Archived Hello from a *permanent* team member!

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Dec 2, 2018
Hi y’all! Seasonal turned permanent TM here! I work in soft lines and I’m loving it! I’ve been lurkin on here ever since I got the job a couple of months ago, and not gonna lie, I got scared by all the stories on here. But I’m having a great time. Our store is doing a ton of soft lines renovations which is... interesting.

"Permanent" TM caught my eye, LOL. Good luck with that!
Hi y’all! Seasonal turned permanent TM here! I work in soft lines and I’m loving it! I’ve been lurkin on here ever since I got the job a couple of months ago, and not gonna lie, I got scared by all the stories on here. But I’m having a great time. Our store is doing a ton of soft lines renovations which is... interesting.

A lot of the horror stories are store based. If A&A is well staffed with TMs who really care and are willing to pull together as a team and there are good TLs who also care in the leadership role...then it can be a great work experience. The problem that many of us are finding is that our stores are not well staffed or they are well staffed with people who don't care or leadership that never checks in or puts their shoulder to the wheel to help when needed. Or their TL is a SRTL and ends up doing so many LOD shifts they have little time to spend in their dept. The workload is so CRAZY/INSANE that if we don't all pull together then we fall apart. Here's to hoping you landed in a great store and you continue to have a great time. Either way, welcome aboard! 🙂
Welcome! Try and not take the horror stories too seriously. If people are that unhappy with their job then maybe they should find someplace else to work! No one is forced to work at Target. I totally understand having a shitty boss/workload but the pay is so good that you can’t leave. However, if you have a great managagemmt system and love what you do, then enjoy yourself!!
Hi y’all! Seasonal turned permanent TM here! I work in soft lines and I’m loving it! I’ve been lurkin on here ever since I got the job a couple of months ago, and not gonna lie, I got scared by all the stories on here. But I’m having a great time. Our store is doing a ton of soft lines renovations which is... interesting.
Welcome!! If you like interesting, softlines is perfect! I’m new as well, started before the holidays as a NON-SEASONAL... lol I felt like I made that clear when I applied, but was still nervous about getting cut after the store died down.... looking back, I don’t really know why. Congrats on making the cut! And don’t worry, you’ll gain some horror stories of your own, that you can never post here, and that will make you wonder what the hell some of the people on here are complaining about... but that’s part of what makes it all fun and interesting, still beats a desk a job that rots your legs... and your soul. Also, if you hate it, you can quit!
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