We always have at least 2 designated backups for every couple of hours. They're supposed to call those people first, but if the GSA/GSTL has seen someone on the floor that they know will respond, they'll call them. I get called first outside of my designated backup time-slot all the time. If the store actually is super busy at night, the zone will just suffer a bit. It's never been a complete disaster, but if we're scheduled to leave at 11, we leave at 11. No one stays past their schedule to finish the zone. I think this is why people in my store are less inclined to respond for backup at night. We know once the store closes, that's it. What's done is done.
I go for backup often, but if you cry wolf (or "long lines" in this scenario) more than once in a night, I'm done making the voyage to the front unless you call me by name. I've realized I play favorites with certain GSA/GSTLs. I'm more likely to respond to backup calls from some over others.
I go for backup often, but if you cry wolf (or "long lines" in this scenario) more than once in a night, I'm done making the voyage to the front unless you call me by name. I've realized I play favorites with certain GSA/GSTLs. I'm more likely to respond to backup calls from some over others.