Archived Hello there! Super Duper excited red shirt starting soon :)

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I can haz pda?
Aug 21, 2013
Hello, I have been around here for a week or so and thought I should write a intro here :music2:

On Wednesday I did my drug screening after accepting a conditional job offer and currently awaiting a email from the system for my orientation date and a confirmation call from the trainer.

I'm very excited to work here at Target I love the company and red is one of my favorite colors and I would never mind wearing it and I also love helping people very much and giving them a service with a smile. I'm one of those people who always notices everyone and says a "Hello!" and a "How are you doing today" even to future fellow team members in the breakroom in-store. I believe in giving the same kindness and smiles to not just the guests but to the people who you work with as it gives a good boost of positive support and you never know when it can turn around someone's day.

I'm a lover of Life and everything that it entails (Failures, Successes, Stresses, Experiences etc..) those are what have made me who I am today and have built a good foundation for the years to come it has become priceless to me. I love learning new stuff everyday and like most people I've learned that some days you're strong and some days you're not but I have figured out true strength comes from within. I've learned to always stand up for what you believe you, what you feel even if no one is by your side someone once told me "You can't change the world by yourself" I replied "Yes I can, I change the world everyday with every smile and hello and gift of kindness and caring."

There is a couple of things I tend to remind myself of time to time

1. Let your soul glow bright and others will follow by your side.
2. Always Believe you are unique inside and out. No one is else like you.
3. Don't be afraid of change it happens all the time within and around me.
4. Don't ever be afraid to chase your dreams and try and make them reality.
5. The happiest people in life don't have it all...they just made the best of the what they have 🙂

Looking forward to starting training and joining the red shirts and giving the guests a wonderful super duper shopping experience! Cheers and waiting patiently to join the team
Welcome!!! If you can keep up that attitude while at work, you will do just fine. What area will you be working in?
Welcome to The Break Room! With that kind of attitude, I think you're gonna do great. These days, Target is definitely not without its stresses, but you sound like you're more than up for the challenge. Best of luck to you.
@Corvus: Thank you very much for the welcome :good:

@Doxie: I will be starting cashier for training and get to know things better and eventually be cross trained for the Electronics Department (Thankfully the guy who interviewed me the 1st time I went in...that is his area and he saw that I'm very techie minded and told me a few things about that department) I would love working in that department for a few shifts now and then or however they'll do it

@Mrknow: I am up for it up and all the things I've learned are gonna be a great running start

I'd really like to thank this entire website and it's awesome fellow team members for being a amazing resource for information and how to's it has and will be a continuing resource for me to learn from while working there and help out people along the way as I learn and expand as well. Thank you so much and keep up the good work here! 😀

Orientation on Wednesday - Looking forward to it! (Nice long video too)
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