Archived Habits you picked up from Target that you use in your personal life

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i tend to call customers "guests" which ive learned only target does cause all of my new coworkers make fun of me when i say "guests"
I had an interview last week where I could NOT stop myself from calling the customer a "guest". I kept getting frustrated with myself and would correct myself out loud, when saying "guest" instead of customer. Interviewer probably thought I was nuts.
You don't want to see my fridge, freezer or pantry. Yes, I stripe, go by FIFO, and order by type. I also will go to a store shopping and do some zoning because people (ehmmm, guests) are lazy bastards. I almost got caught straightening up a freezer section at my local Walmart because it was a disaster and the product I was looking for was behind a bunch of unrelated items.

Loki, yes!!! Labels out, pulled to the front. I hate it otherwise - the idea is for quick recognition for the customer. With so many variations, that is the best way to assist them (us) in finding what we are looking for. When will they learn?

So, I'm off to do the planogram for my walk-in closet.
I fold my towels in my closet the way we fold them at Target. My mom did my laundry the other day for me and I had to teach her how to fold the right way. lol
I forgot about the towels!!! My first day at Target I was taught how to fold them the Target Way and I've never looked back. They actually fit better in the closet that way.
FIFOd my pantry

My linen closet is small do I don't fold like target, but I do the curve side out now

My clothes used to be hung facing the same way as target, but I changed that because the way my closet is, I was looking at the back of everything.
Dunno if it's just my store, but a lot of us tend to say 'copy' even off the walkie.. just to end a normal face-to-face conversation. I've ended up doing that everywhere else. Co-Manager at my night job finds it hilarious... "Did you just say copy again! We're not even on walkies!" I don't even notice when I do.
I zone and FIFO my cupboards. I zone the items I buy when shopping to keep them faced on the shelf. Hell, I even finger-space the hanging bar in my closet, and I'm not even in softlines.

The last time I found expired food in my fridge, I may or may not have grabbed my iPod Touch to try and QMOS the food.
Meh... I think most people aren't assholes. They are the ones who make dealing with true assholes bearable!
I keep my phone brightness turned down because I can't go an entire shift with a mydevice unless the brightness is down.
I'm the complete opposite! Lol. iPad and iPhone bright as can be but my iPod screen better be as low as i can stand.
I keep my phone brightness turned down because I can't go an entire shift with a mydevice unless the brightness is down.

I have always kept my screens on the dim side cause you really don't need them at mega bright.
I have always kept my screens on the dim side cause you really don't need them at mega bright.
I always used to just rely on auto brightness on my phone, but another team member suggested turning the brightness down on mydevices and the battery improved. Now I keep the brightness down on all my devices.
I order tons of stuff online and I use one of the silver box cutters to quickly open packages, remove the item, and then break down the box.

I also make sure to put the packing materials in a trash bag and the box with other broken down cardboard. Even though there is no recycling here and they both eventually get tossed into the same dumpster.
I had to change the password on my phone to match my store number. I also say copy a lot when Im on the phone talking or texting.

I keep typing my phone's lock code on the MyDevices instead of my store number.

My mom just got an iPhone and her text message tone is the same sound the MyDevices make when the scanner is activated. I tried to get her to change it, but she refused.
Waving people in public ahead of me (through a door or down an aisle or whatever) instead of just ramming my way through. Waiting for the guest got too ingrained.
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