HELP! Any receivers/GM leaders

Apr 10, 2023
The current state of the receiving area at our store is…not great. Absolutely no organization around where to find supplies, paperwork is everywhere, and in general it seems like there is just clutter/trash everywhere. Currently in the process of trying to revamp the whole space and try to have a more organized system. That being said….it’s hard to figure out where exactly to start with the mess. I know every store is different, but hoping to get some ideas/pictures or even starting points on anything you think has benefited your store.

Also curious about how much space you allocate for vendors? What volume is your store and how much space do you give pop vendors or american greetings?

Any information or insights will be greatly appreciated!
You can check out the page for New Stores, there should be a guide on how to setup receiving for the first time in there. It includes a guide on how to properly store and label paperwork as well. There should be a seperate page detailing how ESIM should be stored too.

I don't know exactly how to reach either, but they weren't too hard to find when I was just looking through Workbench. You should also be able to just search for "receiving" and see some relevant results. I know the backroom profiling guide has the receiving light duty setup included, including part numbers for the lock cabinet and slide-out drawer if you don't already have those.
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It really comes down to how much space you have available to use. This really can change how everything is set up.
Ideally, you should have
2 skid spaces for Coke and Pepsi and one for DPSG (Potentially 2 depending on how much they sell in your store.)
1 skid space for American Greetings (technically, this should be up in the steel, but it is easier to keep it low so you don't have to boom it up and down constantly) This can expand like crazy around the Holidays, we had 4 skids at one point.

I have 2 skid spaces for ESIM. 1 is for the full bins and the other is used for the empty bins. Then you also have the ESIM sort area.
At least 4 drawers in a filing cabinet for all the paperwork, but we have 6. Then 1 skid space up in the steel to store the paperwork. Most paperwork has a 2-year retention period.
There should a space to store Excell, MJ Holdings, and Neca boxes so that when the different merchandising companies come in those boxes are all together.

There is a guide on workbench on how to set up the receiving area. I don't remember what it is listed as, but it shouldn't be hard to find. I can look tomorrow to see if I can find it. For the different document storage times, just look up 'File Retention' and there is a document will all the different files and how long they need to be stored for.
First things first... Make sure your entire or at least top leadership is good for it. Because if they're not you're wasting your time and energy. At my store the TLs are the biggest offenders and the ETLs/SD are so non-engaged they only barely give a rat's ass when a visit us scheduled and then they want a miracle from me. New ETL sent in by Group leadership two weeks ago already has that defeated look in the eye.... sorry. Check in your Vendors, do your ESIM, do your IRs and wash your hands og the rest
You can check out the page for New Stores, there should be a guide on how to setup receiving for the first time in there. It includes a guide on how to properly store and label paperwork as well. There should be a seperate page detailing how ESIM should be stored too.

I don't know exactly how to reach either, but they weren't too hard to find when I was just looking through Workbench. You should also be able to just search for "receiving" and see some relevant results. I know the backroom profiling guide has the receiving light duty setup included, including part numbers for the lock cabinet and slide-out drawer if you don't already have those.
Danka, my lock box has been broken for 6 years and I was told it's no longer available. I'm honna check tomorrow. Thank You, Спасибо, Go raibh maith agat, Gracias....
You can check out the page for New Stores, there should be a guide on how to setup receiving for the first time in there. It includes a guide on how to properly store and label paperwork as well. There should be a seperate page detailing how ESIM should be stored too.

I don't know exactly how to reach either, but they weren't too hard to find when I was just looking through Workbench. You should also be able to just search for "receiving" and see some relevant results. I know the backroom profiling guide has the receiving light duty setup included, including part numbers for the lock cabinet and slide-out drawer if you don't already have those.
So… a planogram then??
Marginally more information than "I think there's a planogram," but yes, be sure to pat yourself on the back. You nailed it.
I am glad you’ve come to the realization that more information is not always relevant/helpful : a case of less is more.
You can check out the page for New Stores, there should be a guide on how to setup receiving for the first time in there. It includes a guide on how to properly store and label paperwork as well. There should be a seperate page detailing how ESIM should be stored too.

I don't know exactly how to reach either, but they weren't too hard to find when I was just looking through Workbench. You should also be able to just search for "receiving" and see some relevant results. I know the backroom profiling guide has the receiving light duty setup included, including part numbers for the lock cabinet and slide-out drawer if you don't already have those.
Not a damn helpful thing there under my paygrade... I guess you gotta be a TL to see anything you need to know.
Your food etl or your food and bev director can find the allotted space for vendors for your particular store.
Honestly receiving is a dumping ground and with little support from leadership thats very hard to change. Even with good support its hard but I wish you luck!
I have a huge IR for books. After it’s pulled exactly how is it finished and then closed out? I’m sure this will take quite a few boxes to pack it up.
Then you go to revlog to ship it . It will give you the instructions how to . If it’s hard cover it will be shipped fedex. If it’s the Romanov novels , you tear the front cover and throw the rest of the book in your shredder bin . If it’s cd it will be crc , and you out it on the crc pallet . All the instructions of where they go would be in revlog when you go to ship it .
The batch will say pull complete and you just click okay, and that will close it .
Pull in revlog pulls
Ship in revlog .
I have a huge IR for books. After it’s pulled exactly how is it finished and then closed out? I’m sure this will take quite a few boxes to pack it up.
Don't let the box weigh more than 50lbs. I had one IR that took 4 boxes. Use the preprinted Readerlink labels. I key in total weight. Scan the shipping labels. Key in 4 boxes to be shipped. 5 will actually print put one packing slip per box and file the 5th copy. They're ready for Ups pickup.

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