Archived HBA + electronics / no receipt return

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Jun 21, 2015
What is the return policy for no receipt return on these two categories? I was told no returns allowed at my store but I couldn't find the policy online.
Bear in mind that AP needs sometimes dictate that the policy is changed. Many stores with high shortage have limited returns in these departments due to fraudulent returns. The company policy is no different than other areas of the store: you try the return on their ID and process if they are below the limit.
Situational, use your best judgment. If you feel the situation is sketchy, then you can deny the return. There's nothing in the policy that specifies HBA and Electronic items can be denied. It's actually more open ended than that, which is great for us. If I remember correctly, the policy says we can require a receipt for any return, and can also deny a return for any reason. Of course, it's not always possible to just flat out deny a return without any cause. You never want to accuse the guest.

Some red flags for shady returns are multiples of the same item, high dollar items, multiples of high dollar items, items that look damaged and bent, like they had been concealed, and items commonly bought with coupons. Also, small, easy to conceal items as well. I've had suspicious returns where someone had a few hundred dollars worth of small Burts Bee's or No7 items. It was only about 5-6 items, but they're expensive and thus equate to a few hundred dollars. Or, I've had people try and return multiple packs of tooth brush heads or diet pills. Amope items are becoming a common item now amongst return fraud people.

Another red flag, if they'll ask to do a return, hand you their ID, and place 2 or 3 low dollar items on the counter. When you start scanning items, they'll start pulling out more high dollar, suspicious items. In cases like this, I ask for all the items they're returning. I don't play those games. So if you notice they have a bag full of stuff, that's another red flag.

For electronics items, you can always open high dollar items to confirm the contents are there. ALWAYS check serial numbers if it's a serial number product. In my store, pretty much any TV, gaming console, or Apple products get's opened even if it's been unopened. And yes, I've had guests swap expensive items for cheaper products, or just weight stuff down with heavy pieces of metal.

There are plenty of times where some instances are in that huge grey area of wether or not it's suspicious. And honestly, if it's within the ID return limit, then it's not the hugest deal. It's just annoying, and a matter of principle. ID returns are easy, because there's a monetary limit on how much people can return with it anyway. It's when people want to look up returns with gift cards, or gift receipts that things get even more complicated.
It's open season at my store because my STL is of the mindset that we make up with sales in an hour what we lose through fraudulent returns and theft. It's infuriating.
The fact that the official return policy states we can deny returns for any reason gives stores a lot of leeway. Thus, many have their own 'no HBA/electronic returns w/o receipt' policies.
If you are even slightly suspicious for HBA and Electronics returns, call for AP or the GSTL to assist you. The Vibe is dead and we are moving back to a more "common sense" return policy; that is, if the guest doesn't have a receipt, we are not required to return or exchange (though we usually still do). All of the AP and Leadership teams in my district are on GroupMe threads, and this is where we communicate a lot of theft and return fraud trends throughout the district. Chances are, if someone is attempting return fraud, they've either already tried it at a nearby store or are going to try it after attempting your store.

A few other situations to call for assistance for:
  • No-receipt returns on large amounts of apparel
  • No-receipt returns on high-dollar small appliances or bedding (e.g., Dysons, Fieldcrest comforters)
  • Same-day receipt returns from other Target stores
If you are even slightly suspicious for HBA and Electronics returns, call for AP or the GSTL to assist you. The Vibe is dead and we are moving back to a more "common sense" return policy; that is, if the guest doesn't have a receipt, we are not required to return or exchange (though we usually still do). All of the AP and Leadership teams in my district are on GroupMe threads, and this is where we communicate a lot of theft and return fraud trends throughout the district. Chances are, if someone is attempting return fraud, they've either already tried it at a nearby store or are going to try it after attempting your store.

A few other situations to call for assistance for:
  • No-receipt returns on large amounts of apparel
  • No-receipt returns on high-dollar small appliances or bedding (e.g., Dysons, Fieldcrest comforters)
  • Same-day receipt returns from other Target stores
Well I wish this information would be given to my GSTL's and LOD's. They are afraid to deny a return because the store will get dinged.
I worked returns when the VIBE was still in effect and our ETL-AP was adamant that we deny the large HBA and electronics items if the guest did not have a receipt. If they did have a receipt and the items were not purchased at our store, we would inform them to return them at the original store. If they were from our store, we would return them without the coupons attached (which I'm pretty sure is against policy, but since AP was giving that instruction, I wasn't going to question it).
Well I wish this information would be given to my GSTL's and LOD's. They are afraid to deny a return because the store will get dinged.
how do you get dinged for denying a return? My ETL AP and I tell guest service to deny damn near everything that is HBA, electronics and large amounts of softlines.
Survey scores.
As soon as you say 'No', you'll be described as 'rude, arrogant, disrespectful, yadda yadda yadda...'
Im a TPS and my ETL-AP legit had a return go like this

Guest walks up and removes items from bag

ETL: Do you have a reciept?
Guest: No
ETL: Come back when you have a recepit

The guest then placed items back into bag and left.

Im not concerned about it and my ETL will stand up for GS that denies a return.
I realllllyyyy hate doing no-receipt returns on pretty much anything that feels fishy, but our STL has a strict protocol in place to always follow the system prompts, that way we have something to back us up if things go sideways. The only merchandise we refuse upfront w/o a reciept is Apple products if they've been opened.
We only exchange no receipt return merchandise for something good from the same department. Sunscreen for sunscreen, especially if it is a super sketch return. Has been helping with fraudulent returns for sure!
If you are even slightly suspicious for HBA and Electronics returns, call for AP or the GSTL to assist you. The Vibe is dead and we are moving back to a more "common sense" return policy; that is, if the guest doesn't have a receipt, we are not required to return or exchange (though we usually still do). All of the AP and Leadership teams in my district are on GroupMe threads, and this is where we communicate a lot of theft and return fraud trends throughout the district. Chances are, if someone is attempting return fraud, they've either already tried it at a nearby store or are going to try it after attempting your store.

A few other situations to call for assistance for:
  • No-receipt returns on large amounts of apparel
  • No-receipt returns on high-dollar small appliances or bedding (e.g., Dysons, Fieldcrest comforters)
  • Same-day receipt returns from other Target stores
I don't think you can do same-day receipt returns from other stores anymore. Last time I worked GS, someone tried it and the POS told me that they'd have to do the return at the original store.
If you are even slightly suspicious for HBA and Electronics returns, call for AP or the GSTL to assist you. The Vibe is dead and we are moving back to a more "common sense" return policy; that is, if the guest doesn't have a receipt, we are not required to return or exchange (though we usually still do). All of the AP and Leadership teams in my district are on GroupMe threads, and this is where we communicate a lot of theft and return fraud trends throughout the district. Chances are, if someone is attempting return fraud, they've either already tried it at a nearby store or are going to try it after attempting your store.

A few other situations to call for assistance for:
  • No-receipt returns on large amounts of apparel
  • No-receipt returns on high-dollar small appliances or bedding (e.g., Dysons, Fieldcrest comforters)
  • Same-day receipt returns from other Target stores
I haven't received any of this info at GS. Status Quo still at our store.
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