A guest today was talking about how she was buying too many items while I was putting away reshop. I asked if she had a red card, she could save 5% on those clothes. She snapped "That wouldn't even cover sales tax!" Hmmm, so you want to pay full price plus sales tax because the thought of 5% off gross leading to less sales tax paid is a worse deal? I don't mind a no, as long as the person thinks logically about it.
Or the guest on the phone asking about a video game. I've talked a whole lot of people through getting the dpci number off of Target.com when the MyDevice decides it hates my search terms and it won't let me on Target.com. Roughly 4 out of 5 find it immediately, that 5th person struggles and then says "Oh there it is, I completely overlooked it." This guest swore up and down that the words "Item Details" or "Product Details" didn't appear anywhere on the page, I kept repeating what to do over and over and near the end I asked her what she was seeing and she said "I'm looking at [my memory fails me], it's right under Item Details." Really? You're going to tell me over and over those words don't appear and then admit you see them just fine?