had the "benefit".
I have not personally but a coworker has when their last parent passed and it was a horrible nightmare. I wonr go into details as I did not experience it and its not my story but thry deffinitely regretted gping that route instead of just finding an lawyer on their own.

I will say that personal experiences with any og our so called benefits as far as getting outside help for me has been a nightmare. But this coyld be area by area with whats available. You coukd just get a couple names and numbers and research the people and firm and see how you feel about it.
I almost filed for bankruptcy about ten years ago.

I would just ask for lawyer suggestions from friends of family.

The reason I say this bankruptcy laws vary considerably from state to state.

If you go to the library and check any book about bankruptcy in the back of them are usually pages of state by state exceptions.

Good luck.
Yes. I did ask the attorney how much it would've cost without the legal plan. He said between $2000-$3000. Ours cost $1500. Even with the premiums (I think it was around $250 for the year), I saved quite a bit of money.
I don't have group legal through Target, but through my day job. Is it ARAG? I assume it's the same, and if it is, it works pretty well. You call or fill out a form and get a claim number, and they give you a list of local attorneys and what (if anything) you need to pay. I'm not sure what the benefits would be through Target, specifically, but over the years we've used it for estate planning, a property dispute and help with a lawsuit and didn't pay a dime.

As for bankruptcy vs. working with creditors, any competent bankruptcy attorney will work with you on the best options. Definitely take the time to consult with at least two or three. Many have free consultations, regardless of legal coverage.

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