I had a
guy guest come up to me and ask about an off brand water filter.
- "Do these work in Brita pitchers?"
I'm sorry, I don't know. We don't make 'em we just sell 'em. I'm sure the packaging must say whether or not it fits.
* He turned around towards the filters seemingly understanding I couldn't possibly know about every item in the store. But then he turns back towards me.
-"But... you know... If this was a car dealership... never mind I'm going to stop myself."
I said: Yes, but at a car dealership they're specialized in selling one type of product... and they also work off commission.
(That was rude of me, but I'm beyond tired of idiots coming in thinking we know everything about every item we sell. I get this sh1t a few times a week. "Is this vacuum cleaner any good?" Any good? How the he1l should I know. Do you think we have a damn seminar about each product we sell? If you're going to spend FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS on a vacuum, why don't you look up a review first. And this guy having the gall to compare Target to a car dealership. I make just over minimum wage. Those guys get a salary AND they get a piece of every car sold. I don't care if you buy a $15 dollar water filter bud. Do you think I get stock options or something? Would you rather us operate like a car dealership? "Na, dose filters ain't no good anyways. See you need a better filter. These ones even take the water out of your water. It's a bit pricey but hey, it's your safety we're talking about here. Also never forget about the clear coat, that pitcher will loose its sheen without a good clear coat.")
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And the killer. I hadn't looked at the filter closely. It turns out *gasp we do make 'em. It's an Up and Up brand filter. And it also clearly states
Guaranteed to fit in Brita, and PUR
pitchers RIGHT ON THE BOX.