MEGATHREAD Hang Me (The Softlines Thread)

I'm a SrTL for SL so feel free to PM me any specific questions you have.

The team you have and how large your store is will drastically change what you really have to do. Make sure you build rapport and support from your team. You'll be asking them to work harder than you pay them to work, so you have to get them to want to work for you. Encourage them to take pride in their work, keep them engaged and help them feel valued. Once they enjoy working for you, then you can drive them to get the results you need.
Thanks King. I'll definitely pm you if I come across anything that I could use a hand with.
So softlines TMs/Brand TMs... is your floor looking light? We've been putting out shoes as fast as they're coming in and it's still looking light. Same thing in most other departments as well and don't even get me started on this Big Clearance silliness they've got going on now. >< I feel like they're not going to be happy till our floor pads are empty of all clothes and shoes and accessories....which would be great except they don't seem to be sending new product in as fast as the old is going out the door. 😛
I didn't work today (Friday), but when I was there on Thursday there were a bunch of nearly empty tables and shoe shelves. The women's winter boots have been pretty empty for a couple weeks, because we had snow. All the other winter boots are completely gone. We got a few kids returns, and then they disappeared shortly after haha
Our winter boots are nearly gone and we don't typically get snow. But then no rainboots since corp has decided to sell them "online only" at this point (except for the few kids ones they sent in to go with adjacencies) and that means some people were grabbing winter boots to use as rain boots. 😛 I have been having a horrible time with some of the signing in shoes. RFAPs keeps jilting me when I try to make a sign. Still waiting for the newest batch of QR codes to get here. But anyway....
Our boys area is pretty sad. Plus now I've had to abandon telling guests that we'll be getting rain boots for women in... 'We had one online pair' became an actual joke.
We've had rain boots for months, but the only ones we still have left are the ones that look like moto boots, but rubber. They're not on the website, anymore. A few of the ones on the website, we had a while back, too. We got some toddler ones in not long ago, but none for anyone else.

Anyone notice that some of the toddler clothing seems to be phasing the 24m size out? Some stuff still has it and some doesn't. I've held them up to 2Ts in the past and there's the tiniest almost undetectable difference. I've read the little guideline on some of the tags and they're exactly the same on both, but the parents still aren't happy when something comes in one of the sizes and not the other.
We've had rain boots for months, but the only ones we still have left are the ones that look like moto boots, but rubber. They're not on the website, anymore. A few of the ones on the website, we had a while back, too. We got some toddler ones in not long ago, but none for anyone else.

Anyone notice that some of the toddler clothing seems to be phasing the 24m size out? Some stuff still has it and some doesn't. I've held them up to 2Ts in the past and there's the tiniest almost undetectable difference. I've read the little guideline on some of the tags and they're exactly the same on both, but the parents still aren't happy when something comes in one of the sizes and not the other.

My understanding about the difference between 24 month and 2t (pants at least) is that the former is made for a child still wearing a diaper and the latter is made for one who has been potty trained. When we held a couple pairs together we could see there was a little more room in the seat area of the 24 months than the 2t. This was a few years back, though... so not sure if it is still true.

Are the rain boots you've had for months...for women? And I wonder if the DC in your area is just clearing out what stock they have left since the ones you have aren't sold online.
Ahh, okay. Maybe I only compared the shirts before. The parents who are hell-bent on having 24m over 2ts never specify the difference... or they say something like "2t is a little wider." and I'm all "I don't think so.." The way they always tell me the difference (I ask every time), makes it sound like they think the 2t is like a husky size lol.

Yea, they're women. The other ones we got at the same time are on the site. I don't remember if the moto ones were ever on it, though. I wanted those boots, so I may have looked, but I don't remember. They could've also been one of those test items, although, when we have test clothes, we usually have less of em than we had of those boots. If I get a pda, tomorrow, I'm gonna look into it, because I can't find any traces of them on the internet and I still want them. They look like these, though:
Maybe it depends on the area that your store is in? I can't imagine Target not selling rainboots in a region as say, Seattle.
Maybe it depends on the area that your store is in? I can't imagine Target not selling rainboots in a region as say, Seattle.

You could be right, Snookie. Our area of the world doesn't get much rain so maybe that's why they're only online for us?

Sher, those are pretty cool looking rain boots... and now you'll have me comparing 24 m and 2t shirts to see for myself. LOL!
we are in an area that get lots of rain....hardly any rain boots this year, at all

Okay, knowing Spot, it's random? lol Bet there is an area out there that never sees rain and has them all. 😉 Kidding! But is it sad that it wouldn't surprise me a bit? 😛
*Major applause* lol Occasionally you'll get one of those nice guests out of a hundred (or so) who will conscientiously clean up after themselves. We appreciate them so much and if there were more of them imagine what we could get done? I hear that all the time ("That's what they pay them for") and while it's true, it's not the only thing in our job description. There's so little time when you're on the clock and hours are cut because of payroll shortage. My dept would be well stocked, organized, and cleaned for all to enjoy if I didn't have to constantly pick up after those people with that mentality that says I'm ONLY paid to pick up after them. *sigh*
A clever thief, or thieves has been sticking tags down in the crevice of the metal baseboard thing of one of our fitting rooms. It's been going on for a long time because one of the tags I saw was from the FEED USA line. I find it so funny, not the thievery, but the fact that no one noticed the plethora of tags down in there. I just happened to notice it one night.

pic's from after the tags were removed, but they were in theree
we have thieves putting the tags between the mirror and the wall and the baseboards....sometimes they will wiggle free and when I pilferage them it will give me a missed salvage ticket.
I never even thought to look in those places! Most of our thieves just put the tags under the stools, on top of the corner mirrors... or they leave em in plain sight.
Was Target's plus clothing discontinued? I was out for a few days and when I went back it was gone except for the clearance stuff.
They're making a new line but the release was delayed ~ a month. So right now it's only available online for the most part.
Thaank you! I didn't think it was discontinued, but one of my coworkers said it was but I find the information here to be more reliable than what I hear in my store.
Yeaa, it's such a small area. So is Liz Lange/maternity.

Anyone ever notice the girl on the billboards in rtw who's wearing items from the plus section is actually smaller than the size 1 in Plus? Same with the models on The billboard may be different now, but last one I remember, the girl was definitely not really plus.

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