Archived Reed group denied short term disability

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Feb 28, 2018
I’ve been on maternity leave for a month now and had never received any checks for short term disability. So I called the Reed group, who have been handling my claim, and they told me my STD and maternity pay was denied. I had just talked to another rep last week and was told it was approved. The recent rep told me to call my HR to see if they can do anything, which I did. I was under the impression that my maternity leave would be paid, and my HR never told me otherwise. I even have paperwork that stated that I hit so many hours and was then eligible for this benefit. I am not paying for any insurance through Target; I am on my husband’s plan. I also do not have any vacation or sick hours to use

She called and told me today that I was denied STD, according to Reed, because I delivered my baby a week earlier than the original submitted due date. She’s going to keep talking to them to see if anything else can be done. I’m so pissed. Don’t they allow a time frame for if babies come early or late? I worked that day I delivered, a day before my official leave was to start. The Reed group sent me paperwork about why I was denied, and it was just a chart of FMLA and short term disability and the hours required, and that I was Ineligible for both. Nothing was stated about my having delivered early.

I am just upset and confused by the back and forth and the misinformation. I am set to return to my store before Black Friday, so I hope this gets resolved, or else I will have to rethink my decision to come back. Has anyone else had issues with the Reed group? Any advice or tips you care to share?
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I’ve been on maternity leave for a month now and had never received any checks for short term disability. So I called the Reed group, who have been handling my claim, and they told me my STD and maternity pay was denied. I had just talked to another rep last week and was told it was approved. The recent rep told me to call my HR to see if they can do anything, which I did. I was under the impression that my maternity leave would be paid, and my HR never told me otherwise. I even have paperwork that stated that I hit so many hours and was then eligible for this benefit. I am not paying for any insurance through Target; I am on my husband’s plan. I also do not have any vacation or sick hours to use

She called and told me today that I was denied STD, according to Reed, because I delivered my baby a week earlier than the original submitted due date. She’s going to keep talking to them to see if anything else can be done. I’m so pissed. Don’t they allow a time frame for if babies come early or late? I worked that day I delivered, a day before my official leave was to start. The Reed group sent me paperwork about why I was denied, and it was just a chart of FMLA and short term disability and the hours required, and that I was Ineligible for both. Nothing was stated about my having delivered early.

I am just upset and confused by the back and forth and the misinformation. I am set to return to my store before Black Friday, so I hope this gets resolved, or else I will have to rethink my decision to come back. Has anyone else had issues with the Reed group? Any advice or tips you care to share?
Do you average more than 28 hours? I don't know if it still applies but I remember a few years ago one of my team mates was denied because she averaged 21 hours.
It maybe your state.
Short-term Disability (team members in California, New York, New Jersey and Rhode Island have disability insurance through their state
Disability Program, not through Target’s Short-term Disability Plan)
I would hope that their HR would know this if that's the case.

My HR is so removed from the FMLA/STD process. They just direct us to Reed if we have any questions.

You would think when they sent out the form with eligibility it would tell you why you did or didn't receive a benefit.

It literally just says Eligible, Ineligible, and exhausted next to each leave option.

I would hope that their HR would know this if that's the case.

My HR is so removed from the FMLA/STD process. They just direct us to Reed if we have any questions. VA is not like that.

You would think when they sent out the form with eligibility it would tell you why you did or didn't receive a benefit.

It literally just says Eligible, Ineligible, and exhausted next to each leave option.
I wonder what their open enrollment options look like?
Welcome to the world of insurance. if you can pay for it. I’m sorry you went thru it but this will be the rule not the exception.
Team members in California, Hawaii, New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island are not eligible for the Company’s Short- term Disability (STD) insurance. For more information see section on “State Disability Programs.”
Distribution Centers (DC)
DC Regular averaging 19.5 or more hours per week:
You become eligible for STD effective the first day of the pay period that includes the 90th day of service from the date of hire.
Target Stores and Headquarters
Team Leader and Headquarters hourly team member averaging 19.5 or more hours per week:

You become eligible for STD effective the first day of the pay period that includes the 90th day of service from the date of hire.

Team Member averaging 19.5 or more hours per week:
You become eligible for STD effective the first day of the next pay period after 6 months of service. If 6 months falls on the first of the pay period, then the effective date will be that date.
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I would like to help but Target has Reed group handling these types of benefits so I don't know enough info to advise on this particular situation.
I went back and saw OP posting about trying to get rehired at the end of February. I’m thinking maybe they didn’t hit their 6 month eligibility date prior to delivering. 🤷🏽‍♀️
I went back and saw OP posting about trying to get rehired at the end of February. I’m thinking maybe they didn’t hit their 6 month eligibility date prior to delivering. 🤷🏽‍♀️

I was hired in late February, and received a letter in August stating that I was now eligible for benefits (including short term disability/maternity) I thought it was perfect timing because I was due in a month, so I started the process right away with my HR and was approved for STD
I was hired in late February, and received a letter in August stating that I was now eligible for benefits (including short term disability/maternity) I thought it was perfect timing because I was due in a month, so I started the process right away with my HR and was approved for STD
I’d contact whoever your caseworker at Reed group is. Unfortunately everything goes through them.
She called and told me today that I was denied STD, according to Reed, because I delivered my baby a week earlier than the original submitted due date.

This sounds, to me, like someone didn't do their job and are coming up with a BS excuse as to why. Due dates aren't written in stone, FFS, and anyone with two brain cells to rub together know this, and I can't believe their policies actually expect women to deliver on their due date. Ask to see the policy that caused you to be denied.
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