Archived Hearing that most Macy's stores will open at 8pm on Thanksgiving Day...

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I hope spot isn't that evil. They already announced at huddle this morning it was 8 PM and the news sites etc confirmed 8 PM spot backtracking would really make him look silly like ummmmm I know I said 8 PM but ummmm but we are now opening up at 6 PM sorry for any confusion! Spot seriously stick to 8 PM!
I don't remember the pay schedule for Thanksgiving. TLs get pay, plus holiday pay, plus shift differential between ? and 8 am? Team Members get what?

If I remember correctly it is: +$1 from noon thanksgiving to 8am Friday 11/29. I also heard +0.50 for work between 10pm and 6am (the times may be wrong...) with a minimum of 3 hours worked in those time periods. (Plus time and a half for any work on Thursday).
We were told time & a half on Thanksgiving up to midnight; shift diff from midnight to 6am.
We have a sheet in tsc on the doors that lead to the floor asking for availability and volunteers for the earlier shifts. I didn't write anything on it, because while I'd rather not open that night, I wouldn't say no to it if they scheduled me to because poverty. I might sign up though. The rest of black friday is going to be a snooze fest. If I'm gonna work it, might as well work the more ridiculous part and get paid more

hmm, now that I've thought of it like that, I think I will. Actually, I won't, because I'm off and I'm not going in to sign the sheet.
Man I wish we had sign ups.....Our schedules just get put up on the board and you deal with it whether you like it or not.
I actually didn't realize how lucky we were in that regard! Last year, my etl made phone calls as she was making the schedule to see if it was okay. I ignore all calls from Target unless i'm broke and sitting around hoping to get a call, so I didn't answer, but she offered to change it afterward.

Meanwhile, I'm scheduled outside of my availability way too often, so win some, lose some, I guess.
Our ETL HR went around asking availability for "peak days" & wrote it all down & you had to sign off on it. The more available you are, the more prizes you are eligible to win at the end of 4th quarter. So I guess that's how we "signed up". Then I was talking to my TL yesterday when he was looking at the schedule and making changes and actually requested to come in Thursday night. My family does lunch/early dinner and I'm used to the craziness of black Friday/Thursday.
There was a thing posted in TSC today that supposedly there are prizes being offered for opening up your availability for Black Friday/Thanksgiving, and then the weekends leading up to Christmas. I guess you get a ticket to enter a raffle for a Target gift card (starts at $100 and goes up to 500 I think) for each day that you open up. Is anyone else's store doing this?
I swear they were asking us for hours on black friday in August. I don't even remember what I put down. We also got talk to about these possible prizes. I'm religious so I asked for just about every day you had to be there to be eligible off. But I also never win anything in my life, so I could care less.

I'm waiting for this black friday schedule to be posted the last possible minute too.
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