Archived Habits you picked up from Target that you use in your personal life

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at times it is tempting to dress in my Red and khaki with old name badge and go into a random Target store and start doing work. Than when a customer asks for help say "Do I look like I work here?!?!?" and storm away! 😀
While I do still have an old name tag and some red shirts I got rid of all my khakis. But I would so love to do this!
Well now I'm totally into finding deals and coupons and stuff. Its a real rush seeing you saved $60 on a $20 purchase.
I'm obsessive about checking dates on food and medication. My pantry and refrigerator are super organized and FIFOed, that's partly Target and partly my personality.

It's been 6 years since I worked the salesfloor and I still zone in other stores while shopping. I also zone our pharmacy shelves while I'm checking dates every month. Our shelves are beautiful and I'm constantly reminding everyone to keep them tidy.

I fold my towels Target style.
I pretty much can't shop since I started working in AP. Everywhere I go, I spot suspicious people and tail them around the store, almost involuntarily. My girlfriend gets pissed when we're out shopping together and I just abruptly say "that guy's gonna steal" and take of for a while, but I can't help it. I made a huge recovery at a grocery store the other day by receipt-checking a guy who tried to push out a whole cart of meat. The manager looked at me all crazy when I dragged a whole cart full of meat up to their service desk, said "some guy just tried to steal this", and walked away. People must think I'm insane.
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