Archived Help need advice please

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Aug 8, 2018
I left my position in marketing to go help in another positron but I was the only person working marketing and my manage had to speak to me. She said she wasn't sure what she would do with me. Do you think I will be fired? I am still in my 90 day trial. I wasn't hired for marketing, I was hired for the position I left to help in. I left for 45 minutes and had 2 u-boats left in marketing. Also the other position I left to help didn't ask for my help. Please help I am very scared and don't know what will happen as I am scheduled tomorrow morning
Lets not be seeing J under every rock.
We can give folks a few posts before we jump on them.

Though seriously, when did calling Market, Marketing become a thing?

And the manage (sic) you are talking about, was that a TL or an ETL?
Its a good idea to know what stripe of person you have pissed off.

If you walked off an assigned position to help someone who you weren't assigned to help and didn't ask you for help, yeah, you kind of deserve to yelled at, a lot.
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If you are asked to do that area & walked away with uboats on the floor. I would be having a chat with you. Then, put you on the front lanes to think about it.
Lets not be seeing J under every rock.
We can give folks a few posts before we jump on them.

Though seriously, when did calling Market, Marketing become a thing?

And the manage you are talking about, was that a TL or an ETL?
Its a good idea to know what stripe of person you have pissed off.

If you walked off an assigned position to help someone who you weren't assigned to help and didn't ask you for help, yeah, you kind of deserve to yelled at, a lot.

It was a LOD and took me back to the office to talk
If you are asked to do that area & walked away with uboats on the floor. I would be having a chat with you. Then, put you on the front lanes to think about it.

There were 2 uboats in the back room I didn't see and only thought I had a little left on the one I was working on and could finish it before my shift ended
What do I say when I go to work today? Should I just punch in and go work my ass off? Or go to LOD and apologize? Please help, this is my first job and I am very nervous, I like my job
Lemme guess, you hung out to "help" in electronics for 45 minutes? That's a hallmark move of the lazy-ass TMs at my store, so if your store is similar, odds are that is working against you (assuming you aren't a lazy-ass TM, just new and maybe young and not super fluent in workplace norms).

But yeah, I'd be pretty upset if I was the LOD and our only grocery TM went to another workcenter, even if it was cashiering, without clarifying first whether you should, since you're solo in your department. Solos get a pass for backup at my store. Even when I get called to cover breaks for beauty or OPU I generally stay in my assigned area and check up periodically.
What do I say when I go to work today? Should I just punch in and go work my ass off?

All day errday. Everyone does something dumb once in a while. Don’t let making poor choices become a habit.
Thanks everyone for all your help, everything is fine and I still have my job!
Thanks everyone for all your help, everything is fine and I still have my job!
Marketing is a great gig if you find the right agency. New York , Boston and San Francisco has some of the leading Marketing agencies in the world. Good luck Marketing.
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