So only softlines have to answer zebra calls at my store. Is it like that at anyone else's stores? It's stupid. We don't have enough for anyone and flow/inbound/SFS/etc. get first pick, so then all the calls just get bounced back to the FR anyway which is especially great when no one is scheduled back there. I don't understand why other sales floor TMs can't answer calls. Most of them are for hardlines anyway. We're technically able to call someone in hardlines over walkie and transfer it to them but that's seems so unnecessary, not to mention no one responds half the time anyway. I'm sick of being expected to do all this work that has nothing to do with my department and then being yelled at for not finishing everything on time. No one is expected to lift a finger for softlines, but god forbid we ask that the rest of the team help even a little, we're told to just get over it and deal with it.