Archived GSTL from GSA

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Mar 3, 2013
What typically is the process for a GSA going to a GSTL . Based on performance all the way to the interviewe process? Also what is the interview tips for GSTL?
I would talk to your GSTL or ETL-GE and let them know that you are interested. They can work with you on developmental activities; it also wouldn't hurt to volunteer to take on projects. I have 3 gals I'm trying to develop and each one has a captainship; The Vibe, Loyalty Cards, and Selling Service Plans at the lanes. If you have ideas on how to improve scores, share them with your leaders. Make sure you are achieving 100% of your core roles. As you gain experience you will be able to ace the interview, no problem.
I would talk to your GSTL or ETL-GE and let them know that you are interested. They can work with you on developmental activities; it also wouldn't hurt to volunteer to take on projects. I have 3 gals I'm trying to develop and each one has a captainship; The Vibe, Loyalty Cards, and Selling Service Plans at the lanes. If you have ideas on how to improve scores, share them with your leaders. Make sure you are achieving 100% of your core roles. As you gain experience you will be able to ace the interview, no problem.
Great advice thank u!
Keep in mind that if you get interviewed for TL, you won't necessarily become a GSTL - you'll get whatever opens up first.
How does that work? I don't have any other experience besides the front end. So if they made me a softlines tl. I wouldn't know anything about it. I didn't know that's how it went. Then I'd be leading a team in an area im unfamiliar with.
They send you to another store for a couple of weeks to learn the area. They are promoting you to do more work and lead a team....and feel that if you can lead a team in one area, you could another.
They send you to another store for a couple of weeks to learn the area. They are promoting you to do more work and lead a team....and feel that if you can lead a team in one area, you could another.
Oh okay. That works out! Thx for the info.
They send you to another store for a couple of weeks to learn the area. They are promoting you to do more work and lead a team....and feel that if you can lead a team in one area, you could another.

This. If you aren't familiar with the workcenter you'll be leading, then you would be trained in it. After all, who wants a backroom TL who isn't backroom trained?
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